PRACTICAL TIPS FOR ENTREPRENEURS 26: BY LORNA STEWART FOUNDER/DIRECTOR BLACK 1OO+ | CEO RENAISSANCE | FOUNDER LORNA STEWART – FIRST CLASS BUSINESS CLUB. CONFIDENCE: HAVING THE CONFIDENCE TO SAY “NO!” OR TO SAY WHAT YOU REALLY MEAN, AND TO SEVERE UNPRODUCTIVE BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS (PART 4 OF 4). (PLEASE SHARE THIS IMPORTANT POST WITH OTHERS - DO NOT KEEP IT TO YOURSELF) THE THREE GREATEST CHALLENGES FOR MOST ENTREPRENEURS ARE: - Saying “No”! - Saying what you really mean. - Making the ultimate decision to break ties with people around you who are not productive, in the way you want them to be, for the benefit of your business. You already know the negative impact that someone is having on your business; Whether this is because they are making unreasonable demands, dictating to you how to run your business, taking over/taking control, refusing to conduct themselves appropriately, not carrying out their roles or responsibilities to a high standard, refusing to do things because they don’t see why they should, using emotional ties to make you feel committed to them or simply because they do not have the right mind-set. You want to say “No! – this is not acceptable”, but you don’t know how. You already know how stressed and disappointed you feel. You already know how many times you have sat in your room/office rehearsing what you want to say. You already know how many times you have complained to yourself or to others about the problem. You already know how many times other people have brought it to your attention – but you have not addressed it with the individual. Why? Simply because it takes confidence to do this. Put simply, a lack of confidence is FEAR. ASK YOURSELF – WHAT AM I AFRAID OF? What thoughts are going through your mind, preventing you from saying what you really mean? - I do not like confrontations. - I do not want to offend them or hurt their feelings. - I do not want to come across as being disrespectful. - I have an obligation to them because… - I do not think I can manage on my own. - I do not think they will respond positively to what I have to say. - I do not think they will change or improve. - I do not trust them to do the right thing and not sabotage me or my business. - I do not want to compromise a business relationship/family relationship/friendship. - etc, etc, etc, etc, This list is not exhaustive. PEOPLE WILL TREAT YOU HOW YOU ALLOW THEM TO If someone can see that you are not challenging them by saying what you mean, they will see this as a sign of weakness in your character and will treat you and your business accordingly. Do not believe that they are unaware of how their behaviour or mind-set is impacting on your business. They simply do what they do because they are confident that you will do nothing about it. This is not about whether they believe they are right or wrong. This is about what they believe they can get away with. When someone either loses respect for you or believes they are not accountable to you, this becomes obvious. By not challenging them, you are not making them accountable. You are in fact giving them permission to do what they like with your business and behave how they choose to in relation to you and your business. TREAT YOUR BUSINESS LIKE YOUR NEW BORN BABY – YOUR MOST VALUABLE GIFT You gave birth to her (your business) and introduced her to the world. Ultimately, it is your responsibility (not someone else’s) to take care of her, to nurture her and to protect her. In order to do this you need to surround her with everything and everyone she needs to help her to grow strong, healthy and have a long sustainable life. You need to protect her from anyone (friends, family members, business associates, staff etc.) who you ‘know’ are not in her best interest. - Would you leave her in the care of someone who cannot look after her or who would ill-treat or neglect her? - Would you leave her in the care of someone who does not respect her, value her or would do things to her knowing that you would disapprove? - Would you leave her in the care of someone who would jeopardize her or put her in danger? YOU WANT YOUR BUSINESS TO FLOURISH – NOT PERISH! So take courage – Protect your baby. Take today to decide how you are going to deal with anyone associated with your business who does not add value to your business in the way that you want that value to be added. Take today to decide how you are going to deal with someone who’s conduct or mind-set is to the detriment of your business. Only you know your own personality and the personality of the other person. However, to sustain your business (protect your baby) you need to act. First of all think about what you need to say and write it down. Read it back to yourself. Ask someone who can offer constructive and objective advice for a second opinion. YOU CAN DO IT! - TAKE A VERY DEEP BREATH AND HAVE THAT CONVERSATION – YOUR BABY (YOUR BUSINESS) NEEDS YOU TO DO THIS! Arrange that face-to face meeting, Send that e-mail, have that telephone conversation you have been trying to avoid. Whatever you do, you are doing it for the benefit of your baby (your business). Don’t wait until your baby is in the emergency room (closing down) before you decide to act because by then it might be too late to save her. When challenging someone, try to do it respectfully and professionally, However, be adamant – do not waiver. If it helps, make notes in advance of what you want to say. Refer to them and rehearse them. You should be prepared for any response you might get; Remember you have given this person free reign for a while so it might be a shock to them that they are being challenged by you. However, by confronting them and addressing the issues, everyone will know where they stand. This is where their true character and yours will be revealed. It might very well be that at the end of the conversation, you decide to work more effectively together or it might be that you need to go your separate ways. Whatever you decide PUT YOUR BUSINESS AND YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS FIRST - NOT the ‘feelings’, ‘needs or opinions of the other person. They will survive with or without you and your business. Will your business survive with their negative impact? LESSON: The greatest wisdom is to know what is ‘right and best’. The greatest confidence is to do what is ‘right and best’. The greatest challenge is to marry wisdom with confidence. All of the above takes courage - which you already have within you. So wear your armour of wisdom, confidence and courage - and confront your challenges. (Quote by L. Stewart 2013) Contact Me: [email protected] Contact Me: [email protected]
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 08:24:15 +0000

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