PRESS BRIEFING ADDRESSED BY COMRADE FELIX OLUKAYODE FANIRAN. M.SC, PT; FNSP, NATIONAL PRESIDENT, NIGERIAN UNION OF ALLIED HEALTH PROFESSIONALS (NUAHP) AND DIRECTOR, PHYSIOTHERAPY SERVICES, OAUTHC, ILE – IFE ON THURSDAY, 28TH AUGUST 2014. Gentlemen of the Press, you are most welcome to this press briefing aimed at addressing most recent issues in the Health Sector and the nation at large. 1.0. The Ebola Outbreak: The nation was unfortunate to have experienced the Ebola Virus disease which came to the country through an American – Liberian, Patrick sawyer on 20th July, 2014. It has since claimed the lives of at least two Nurses, one Medical Practitioner among Nigeria’s Health workers among others. It must be placed on record the commendable efforts of Governor Babatunde Fasola of Lagos state and the Honourable Minister of Health, Professor Onyebuchi Chukwu towards effective eradication, containment and treatment of the deadly disease. The first victim of this disease after the index case, was a Nigerian Nurse. This shows clearly that Nurses and other Health workers are more exposed to hazards than Medical Practitioners and that the claim by Medical Practitioners that a patient only comes to the hospital to see a doctor has been proved to be false. We of NUAHP hereby call all Nigerian Health workers are provided with Personal Protective Equipment and comprehensive Health Insurance. However, we commiserate with the family members and Professional colleagues of all the two Nurses and Dr. Adadevoh who lost their lives to Ebola outbreak. Recent NMA strike: It is no longer news that the Nigerian Medical Association embarked on a nationwide strike from 1st July and was suspended on the 25th of August this year based on twenty four points demand. In the memorandum of understanding jointly signed between the Federal Government and the Nigerian Medical Association before the suspension of the strike some of the issues purportedly agreed upon which contradicted the agreement reached with JOHESU by Government are hereby highlighted with our observation and comments. We therefore call on Government to clarify her position on these issues without further delay to forestall another round of strike in the Health sector. The issues and our comments are as follows: 1. The post Deputy Chairman, Medical Advisory Committee (DCMAC) : our stand is that this post is be abolished for the following reasons: 1.1. It was not provided for in the Act U 15 LFN 2004 that governs Teaching Hospitals. 1.2. It is not an established post in the nation’s scheme of service. 1.3. The Officers who are occupying the post are University Lecturers who are have substantive jobs in the associated University and since they are not permanent staff of Teaching Hospital, they are not eligible for the post. 1.4. The post is used to obstruct the promotion of bonafide Staff of Teaching Hospitals to grade level CONHESS 14 and 15 as Directors. 1.5. The MDCAN imposes her members only as occupiers of the post. 1.6. It constitutes a drain pipe on the finances of the Hospital and encourages fraud. 2.0. Appointment of Directors: The promotion of public Officers to Directors post is legitimate and in accordance to the schemes of service approved by the National Council on Establishment under the Chairmanship of the Head of Service who is constitutionally empowered to do so. The post of Director does not violate Teaching Hospital Act whose section 5(5) gives legality to promotion and advancement of Officers in the Teaching Hospital. 3.0. Skipping: If Government approves skipping of CONMESS 3 for Medical and Dental Practitioners, Government should be prepared to do the same for other Health Professionals on CONHESS 11 which equals CONMESS 3. It should however be noted that if Government allows Medical and Dental Practitioners to skip CONMESS 2 = CONHESS 10 or Civil Service HAPPS 11, it is quite in order because this approved by Government and which has been in practice ever since. Any attempt by Government to allow skipping of CONMESS 3 will trigger a serious crisis not only with Health Sector but service wide. 4.0. Consultancy: The decision of the FMOH that only those registerable with Medical and dental Council of Nigeria could use the designation “Consultant” is not only a ruse; it is false, incorrect, wrong and unacceptable. The circular of 18th July 2014 issued and signed by Honourable Minister of State, Dr. Alhassan is improper and unauthorized. The same circular contains paragraph 1.1 which is contradicted by 1.iv. That circular is null and void and highly contemptuous of the NICN judgement of 22nd July 2013 and should therefore be withdrawn immediately in the interest of justice and industrial peace. 5.0. Relativity: While CONMESS, the salary for Medical and Dental Practitioners was adjusted in January 2014 and Government had started paying them, similar agreement reached with JOHESU members in March of the same year is yet to be circularized, five months after collective agreement was signed between JOHESU and FMOH. Instead of releasing the said circular, Government just set up another highly unnecessary Committee to factor the cost implication into 2015 budget. We demand that Government should issue the circular not later than September and pay all our members at least 2 months arrears on or before the end of September as a matter of equity and social justice. 6.0. National Health Bill: We urge Mr. President to assent to this bill as the grey areas have been corrected to our satisfaction. 7.0. Surgeon-General: We are seriously opposed to this if it is to be permanently occupied by a Medical Practitioner. 8.0. Entry points for Medical Officers to be enhanced by extra two steps: We demand that equal treatment should be given to others in similar salary levels. 9.0. Specialist allowance/clinical duty allowance: This allowance should only be paid to honorary Consultants. We do not oppose any increase granted but such Officers are not entitled to receive Specialist allowance. We demand that Specialist allowance approved for our members since 1st January 2010 but yet to be paid since then should be paid now or at least be factored into the 2015 Budget. Those who are qualified are those who met the criteria contained in circular of 30th June 1976 signed by Mr. A.S.N Egbo, Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Health and upheld by Schemes of service of 2001/2003, the collective agreement of 2nd December 2009, SIWC circular of 8th December 2009 and NICN judgement of 22nd July, 2013. 10.0. On Harzard Allowance: We recommend that a reasonable percentage, not less than 50% of current consolidated salary be paid to each Staff. 11.0. On appointment of Chief Medical Director: We stand firmly on the provision of Teaching Hospital Act which vests the post on any “medically qualified” person. This phrase at section 5 (2a) of the act does not refer to Medical Practitioners only rather section 8 (6) of the same law gives interpretation to this section as it refers to medically qualified persons as; Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists, Nurses, Midwives and others. Therefore, any advertorial for the post of CMD or MD of any Hospital henceforth must make the post open to all Healthcare Professionals and NOT Medical Practitioners only otherwise our members shall protest vehemently to resist such action. Please refer to the memorandum of understanding of August 2013 with NUAHP vs FMOH. 12.0. Residency Training: We disagree with Government in suspending the Residency programme for Medical and Dental Practitioners because it was ill timed but there is need for overhauling of the programme. Therefore, we appeal to Mr. President to review his current action but in doing so, the programme should be expanded to include other Health Professionals who are equally entitled to Residency training. Please note that Abdullahi Bello Presidential Committee earlier recommended the commencement of Residency Training for other Healthcare Professionals since 2011. This should be implemented now. 13.0. CBN circular on Invitro- diagnostics: The NMA has no business with invitro-diagnostics. It is the domain of Laboratory Scientists therefore Government should not interfere with that CBN decision. It is in order. 14.0. Circular On Retirement Age: Since May 2012 that agreement was reached on this enabling circular is yet to be issued despite having fulfilled all requirements. We demand immediate circularization on or before end of this month of August 2014 . 15.0. Establishment of Health Trust Fund: We agree with NMA that a fund to improve healthcare services be established. Recommendations: 1.To put an end to crisis in the Health Sector, Government should allow level playing field for all health workers rather than discriminatory practices. 2. NMA and similar unregistered bodies should desist from illegal strikes and learn to comply with laws of the nation and relevant directives. 3. Yayale Ahmed Committee should conclude her assignment soonest and her report be implemented immediately. 4. An all encompassing Stakeholders Forum should be conveyed under impartial arbiters to solve all existing conflicts in the Health Sector. 5. Team spirit and team work should be embraced by all health workers and patients interest rather than self interest be taken into account at all time. 6. Government should establish a level of trust and implement agreements promptly. MWN
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 17:50:19 +0000

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