PREJUDICE I felt a sudden coldness and I gained consciousness - TopicsExpress


PREJUDICE I felt a sudden coldness and I gained consciousness from my deep sleep. What could this have been, that brought me out of my deep sleep? I tried switching on the Electricity but it was a light out, but then I used the light rays of my Chinese phone. Behold, I saw death smiling at me; lying closely beside me right here on my bed. It was a snake, I mean a very big black one; the king of all snakes it was-King Cobra. My breathe left me instantly, as I saw the gate of hell and that of heaven super-imposed on each other. My de-oxygenated brain rendered its funeral hymn, while I waited for the agent of death to take me home. While I was having the visual hallucinations of Light and Darkness becoming one, then an audio hallucination of a song kept re-echoing into my ATP starved Ear. “Abide with me; fast falls the eventideEarth’s joys grow dim, its glory pass awayWhere is death sting? Where, grave, thy victory?In life, in death, O Nature, abide with me.” In my deadness, I heard faintly a sonorous voice saying; “I come in peace, please fear not!” Surely I’m in my afterlife, I said to myself, but on opening my eyes; I saw this same snake graciously smiling at me. His neck sparkled a blood red pigmentation, and with his poisonous fang he spoke unto me saying, “I am here wishing to be your friend, I wish to make your enemies my enemies; I wish to sanitize your house.” What a visitor! Whatever it is, I concluded that my death was very near. Sun shone on me and I woke up to admire it, I checked my bed but could not see my visitor. Was I dreaming? Perhaps that experience was just an imagination. I refused to think it was real, “it must have been an illusion” I said as I console myself. I walked to enter into my bathroom but then I saw seven dead rats with the body of a dead mouse. Who did this? Could it have been my Cats? But then I saw him dragging towards me a big but dead scorpion, it wasn’t an illusion but reality. King Cobra warmly greeted me, “good morning, I killed these unwanted host constituting nuisance to your house. Yes my house is a welcoming abode to strange and notorious creatures; I have daring rats who will walk without fear into my kitchen to eat of what I cooked, I have mouse who will sit on my cushion with its foul odour watching TV with me. Termites, flies are all members of my housing community. Yet I have Cats not two but three; who I employed to help bring sanity into my house. Oh, these Cats and the creatures forged an alliance against me, they became my predators preying on me and my belongings, however, I am grateful they spared my life. With the presence of my new guest, all these creatures disappeared while those he could kill he justly killed. Cobra won’t ask of food from me, he won’t sit where my friends could notice him; I think he actually came in peace. For he restored order and sanctity into my house. How will I explain to people that the restorer of the peace in my house, is that dreaded agent of death who men greatly feared. Won’t this killer someday kill me? Of a truth, he brought me happiness but I think a sinner will be a bastard not to sin; one day my life shall be cut short by King Cobra I concluded. So on this day I insisted that my friend and protector Cobra eat the food I made just for him, he objected but I insisted. So, after much persuasion, he ate my food and died! Yes, I poisoned him; for I was not sure he won’t kill me someday. I’m so sorry king, I had to kill you because I just have to. I buried his corpse, and felt relieved that I am no longer in the valley of the shadow of death. I merried and rejoiced at the victory I gained from killing a creature I chose to see as my enemy! Three days later, things changed negatively; for the tranquil I was enjoying became halted. My oppressors are back, and this time around, they are back in multitude. I now have Cats that defecate everywhere in my house, rats that feed on my toes and fingers and mice that will choke me with bad odour. This is now very terrible, as they all seem not to have compassion on me; My doctor said I am now hypertensive but why won’t I with the colony of terrorist I am residing with! Friends have stopped visiting because of my house-mates. I grow sickly daily, death-bell keep tolling on my head for the violent nature of these beasts keep increasing. Oh, in death will I rest, but I beg you; I mean you reading this, please DO NOT PITY ME FOR I KILLED MY OWN RESCUER.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 07:05:41 +0000

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