PROBLEMS — You Can Always Put Your Finger On It When You Linger - TopicsExpress


PROBLEMS — You Can Always Put Your Finger On It When You Linger On It... He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith... (Revelation 3:6) Dear Friend, You know that, If you sit long enough in a hair salon, you’ll eventually get in the chair..right? My friend, I felt like I had to say this to you today. You see, any circumstance or situation you may find yourself in at this point in your life is only an environment you allowed yourself to linger in. You should really understand,,,,,,,,,Your reality is simply what you allow to linger in your experience and the longer you stay in an environment, the more you’ll participate in it. Whatever presence you stay in becomes the presence you induce. My dear friend, the one thing I want you to understand is that...Whenever you linger long enough in the presence of the Lord, you give birth to your future! This means your future is more important than you think. This means knowing God brings you into a presence of awareness. This means in the presence of God,, is the environment you can stand in to create your brighter future. Now, Imagine just for a moment what it would feel like to have NO Worries, Imagine taking control of your life and creating the wealth you desire. Imagine walking away from that no-good relationship you keep nursing and meeting someone who actually cares about you. My friend, stop allowing the same old problems to linger. Your change and transformation starts with one single thing and that one single thing is called action! When you take action... you accelerate transformation! “...A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good...” (Luke 6:45) My friend, I hope you aren’t lingering in the sea of doubt concerning God’s word. How many times do you need to be hurt for you to know it’s time to move on... My friend, there are some things you have to understand about good relationships... Good relationships inspire growth. Good relationships don’t waste efforts. Good relationships are normally birthed from problems. When I think of David in the Bible, it’s illuminating to see how he inherited the King’s daughter by ridding every one of the problem called Goliath. This is amazing, you see, sometimes your problems in bad relationships are signals that a new relationship is about to be birthed. This means there is a great relationship awaiting you. This means there is a stronger connection you’re about to make. This means your commitment to be in the presence of God is about to reveal something special. I really want you to think about our relationships because...Today, you can transform your relationships just by allowing Gods will to be done in your life, you can inspire growth for your future just by standing in Gods presence, you can solve a problem through action just by allowing Gods kingdom to come. My friend, I won’t waste effort with you because you’re worth it and I know... “...He that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness;)...” (II Corinthians 9:10) Stay in God presence and stay blessed!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 13:34:53 +0000

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