POSSIBLE HOH SPOILERS!!!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!! NOT A SHIP SPOILER!! Nico/Renya - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nico was apprehensive about shadow travelling the Athena Parthenos. But he was down right terrified of Renya. She had been cool, calm and controlled at Camp Jupiter, but here she was wild and dangerous. The first hundred mile jump wasnt so bad, he only took twenty minutes to recover. The second jump left him gasping for forty. The third, he awoke the next morning in a makeshift tent. Hedge was snoring loudly over the other side, and he crawled slowly out of his sleeping bag, feeling like he had been run over by a freight train. The morning was bright and warm. He found Renya sat on the base of Athena, her sword at her side. She didnt look to tired. “How long have you been up?” he murmured sitting down beside her, leaving enough room to not encroach on her space. “Me and Hedge swapped at about 4 am, its now 10 am. We should get moving soon,” she replied, before tossing him a cereal bar, and heading into the tent to wake Hedge. This carried on for about four days before she actually truly acknowledged him. He woke feeling particularly rough one morning and had crawled out of the tent. She took one look at him and ordered him back inside to sleep more. They only jumped once that day and he collapsed exhausted before he could even get into the tent. On day six they were attacked. It was the second jump of the day and Nico had gone knees first into the ground. Thats when the karpoi attacked. He didnt have enough energy to even draw his sword let alone summon the dead. Thankfully they didnt seem to like being hit on the head like whack-a-mole with the coaches baseball bat and then run through with Renyas sword. But Nico felt utterly helpless as they all sat down exhausted. It was during the next few days Renya started to talk to him. It was little things at first, like when he had a random tuft of hair sticking up, but it soon progressed to bigger things, like his time in the lotus hotel and her time on Circes island. By the time they hit US soil, Nico considered the girl a friend. Then he landed them directly in front of the Roman lines surrounding camp Half-Blood. She shouted in delight, jumping up and down excitedly, before turning to him. “This is something I have wanted to do for a long time,” she said, before leaning in and planting a kiss on his lips. He gaped as she pulled away, grinning at him. “How about we stop this war together Nico,” she said and he nodded mutely, kissing her back when she leaned in again. ~Leo
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 01:00:44 +0000

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