POLITICIANS WITH THEIR MYOPIC IDEAS AND IDEOLOGY. I have said it before and I will repeat the samething that, 99% of Nigerian politicians are not after the future of Nigeria either her respective citizens. Our country is suffering from insecurity and economy breakdown but unfortunately known of them have come out to tackle this, infact they even see this issues as nothing because its does not affect them nor their families, that is why they have refused to bring an end to all this mess. Especially the so called northern elders who dont know their worth and dignity and betrayed their followers for greedyness and selfishness. Believe me or not as far as Youths of federal republic of Nigeria still garlivant around the street without what to do Nigeria security is not asured, it is only when legislooter come to their rightfully senses and pass the bill for federal government to look into the issue of youths restlessness that is when we know that our country will be corrupt free and other criminal activities. And why do me and you think they will pass the bill to create more job opportunities for Youth because,by so doing me and you will stop being political dogs or thugs and tools of violence in our societies to achieve their senseless aims and objective. Look youths the earlier we all start thinking positively and acting on the positive side the better it will be for us and our generations yet to be born by you and I.and if we did not think wise now and make mistakes hhhmmmm sorry to say but those mistakes will nt only affect us alone but also our next generations. Dear youths think wise and know who to fellow or campaign for. May Allah choose for us leaders that will lead Nigeria on truth, sincerity, trust and will love the poor, weak and voiceless masses Ameeen.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 10:10:37 +0000

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