PRAYER REQUEST>>>KEEP >>>>MCCHELLE TASKER>>>IN PRAYER THAT JESUS INTERECEDES FRO HER PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>Cristy >>>Receiving Son & family forgiveness and a better relationship I done so wrong that I dont deserve my sons forgiveness and of course no acceptance from him. He does not want to have anything to do with me and I totally understand. I pray for my sons total forgiveness and acceptance and that he will contact me once again. PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>Robin >>>stay employed I was at work and made a minor mistake boss suspend me for 3 days I dont want to lose my job I already have a lot of financial problems this will add to it we all learn from are mistakes for them to give me a chance and keep my job I been employed there for three years and been passionate on what I love what I do I want to stay employed there please pray that I will keep my job and be ok financial PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>Marcus >>>Moody My Current Circumstance Im hoping for to find a real christian companion who im compatable with. And my goal is to eventually have actual life with someone special. And be able to move away from by younger brother of 23yrs old. My main prayer request is that My brother has back Child Support that is owed to him for $20,000.We both are living together and are in a strain trying make ends meet.And we desire to have access to this money so we can have real life indiviual.Currently we are in need of Car.And hope to pay our bills in a timely matter. We are in NEED OF A FINANCIAL MIRCLE.a.s.a.p. PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>> Cynthia >>>Complete Healing for my friend Luiz Cancer tried to take him down once already. Praise God he was healed. The devil is a liar, now the cancer came back in the throat but in a different spot. The doctors never checked completely. My request is that the one time medicine that they are afraid to give him is his only chance they say. If it doesnt work, it may leave him paralyzed or worse. Please come in agreement with me that Luiz is healed from the top of his head to the soles of his feet NOW in the name of our Holy Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen and thank you in advance for answered prayers. I am going to pray over him on Sunday in California. He is only 44, knows Jesus as his Savior and has a very positive attitude. PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>Rebecca >>>Please pray for Robert & Joan OConnor and myself to have strenghth My Friend Robert has just been diagnosed with stage 4 Colon Cancer at age 58. His 83 YO Mother Joan who has already buried 2 of his siblings AND her Husband is unable to care for him so he is in my home and I have committed to assist him. He underwents a colostomy and is recovering from a rutured bowel. He will gegin chemo in the next few weeks. Please pray for his swift & miraculous healing, for his emotional strength and for his Mothers strength. Also, please pray for my physical, emotional and financial well being as I am self-employed. I know that I am doing GODS work and that he will provide for all of us if we simply ask in HIS name! Thank you and God Bless You! PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>Estelle>>>> Work I thank everyone for their prayers ... events are happening and things are coming into focus. This is at the one level above myself and my staff. Upper management seems to be becoming aware, but the gossip and politics are there. Asking for prayers to continue that God reveal the truth to all that pass staffs path and myself. To continue to have faith, strength and to listen to Gods message to me. Continue to bring in to the work area the quiet soldiers of faith and prayer. PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>Kate >>>work environment I need a job where I can express myself, feel more fulfilled and find meaning in the work and the people around me. I need prayers to support me through a very difficult work environment. PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>Rosa >>>Healing and deliverance from sickness in my body Health Issues I have been experiencing back pain and yellow diarrhea, tiredness and dehydration. I am in need of prayer that for the Lord to heal me. I have no medical insurance nor finances to pay for medical examinations, medicines or procedures to diagnose illness. Please join me in prayer for a healing miracle for complete healing and be made whole. Pray for deliverance from habits and strongholds that may cause illnesses. I pray in the name of Jesus and with thanksgiving I praise His holy name and receive His healing in Jesus name, Amen. PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>Christina>>> Miracles Needed Mediocre business, marriage & relationships. Need for increased direction, protection and faith. Divine protection from the enemys firey darts. Protection from evil intent directed at me and my family. To rid my home and life of unclean influences. To see exponential growth and success in my business. To have uncommon favor in the sight of God and man. To be a bearer of light & witness for Christ to all who look upon me. To use a portion of my business proceeds to help the unfortunate. To come into the fullness of my purpose. To be Christ-centered, and for Gods supernatural blessings in my life! PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>> Jacques>>>> In financial challenges Unable to meet my mortgage payments and paying bills Please pray for a miracle to make ends meet and live a peaceful life. I sincerely thank you and request for spring water PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>> Cade>>> I need help badly My ex girlfriend Shayla Hamilton and I had something very special together. We felt real love for the first time in our lives. I am a very shy guy and she is the only girl that I have ever felt comfortable around. Anyway she ended up cheating on me but it was before we even really met. We started dating through text messages and phone calls. And she hadnt got to know me and love me before she cheated on me, and after she did get to know and love me she felt so bad about what she did that she broke up with me and refused to come back. All because she feels that she doesnt deserve me. We were both truly happy together. My intentions are good and pure, but that all means nothing if we dont get a second try at this. She doesnt think very highly of herself and so she dates guys that are bad for her. They were all guys who had been in and out of jail. To be honest, I think I am the first decent guy she has ever dated. I feel so sorry for her and I love her so much. I completely forgive her for cheating on me, and I know she would never do it again. So please help me. I just dont have enough faith of my own. I pray that Shayla Hamilton comes back to me. I want to make an honest woman out of her. I want her to stop running away from happiness, just because she feels that she doesnt deserve it. PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>Curtis >>>Gods plans for me and my family im a diver working right now in SAT. at 400feet going to eaght hundred feet. i feel like im not perfioning well in the water and im under the gun to get things done. work may not be their for me if i dont do well. if god is telling me to move on to somthing else fine but what?i have five kids and a wife to proved for. please pray that me and my family are safe,give me peace and guidance so i can proved thank you and god bless. PRAYER REQUEST>>>FROM>>>William >>>Total healing My wife Esther has had and 1.)Itching condition on her arms and scalp,She has taken medication and its gone for awhile,then it returns. 2.)She also is struggling with insomnia,she becomes very fatiqued without sleep. These are cronic conditions. Please agree with me that My Wife Esther will be delivered,healed from these conditions and made whole.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 12:35:37 +0000

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