POTENTIAL AND THE NEXT GENERATION GOD DESIGNED EVERYTHING NOT ONLY TO REPRODUCE ITSELF BUS ALSO TO TRANSFER AND TRANSMIT ITS LIFE AND TREASURE TO THE NEXT GENERATION. Consider as seed. Every seed comes into this world to deliver a tree, which in turn delivers more seeds, which produce more trees, and on and on it goes. ALL ASPECTS OF CREATION POSSESS THIS GENERATIONAL PRINCIPLE. In the biblical record, God CONTINUALLY STRESSES THE GENERATIONAL PRINCIPLE IN ALL HIS DEALINGS WITH MAN. He instructed Adam and Eve TO BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY. He told Abraham that his SEED would be great and bless the earth. He advised Moses to teach the people to pass on every law and experience to their children and their childrens children. He also expressed it through Solomon in the words: A GOOD MAN LEAVES AN INHERITANCE FOR HIS CHILDRENS CHILDREN... (Proverbs 13:22). If all the seeds in the world withheld the potential of the trees within them, a natural tragedy would be the result. The bees would suffer, the birds would die, and the animals would starve to death. The genocide of man would also occur as oxygen disappeared from the atmosphere. All this would occur because ONE ELEMENT in nature REFUSED TO FULFILL THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT WAS CREATED. NO MAN IS BORN TO LIVE OR DIE UNTO HIMSELF. GOD GAVE YOU THE WEALTH OF YOUR POTENTIAL---YOUR ABILITIES, GIFTS, TALENTS, ENERGIES, CREATIVITY, IDEAS, ASPIRATIONS, and DESIRES---FOR THE BLESSING OF FUTURE GENERATIONS. YOU BEAR THE RESPONSIBILITY TO ACTIVATE, RELEASE, AND DEPOSIT THEM. This generational principle of God, the Father of creation, IS CRUCIAL TO YOUR FULL APPRECIATION OF THE PRINCIPLE OF POTENTIAL. Tragedy strikes whenever a person fails to die empty. NO MAN IS BORN TO LIVE UNTO HIMSELF. I wonder how many hundreds of people---perhaps thousands or millions---were born or are yet to be born who need to benefit from the books you have neglected to write, the songs you have failed to compose, or the invention you have continued to postpone. Perhaps there are millions who need the ministry you have yet to begin or the business venture you have not yet started. THE NEXT GENERATION NEEDS THE TREASURE OF YOUR POTENTIAL. THINK OF THE MANY INVENTIONS, BOOKS, SONGS, WORKS OF ART, AND GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENTS OTHERS IN PAST GENERATIONS HAVE LEFT FOR YOU. Even as their treasures have become your blessings, SO YOUR TREASURES MUST BECOME YOUR CHILDRENS UNBORN CHILDRENS BLESSINGS. You must not die unfinished and let the grave steal the gems of the future. DELIVER YOUR POTENTIAL TO INSPIRE THE CHILDREN OF OUR WORLD TO RELEASE THEIRS. THE NEXT GENERATION NEEDS THE TREASURE OF YOUR POTENTIAL. A WORD TO THE THIRD WORLD MIND History reveals the truth that any people who are robbed by OPPRESSION, SUPPRESSION, DEPRESSION, and SUBJUGATION of the OPPORTUNITY to activate, release, and maximize their potential suffer from the loss of GENERATIONAL THINKING. Their oppression forces them to think in terms of SELF-PRESERVATION and personal security with little thought for posterity and the future. This mentality pervades many Third World nations today, manifesting itself in an attitude and a lifestyle that encourages IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION AT THE EXPENSE OF THE FUTURE. This mind-set ultimately leads to fear, distrust, suspicion, and resentment among members of the same ethnic community. This lack of GENERATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS traps individuals in a cycle of self-maintenance and retards creativity, inspiration, and innovation. Consequently, the release of the tremendous abilities that lie within every individual is forfeited. Third World people everywhere must be delivered from this mentality. It is essential that they understand the responsibility they have to their children and their childrens children. UNTIL A MAN CAN SEE BEYOND HIS OWN LOINS, THE FUTURE IS IN DANGER. THE ESSENCE OF POTENTIAL IS NOT PRESERVATION BUT LIBERATION. Although we cannot change the past, we have the potential to chart our destiny and arrange a better future FOR OUR CHILDREN. The opportunity to blame others for the past is often before us; BUT WE CAN NEVER TRANSFER RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FUTURE TO OTHERS. YOU AND I HAVE BEEN GIVEN BY GOD ALL THAT WE NEED TO FULFILL HIS PURPOSE FOR OUR LIVES. We possess the ability to impact our homes, our communities, our cites, our nations, and perhaps the world if we dare to challenge ourselves and place demands on the vast wealth of potential buried deep within us. DECIDE TODAY TO DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR DREAM. DISAPPOINT PROCRASTINATION AND COMMIT YOURSELF TO RELEASING YOUR POTENTIAL. STOP WISHING AND START WILLING. STOP PROPOSING AND START PURPOSING. STOP PROCRASTINATING AND START PLANNING. Determine to die empty and leave the earth an inheritance THAT GIVES LIFE TO OTHERS. Remember, few things are impossible to diligence and skill. GREAT WORKS ARE PERFORMED BY PERSEVERANCE. THIS HAS BEEN ANOTHER BOOK BY DR. MYLES MUNROE, CALLED RELEASING YOUR POTENTIAL, I PRAY IT HELPS YOU AS MUCH AS IT HAS HELP ME, May God bless us ALL.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 23:54:37 +0000

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