PRAYER POINTS FOR TODAY: A DAY OF DIVINE GOAL SETTERS FOR THE KINGDOM! 1. Father, we thank You for The Miracles of Sleeping and waking up every day! Thank You for the grace of seeing another day, Accept our thanks in the Name of Jesus! 2. Thank You for divine wisdom and assistance given to us to be diligent in our in our businesses! Thank You for the wisdom for divine planning ahead prayerfully before embarking on any business knowing fully well that those who failed to plan have planned to fail! Thank You because we are on Your winning side, we cannot fail! We shall continue to be diligent in our businesses and we shall continue to reign and stand before kings and not before mean men in the Name of Jesus! 3. Father, we thank You for showing us how diligent David, the son of Jesse was before You described him as a man after Your Heart! As a son he was diligently running errands for His Father! As a shepherd boy, he was diligent enough not to abandon the sheep but he handed them to a keeper before he embarked on the trip! The carriage that took him to the battle front, he did not leave carelessly, but kept with keepers before moving into the field! He diligently prepared for his goals of becoming the son-in-law of the king and of defending The Name of His God! What a great lesson for our generation to learn from! Father, today we pray that the wisdom to prayerfully plan and meticulously worked towards the fulfilment our divinely given goals be given to us in The Name of Jesus! 4. Father, again we pray against household enmity and jealousy! We pray that the spirit of Cain will not kill our star and our dreams in The Name of Jesus! That we will not be distracted from our goals by envious criticisms and damaging or discouraging remarks from our cynic! Father, we pray that You will make all our critics and cynics eat their words as You set a table before us in their presence and as You help us to an overflowing success this year in The Name of Jesus! 5. Father, thank You for the wisdom to focus on Jesus The Author and The Finisher of our faith! The Wisdom to Trust Him with all our heart and not to lean on our own understanding! The wisdom to acknowledge Him in all our ways! The wisdom not to walk according to the counsel of the ungodly! Not to stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornful. Father our prayer today is for You to plant us beside the rivers of water, bearing our fruits in our season, that our leaves neither shall wither nor turned brown and whatever we lay our hands on shall prosper in The Name of Jesus! 6. Father, we pray today that as we focus of Jesus and our set goals with diligence and the Help of God The Holy Spirit! Father, help us by removing all obstacles hindering us from reaching our goals in The Name of Jesus! We will reach our Goals! We will fulfil purpose and we will fulfil destiny in The name of Jesus! Ever giant Goliath on our way to slow us down with the five smooth stones that spells The Name Jesus we shall bring them down! We shall use the sword of Goliath to cut off the head of every opposing goliath in this year The Name of Jesus! 7. Father, We Declare to The hearing of everybody friends and foes! That. Like You, we are goal getters! Like You, we are Winners not quitters! We know the quitter will not win and The Winner will not quit! This Year we shall be diligent! We shall be hardworking! We shall be Willing! We shall be Obedient! We shall Eat The goods of the Land standing before kings! For Christ Jesus has made us a Kingdom of Priest and Kings for His Father. We shall reign, we shall have dominion and we shall bring God all the glory in The Name of Jesus! (Amen)! Let Somebody Shout A Resounding Hallelujah! EMMANUEL=GOD WITH US!
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 03:55:42 +0000

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