PRESS RELEASE - TopicsExpress


PRESS RELEASE DATE judicial changes PLACE REGARDING DECISIONS BY GOVT OF INDIA ABOUT JUDICIAL MATTERS SOME DECISIONS HAS BEEN ACCEPTED , BUT MANY DEMANDS REGARDING JUDICIAL MATTERS ARE WAITING, NEED IMPLEMENTATION, LEGISLATION. MR. ashok kumar convener GOVARDHAN MUNCH wo is working, struggling since year 2006 -2007 for cheap and true Justice in i.e. for ram rajya in india has congratulated govt of India for acceptance and attempt to introduce a bill for judicial commission for appointment, and transfer of high court and supreme court judges, but yet there are many decisions waiting as for - transparency, effectiveness and fast justice in our country india. mr. kumar added. , this include that about 300 posts of judges in high courts in India are lying vacant due to pendency by high court chief justices, they have not initiated proceeding for appointment of judges in high courts. - According RTI REPLY FROM UNION LAW AND JUSTICE MINISTRY IN HIGH COURTS ONLY THE CHIEF JUSTICE OF HIGH COURT AND IN SUPREME COURT ONLY the chief justice of supreme court can initiate papers regarding new appointment of judges, govt of India can not do anything in this matter. - About four crores cases are in pending in courts in india, only 45 lacks court cases are in pending in u.p high court, and 90 posts of judges are lying vacant in Allahabad high court since 11 years, it is due to non recommendation Allahabad high court. - Mr. kumar is regularly sending letters with facts to president of India under article 86{1}. 86{2} and demanding many action BY govt of India, GOVT OF INDIA has taken some [three} decisions due to effective interference of president of India honourable shri pranav muckerji, govt of india has taken following three decisions; but yet after taking decisions govt of India is not executing the decisions, to delay, to too much delay in justice matter is also injustice, delay justice is denied justice. - 1.all vacant posts of judges in high courts in India i.e. about 275 vacant posts of high court judges will be fulfilled as early. But has been not executed up till now by govt of india 2. no of judicial officers/ no of courts in all civil courts will be doubled, i.e. about 15000 special courts will be set up, still it has been not executed. 3. there will be a new bill to appoint high court, supreme court judges and the existing collegiums system will come to end. National judicilal commission bill is going to be introduce in house. Mr. ashok kumar has demanded to execute the decision according which 15000 special courts will be set up. Mr kumar has also demanded to appoint 275 high court judges as early possible after passing the bill national judicial commission. Mr. kumar is demanding functioning in Hindi and in other regional languages in high courts and in supreme court like in parliament , the only need is to appoint translators of many languages in high courts and in supreme court, when parliament can function in Hindi And in regional language, law can be made then why high court and supreme court cannot function in Hindi and in other regional language, supreme court has accepted this fact and send back the RTI OF MR. ASHOK KUMAR TO UNION LAW AND JUSTICE MINISTRTY To make rules regarding this, but yet govt of India has not make any rules in this matter. REGARDING NEW RULES REGARDING JUDGES APPOINTMENT IN HIGH COURTS AND IN SUPREME COURT INCLUDING VIGILANCE COMMISSION FOR JUDGES ENQUIRY, AND COMPLAINT AGAINST JUDGES SINCE a long time mr. kumar is demanding to include effective, Important parts of old ruling system after a deep study of old ruling system For present justice system, it is necessary and important 1. Names ,addresses , history and family some detail should be pro pagated by T.V. CHANNELS, MEDIA WHOSE NAMES has been proposed for post of judges of high court and supreme court, so that people can send their opinion and facts about these persons. Whether or not such selected person for post of justice of Supreme Court and High courts Has the qualities / ritual to deliver justice effectively, it should be examined. Now days leading lawyers are those who are dealing a large number of cases Who win a large number of cases., IT is not necessary that a leading lawyer has qualities/ ritual/ tendencies to fight for sufferer for justice. How many advocates are available in country who fight really for sufferer for justice. Such lawyer are advocating for fee, for their advantages. Advocate fight from that side who can pay more fee, money who can provide facilities and more advantages to advocate, advocate can be for side of sufferer or against sufferer, after knowing real facts from client , advocate accept any of party, any one is not concealing facts from advocates and doctor , even after knowing the real fact that someone is culprit, yet advocate struggle to save his client., how many advocate will fight for real justice? A lawyer become leading lawyer after winning a large number of cases or pleading a large number of cases, even after knowing real facts that his client is real culprit advocate fight for him and so advocate can fight for or against justice, one day such lawyer become judge , but such appointed judge has no ritual/ tendencies to fight for justice, so govt should learn this fact.. So selection of judges should be depend upon intellect power and their ritual to deliver justice, it should not only depend on number of cases and number of winning cases. One very blunder mistake ; now days when any incident occur, Till the time of hearing evidences are weaken or destroyed or affected or not recorded properly, so now there is a need of evidence court which record evidences 24 hours regarding incidences.. Executive , judiciary and legislative has been separated from each other, IN past ruling system these all powers were vested in state, and a small unit recognized by state can take judicial decisions and execute it effectively, it was in old ruling system that the small unit of state can take cognizance by self seeing, by self hearing of by receiving information by any media., they can hear and deliver justice and execute it effectively. But in present rulung system ruler has zero judicial power. Now days judges of high courts and supreme court can take cognizance about matters relating to public interest , human rights and many other matters by self seeing, by self hearing or by receiving information from any media, but presently there are about 1100 judges of high courts and supreme court in our country India, but we can not say that about 30 cases has been started By such auto cognizance power of judges. Now days people. Citizens are suffering from diseases, poverty, crimies, corruption, injustice, unemployment, and many other matters of public importance and human rights, everyone is seeing This including all judges, but judges are not taking cognizance regarding these matters. FOR completing this mission/ work, there should be a judicial commission at national level, state level which include people from social sectors, religious sectors, executive, legislative, judiciary and from other sector , such members of judicial commission should be given power to take cognizance and send it to commission for decisions. Such commission should have power to watch fault, mistake And to collect complaint against judges, and they should have power to punish, transfer after hearing. Such commission should have power to dismiss judges after hearing RULES according which two third majority of parliament is necessary to dismiss high court and supreme court judge should be withdrawn by legislation, judicial commission can terminate such judges and it should be approved by parliament, there should be such rules , need of this time. Food security bill is going to pass, but clothes, house , medicines Security bill should be passed, then no class including advocates will say that employment matter will suffer. IN PRAYER ASHOK KUMAR CONVENER GOVARDHAN MUNCH , ADDRESS, MOBILE NO AND E MAIL AS ABOVE i -
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 13:58:30 +0000

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