PRAYER WARRIORS: Lanie recently posted an update: “Scans - TopicsExpress


PRAYER WARRIORS: Lanie recently posted an update: “Scans came back with great news! No more tumors in my pelvis and abdomen, and the rest are small and stable! I’m so excitred. Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts. Now let’s kick the last remnants of this cancer outta here! My liver enzymes are down by half again this week. Praise God! Father, we praise Your holy name and thank You for the blessings You rain down upon us each day. We stand with Lanie and her family as they rejoice over good reports. They are tangible evidence of Your intangible grace. We pray Your continued blessings of healing and restoration of Lanie’s body, and Your peace to fill her heart and soul as she finishes this race. She has fought the good fight and has trusted You every step of this journey. Keep her in Your tender care, is our prayer in Jesus’ name, Amen. “O Lord God, with my whole heart I will praise Your holy name. May I never forget the good things You have done for me. You are compassionate and merciful. You have removed my sins from me as far as the east is from the west. Like the wildflowers, the wind blows and we are gone, but your love remains forever with those who trust in You. You have made the heavens Your throne and from there Your angels carry out Your plans, listening for each of Your commands. Let all creation praise you.” Psalm 103 From: Linda Davenport [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 11:15 AM To: Linda Davenport Subject: Praise Report and Request - Lanie Brewster (33 yrs old) / stage 4 metastatic melanoma ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please be praying fervently for Mr. Garrick. He had another heart attack and is in the hospital again. Father, in times like this our hope is found in Christ alone. He is the solid ground on which we stand as we lift this precious father before You once again. Hear our prayers, O Lord, on behalf of Ishmael. His heart is weakened by age and disease, but we pray that his faith is stronger for what he has endured. Bless the medical staff as they care for him, imparting Your divine wisdom to guide every decision regarding his care. Bless his family who has rallied around him for so long; they need Your amazing grace. May every need be met in You, through Christ our Lord in whose precious name we pray, Amen. In Christ alone my hope is found, He is my light, my strength, my song; This Cornerstone, this solid ground, Firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What heights of love, what depths of peace, When fears are stilled, when strivings cease, My Comforter, my All in All, Here in the love of Christ I stand. ~ Natalie Grant lyrics ~ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ One of our precious members has requested prayer for Jocelyn and Homer, a young couple that is expecting their first baby in a few weeks. They received bad news about the pregnancy (specific information was not given) and they are trying not to be anxious, but they are praying and asking others to join them. Father, we see the joy this precious new life has brought to Jocelyn and her husband, and we stand with them in prayer for their unborn baby. There are many details unknown to us, but You know this child intimately and we are trusting that You are holding that tiny life in Your hands. There is nothing too difficult for you, Father—we pray for this problem to be resolved and for the safe delivery of a healthy baby. Console this young couple as they cling to their faith and trust in You, is our prayer in the precious name of Jesus, Amen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please be praying for Stewart Collins (46) who was recently diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. It’s located in the middle of his brain and is wrapped around his thalamus. Stewart and his family will be driving to Duke University in Durham, NC on Saturday; he will be admitted on Sunday and is scheduled for a biopsy on Monday. His family is devastated by this news, especially since his father died of a similar tumor a few years ago. Father, You show us that our loss can become gain, for there are blessings in every circumstance. In those times of grief and pain, our faith is strengthened when we reach out to You. You wrap us tenderly in compassion and in the darkest moments, You shine the light of Your perfect love on us and we can see Your hand leading us. Lord, reveal Yourself to Stewart and his family as never before, to comfort and reassure them of Your presence. We pray for Your angels to guide and protect them as they travel. We are united by Your Spirit as we pray for the healing of body, mind and soul. Bless the doctors with divine wisdom and skill as they perform the biopsy and determine a course of treatment. In all things, may You be glorified is our prayer in the blessed name of Jesus, Amen. The Lord said, “I will lead them down a new path, guiding them along an unfamiliar way. I will brighten the darkness before them and smooth out the road ahead of them. Yes, I will indeed do these things; I will not forsake them.” Isaiah 42:16 ~`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Praise report from Callie’s mother: “Callie got home yesterday. She is on an antibiotic for the UTI and we are using her percussion vest and saline nebulizer at home to clear her congestion. She is thrilled to be back playing with Noah and Cozy and aside from the clunky cough occasionally, youd never know shed been in the hospital all this week. She just needed a little extra support to endure the double whammy of a UTI and a nasty upper respiratory virus. All is well. I cant thank you enough for all the prayer. Shes come so far. God Bless you all.” Father, we lift our praise and thanks to You for Callie’s improvement. Protect her and restore her energy as she continues to recover at home. Bless this precious family for their beautiful faith and their faithfulness, is our prayer in Jesus’ name, Amen. From: Linda Davenport [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2014 10:20 PM To: Linda Davenport Subject: Request - Callie Stapp / 8 yrs old (DiGeorge Syndrome) ~`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\ Today is a critical day for American Pastor Saeed Abedini. Iran begins celebrating its new year, a time when clemency - freedom - is often granted to prisoners of conscience. Your voice could make the difference. Last week American citizens spoke out, and Iran changed course allowing Pastor Saeed to stay in a hospital instead of being shackled in prison. This week voices have been heard at the United Nations. Representatives from both the U.S. and Germany specifically raised Pastor Saeeds name at the U.N. Human Rights Council. Through your signatures, our legal team was also able to directly present Pastor Saeeds case to the U.N., not once but twice. Pastor Saeed deserves medical treatment he is not yet receiving. He deserves freedom - to be reunited with his wife and children here in America. Now, as the Iranian new year begins, we need to hear from you again. Sign the Petition Urging Clemency - Freedom - for Pastor Saeed Today. Jordan Sekulow Executive Director American Center for Law and Justice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I received an update for Jocelyn. She had a routine screening for Strep B which is advised for all pregnant women in the last weeks of pregnancy. She tested positive and will be treated with IV antibiotics to prevent the infection from being passed to the baby during delivery. Father, we continue in prayer for Jocelyn and her unborn child. This bacteria is not uncommon in women and generally poses no serious threat, but her physician is taking precautions to prevent any problems for the baby. We ask Your blessing upon the medication so it will protect Jocelyn and the baby at the time of delivery. Jocelyn is understandably anxious, but her trust is in You. Bless her and this precious infant in the final weeks of pregnancy, is our fervent prayer in the blessed name of Jesus, Amen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jesus Wept by Anne Graham Lotz from Fixing My Eyes on Jesus Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. — 1 Peter 1:3 When have you thought, “Jesus just doesn’t care” or “If God really loved me, He would’ve prevented this circumstance I’m in”? All these thoughts crowding your mind are like seeds sown by Satan. And if you’re not alert, those seeds will grow into weeds that choke out and strangle the truth — that God loves you, that your grief is His and your pain is His... that your tears are on His face. At the grave of Lazarus, “Jesus wept” (John 11:36). He wept for no other reason than that He loved Lazarus and his sisters Martha and Mary, and this precious family was weeping. He was entering into their suffering even as one day He would ask us to enter into His. When your spirit is heavy, when your heart is broken, when your burdens seem unbearable — trust Him. Look to Him. Your tears are on His face! * * * Your Turn Have you ever thought about the fact that Jesus enters into your suffering? He cries with you. He understands your pain. Today, spend some time with your Savior and share what is hurting you with Him. He is waiting to hear from you! Join the conversation on our blog! We would love to hear your comments. ~ Devotionals Daily
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 06:31:29 +0000

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