PREWAR... Are you ready for WAR?? “In every war, you need a - TopicsExpress


PREWAR... Are you ready for WAR?? “In every war, you need a superior weapon...the gym is your battle ground and your weapon is PREWAR” PREWAR comes from the BODYWAR NUTRITION armoury and was forged in the deepest darkest depths by the will of the undying spirits of ancient warriors and mystical beasts.. There’s even a drop of 6,000 year old dragon’s blood; scraped from the ancient battle grounds surrounding Mt. Olympus in every jar, which is said to... yeah, ok.. That stuff’s not true! But BODYWAR NUTRITION has developed a KILLER pre-workout formula called PREWAR and if you’re looking for the best formula to boost your workouts then read on!! I’ve been on PREWAR for this whole first week of the program so I wanted to give everyone a good run down, now that we can all see the week that I’ve had on it. It’s pretty obvious that it hasn’t been an easy week and it’s more obvious now than ever that I wouldn’t have made it through without PREWAR. 6 sessions, day after day of brutal torture. The mental endurance alone is unbelievable and I feel it more today, as I’m writing this because I’m not training today, haven’t had my PREWAR and I can feel all the tiredness my body has built up all week. My eyes are heavy, my brain is slow, I feel physically and mentally tired. The first things I notice when I actually DO take PREWAR though are the flavour and consistency in the glass. The new Coconut Lychee flavour tastes INCREDIBLE! I love it! And it’s more like drinking a glass of fresh, premium quality juice than typical pre-workouts which taste like flavoured water full of sherbet. The taste alone is enough to make me want to drink it each morning instead of actual juice!! Second to that I notice how quickly it starts working. I drink the whole glass and then within the next 2 minutes I already feel my body has speed up. The physical drive is instantaneous and powerful but the mental drive is where I notice the biggest effects. WORKOUT 1: this was a killer workout. Quads day! I woke up, took PREWAR and got ready to get stuck into it. I ripped and shredded, pushed and pumped all session. I set new records and I pushed through the CNS barrier. I had hearing failure after round 2 and almost threw up after the heavy lifts on round 3. It took a good 5-6 hours to get my hearing back that day but despite all this.. for a solid 8+ hours after my workout, I was still pumping all day on PREWAR. At about 8 ½ hours, I hit the wall. My brain suddenly slowed and I got real tired real fast. Up until that point, my body lacked the stamina and true energy to do a lot but I still had bouts and bursts of energy all day and got through a full day of activity without having to drag my feet. (The bouts and bursts were quite entertaining actually! Lol!) On a typical day, the results are the same. Physically, I’m beat! But the mental drive and endurance I get from PREWAR has me powering through each day even hours AFTER a HEAVY workout! Funnily enough, I’m experiencing the same bouts and bursts on an off day. Just not in the same doses. Even with all the added mental drive that PREWAR gives me, I have no issues with sleep. I’m sleeping well and I’m not having any difficulties going to sleep at night or waking up in the morning. I’ve had no nasty side effects like stomach cramps and headaches (or weird bathroom habits throughout the day); which tells me just how ‘clean’ these products are. I’m pumping off my head, setting personal records EVERY session and smashing an insane program AND I FEEL GREAT!! PREWAR has also helped in boosting my confidence, my strength, my drive, my focus, my determination and my general well being. Both mentally and physically across the board. I can’t speak highly enough for PREWAR and I’m so happy with the results that I want to share them with 2 of you!! So here’s the deal! Like and share this review. Like Dave’s Fitness Challenge and Comment as to why you should have a sample of PREWAR and I’ll pick 2 people and send each of you a sample of PREWAR to smash your best workout with!! You’ve got between now and 11:59pm Monday November 17th so get liking, get sharing and get to thinking as to why YOU should get to try the new PREWAR: Coconut Lychee flavour!! I’ll announce the 2 winners on Tuesday November 18th! Good Luck! And Happy Training! :)
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 00:40:51 +0000

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