POSTED BY COREY HARTAS. On the 1st day of February 1993, I was - TopicsExpress


POSTED BY COREY HARTAS. On the 1st day of February 1993, I was born. And drama started immediately. My mum was rushed to surgery straight after delivery as I had caused severe bleeding, she lost a lot of blood and needed an emergency transfusion, a few days later she was well enough to hold me. We left the hospital and up until I was 18 months old I was your regular bouncing baby boy. Until it came time to walk....and I didnt. I would walk on my knees, go to play grounds and use my arms to climb the slippery dip, my legs simply would not cooperate, my mother took me to numerous doctors and specialist, one theory even involved me allegedly being a spastic (not derogatory literal). I was diagnosed with severe spina bifida oculta, one grade away from being Myelomeningocele. For those unsure of what spina bifida is, Spina bifida (Latin: split spine) is a developmental congenital disorder caused by the incomplete closing of the embryonic neural tube. Some vertebrae overlying the spinal cord are not fully formed and remain unfused and open. If the opening is large enough, this allows a portion of the spinal cord to protrude through the opening in the bones. There may or may not be a fluid-filled sac surrounding the spinal cord. Other neural tube defects include anencephaly, a condition in which the portion of the neural tube that will become the cerebrum does not close, and encephalocele, which results when other parts of the brain remain unfused. Spina bifida malformations fall into three categories: spina bifida occulta, spina bifida cystica with meningocele, and spina bifida cystica with myelomeningocele. The most common location of the malformations is the lumbar and sacral areas. Myelomeningocele is the most significant and common form, and this leads to disability in most affected individuals. The terms spina bifida and myelomeningocele are usually used interchangeably. Spina bifida can be surgically closed after birth, but this does not restore normal function to the affected part of the spinal cord. Intrauterine surgery for spina bifida has also been performed, and the safety and efficacy of this procedure are currently being investigated. A study conducted with mothers who had prior spina bifida births indicates the incidence of spina bifida can be decreased by up to 70% when the mother takes daily folic acid supplements prior to conception. Spina bifida is one of the most common birth defects with a worldwide incidence of about 1 in every 1000 births. When I was 2 I underwent major surgery to release the teathered spinal cord, the end result was partial to full paralysis from my knee down, I cant sense touch, heat, pain etc. from then til I was 8 I went through numerous plasters and splints in order to try and correct my feet and stenghten them, as they rotated opposite ways as a further complication from the spina bifida. I learnt to walk, I developed my own system using luckily a god given gift of a super smart brain. I literally think about every single step, its not a unconscious thought to me. I used to trip constantly and walked with a limp, I however used a sense of humour as a shield and gained many friends through kindergarten to grade 3. In grade 3, I was absent from most of the year. I went in for surgery on my legs, a bi-lateral tibial rotation and calf stretch, aswell as the fusing of my ankle joints for more support. The surgery was deemed a success but in post recovery, I complained of a severe pain in my leg, (not right as I am partially paralysed) so it was ignored, turns out my leg had swollen in the plaster and was crushing my muscles, its known as compartment syndrome, I was minutes away from losing my legs, I was knocked out rushed to surgery and had my legs cut to reduce the pressure. Apart from that it went relatively well. I went back to school in grade 4, played AFL, touch football and gained many friends and even my first girlfriend. In grade 6 I moved to QLD and went to morayfield state school, I again used comedy and a willingness to make a fool of myself to gain popularity and be accepted. Here I matured, and even being an overweight, paralysed dude was voted sports captain due to my personality and encouragement, I was the leader of cuthbert (red) and we actually won both junior and senior athletics carnivals, I felt ontop of the world. Then came the biggest leap.....high school. In between these I was still regularly attending hospital, check ups etc. Grade 8. I was scared I knew practically nobody as all my friends went to morayfield high. I was sat with Ryan Coleman. I cant remember exactly how or why but we became good friends and still are to this day. Mrs. Collins was our home teacher, in this class in an odd way. I met my best friend Lochlan Farr (Pritchard at the time). We became a tight group of friends through out grade 8 and 9, we had over 60 of us that would eat lunch together it was the best group, I dabbled in romance, Morgan McGuire, jess mulheron etc. I was suspended a lot, but still with perseverance was voted in as middle school vice captain, a role which was stripped from me mid year lol. I was never the model student but I was always the the model funny guy. In grade 10 I left school again for more surgery, on my legs. This one went bad and resulted in 8 months away from anyone, including severe staph infections, which in turn threatened my life too many times to mention, it was dark times, and I actually slipped into deep deep depression here. I went back to school but it wasnt the same, the group had ended, my best friend was with a girl and had changed, It wasnt fun anymore. Grade 11...I met a girl...Brittany gladman...she for better or worse changed my world, we dated on and off for over 18 months, until depending on who you ask...I either turned into a woman basher psycho...or she left me for another man. But thats a story for another day, I left school in grade 12 as I was sick of the prejudice clearly shown by the admin and teachers toward me. Ive lost many friends since school but have a number still close too me. It was after leaving school I found my passion. Dj work. I love it, I learnt the hardway on vinyl and eventually became pretty good. One night travelling home from a gig, I foolishly travelled thorough centenary lakes. I was assaulted and stabbed several times. The highlight, my friends coming too see me and me making them all laugh....Ive always put others ahead of through the pain. Ive been unlucky with deaths, Ive lost grandparents, close friends, even been present to a few of my friends has made me who I am today. In grade 8, I was invited to a Christian youth group, I loved it and became a Christian. I still to this day attend that church, I have my beliefs but Im not pressing them on anyone and never dude anybody, I still live a normal life and still treat everyone the same. My religion does not Change me. I can drive, I was granted my license through incredible hardship and paperwork and proving tests that I have devised a system with my feet to drive. In July 2012 I had my first car accident, of course it was with my bro Lochlan....the second after impact I checked on him first...he got out...I needed to be cut out, I ended up hurting my back further In that accident. I live on borrowed time right now. People with spina bifida and my complications generally dont live past 40, my legs are beginning to cease up, and I should be wheel chair confined in 10 years or less...and yet Im still me...I get hate on daily...and yet I still get up every day and smile and through the pain. My lifes been hard, i shouldnt even be here but I am and Im grateful, never take life for granted ever. Is it always fun? No. Is is easy? Hell no. But why let it ruin you. Cry, be sad, but never stay in that state. Chin up, head forward, move forward. Be whatever you want to be, dont let anyone or anything stand in your way. If you think you can, or you cant either way youre right, youll have critics regardless so why not just do it! This story seems rushed, jumbled and Im sure Ive left pieces out. But Im always online, ask me anything im not ashamed to answer anything. And I offer my guidance to anybody, you ever need advice, help Im here...odds are Ive been through something similar. Thank you for reading this.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 11:26:17 +0000

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