POST NUMBER 17 3rd December 2013 So how do we do this??? - TopicsExpress


POST NUMBER 17 3rd December 2013 So how do we do this??? Continued Yesterday I spent time with someone I have known for four years now. Someone who has lived her life plan and achieved all that she set out to achieve but she is experiencing the overwhelming feeling of life just passing her by, that she is not doing anything with it. She, like many has worked very hard to achieve the career she is currently undertaking and I know she adores her husband and children. But, none the less, the sense of drifting, as though unanchored is very strong and unnerving. Everything she loves is not enough anymore and this is undermining her ability to engage in her life as she expected to when she set out to achieve her goals or life plan. Aren’t we suppose to feel happy, contented, when we tick our life plan boxes? This has been happening to people since humans began evolving, but that is not new. What’s new are the sheer numbers of us all feeling this at the same time! It is as though we have all undergone our own private earthquakes and feeling the undeniable sense of having changed, with no proof to back it up and it is the new normal for most of us. This is what is tripping us all up. There is nothing on our outside lives to substantiate or validate the changes that have happened to our perspective, or expectations or needs. The drifting feeling is literally feeling unanchored or unattached. It is as though you have all moved into deeper waters, and your anchor just won’t reach the bottom anymore. All that previously anchored you here is just not working. That sense of drifting, and feeling cut off from all that we thought we wanted and have created for ourselves, is very common now. I keep referring to this, to help remind all of us, that the impact of the earth being of a 7th dimensional vibration is that intimate earthquake for all of us. The sea of consciousness on earth has gotten a whole lot deeper now and your consciousness is expanding in all direction and with this your potential to match it. For many the process of expansion (or ascendance as some know it to be) has already begun but you are exhausting all known treatments and fixes. Many are putting it down to a form of depression. That is totally understandable as your expansion has all the hall marks and it is the only reference point health professionals have for such intensely odd and bizarre symptoms, that is a possible answer. But this “depression” is reaching epidemic proportions. The sense of feeling unattached is the fundamental sensation and symptom of your consciousness getting bigger and broader and you changing your Frequency, perception and expectations. Remember that the happiness we are all chasing has just morphed into a whole new set of expectations, look and intensely demanding of our attention. The need to extend our anchor to deeper connection with others, greater understandings, perspective and deeper trust in our intuition and gifts or abilities is why the feeling as if we are drifting is the new epidemic. There is nothing wrong with you all. Your needs and expectations and life direction are all changing, gotten a whole lot bigger and broader, and your potential gotten a whole lot bigger. When we try to apply our current template of understandings and familiar beliefs to this expansiveness or drifting it can feel as if we are no longer appropriate or relevant or drifting away from what beliefs anchored us in the past. By all means try everything you know, diets, spiritual advisers, retreats, doctors, psychologists, counselors. Just know that there is nothing in the familiar to reference what you are going through now. It is an unprecedented free falling from all we know and into the unfamiliar growing pains of your “core, essence, soul self”. So there will come a moment when the health and mental health professionals advice will feel like fluff and not work anymore. Remember it’s not you or them, it’s just that we love to work on the proviso that if it’s not working then something must be broken and needing fixing. This time I hope you will entertain the thought that it is merely adjusting to the new depths we find ourselves in. When sometimes to understand what is happening to us and find the tools to ride this wave of change is all we need. In fact you are far from broken, just needing validation, acknowledgement and clarification that you are not going crazy. It could be that you just need to go elsewhere keep searching for that professional or you are sensing that the professionals hearts can’t synchronise with yours, you can’t take what they say seriously. If they could, and you will find the gems that do, they will be able to side step all the old intellectual, clinical beliefs stuff and look you in the eyes and tell you exactly what you need to know from their hearts to yours. But again you will feel a connection with them that you can’t the others. I call this experience of drifting a “Frequency shift”. As we move through each frequency, we move through each universal consciousness dimension until we reach the one that is your souls “HOME.” As we do this our consciousness gets bigger, broader and deeper and our potential expands, all this happens through our hearts and what we need to feel relevant and have purpose in our lives changes radically. The sea has got deeper and our current anchors just too short. So how do we extend our anchors? Until next time, take care, Be strong in being you. Let your heart sing and, I promise, I will listen, Love to you all The Heart Whisperer
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 20:00:47 +0000

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