PREAMBLE Standing on existing protocol, I would like to begin my - TopicsExpress


PREAMBLE Standing on existing protocol, I would like to begin my very brief presentation on promoting peace through religious harmony with Nigeria historical facts by drawing our attention to certain salient facts that defines the timeliness and propriety of this paper presentation. Since the amalgamation of Nigeria in 1914 Nigeria as a multi-cultural state, a multi-ethnic state, a multi-lingual state and multi-religious state has expressed the following as it relates to enthno-religious and inter-religious conflicts and tensions: 1.Incessant ethno-religious conflicts amongst northern Christians and northern Muslims 2.Incessant inter-religious conflicts amongst Muslims and Christians. 3.Incessant intra-religious conflicts amongst Christians and fellow Christians 4.Inter-religious killings and arson of more than 10,000 Nigerian citizens including women and children not counting property motivated by blinded ethnic and political sentiments. 5.Insensitive health hazards motivated by ignorance and religious superstitions: in 2003 religious and political leaders in Kano banned polio immunization, contending that it makes young girls infertile and spreads HIV – an outbreak of polio spread throughout Nigeria and neighbouring countries. The following year Kano lifted its ten months ban against vaccination in July 2004. Within the time global statistics on August 24th of the same year showed that a total of 602 polio cases worldwide, 79% was in Nigeria. The reasons for this is not far-fetched. Nigeria according to the world council of churches is heavily polarized with major denominational presence of evangelical and orthodox Christianity as well as rooted home grown indigenous mega faith based Pentecostal churches with global influences. The Redeemed Christian Church of God is in more than 140 countries and has over 20,000 parishes in Nigeria alone. The same holds true for the various Islamic sects which include the Qadriyyai, Tijamiyya, Tariga, Malikiya Ahmediya, Ishamiyya and Ixala to mention a few. The proliferation of these denominations and sects with their wide and varied theological beliefs is enough to cause tension and conflict. Several International bodies, institutions and NGOs like the World Council of Churches, The Royal Aal-albayt institute for Islamic thought, Nigeria inter-religious council just to mention a few have been working together to assuage the rising level of insecurity and socio-political tension brought about by religious disaffections. 1 The Amman Message was then distilled into three essential questions that would address and safeguard the fundamentals of Islamic thought and judgment: ‘What constitutes a Muslim?’; ‘Who has the right to issue a fatwa (juridical ruling) and under what conditions?’; ‘Does anyone have the right to pronounce takfir (declare a person to be an apostate) and under what conditions?’ These ‘Three Points’ of the Amman Message were, over the course of one year, endorsed by over 500 leading Muslim scholars all over the world in a unique, historic and unanimous international Islamic consensus (see: ammanmessage). This was the first time in modern history that Muslim scholars of all denominations have agreed on a doctrinal essence of Islam. The late Grand Imam and Sheikh Al-Azhar Professor Dr. Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi called it: ‘The best resource for all those who wish to travel along the straight path in their words and in their actions, and in their spiritual and religious life’. In Nove. 22.2012, His Excellency President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan ably supported by former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, through the Tony Blair foundation was able to convene an epoch making inter-religious dialogue where the Archbishop of Canterbury designate (Bishop Justice Welby), the Sultan of Sokoto (Alhaji Sahaed Abubakar), the president of CAN (Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor) and Tony Blair himself amongst others met to resolve pressing issues. Now, based on these antecedents the vital nature of our subject matter becomes clear. Dovetailing on Karl Marx’s famous philosophy of religion being the opium of the masses, one can say that indeed it can become the strongest inspiration for political peace and socio-cultural stability. It can become the greatest unifying force in the pursuit and promotion of peace as well as nation building. This presupposition has already been proven in the Arab world with Dubai as a reference point. Even the so called European and Western aristocracies only succeeded in building their socio-political and industrial institutions by capitalizing and taking advantage of their religious strengthens. To such an extent that In God we trust is clearly imprinted on one of the major western currencies. The question therefore arises, is it possible to settle the quarrel between the bible and the Koran? The answer is yes! Again is it possible to resolve the dispute between the mosque and the church? The answer is yes! Will the bishop and the Imam ever shake hands of peace? Once again the answer is yes. And in saying yes one, the Latin coinage E pluribus unum, out of many, make one, clearly defines the law of synergy. It emphasizes strength over weaknesses and similarities over differences. If we are to experience lasting peace in a heterogeneous society of diverse ethnic and religious beliefs, we must adopt this principle and inculcate it in the process and program of Nation building. To this end I conclude with the following recommendations: 1.National ideology: a re-orientation of mindset and thinking must take place in our national life. From cradle to couch. The British have their Union Jack, America has the American dream. Nigeria must re-engineer the one Nigeria brand – unity in diversity in private and public life. Since its independence in 1960, Nigeria has struggled to unite its many peoples, ethnic groups, and religious groups under one national identity. Ethno-religious tensions in Nigeria are complex, emotive, fluid, and a defining characteristic of the Nigerian political society. Struggling with the legacy of imperialism as diverse and distinct ethnic and religious groups are combined into one state, the Nigerian government has faced instability, distrust amongst its people, and corruption. Furthermore, memories of past injustices and oppressions which pit one ethno-religious group against another haunt modern policy making. While Nigeria continues to struggle with ethnic and religious tensions, its survival and dedication to the establishment of a strong nation indicate that citizens may be open to a national identity if the government adopts a new approach to nation-building. Instead of initiating government-run programs, the Nigerian government should focus on encouraging grassroots movements that will create a single national identity.-Laura huber Consequently ,I propose the re -introduction of the one nigeria brand. One nigeria nigeria nigeria health care system. 2.Constitutional Reconstruction: whether, through the National Assembly or through a National conference. The need to reconstruct the constitution around civil and democratic principles is a must for peace. The pursuit constitution is a military document. Little wonder it engenders strife. The heart of the constitution should be civic, not military and by civic I mean people centred. Peace and religious harmony is always people driven. 3.Religious Ethics: Ethics are set standards preassembled to manage excesses. Elsewhere government set standards for recognized religious institutions, but in Nigeria everybody is a spiritualist, a pastor, an al fa religious clerics cast aspersions at each other without any sense of decorum or respect. People open churches like shops anywhere. It is time to set standards. Thank you. REFERENCES 1.The Bible 2.The Koran 3.1999 Constitution as Amended 4.48 laws of power 5.vanguardngr 6.inforplease/country/nigeria 7.nayagut
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 14:55:25 +0000

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