PROOF OF TRUE LOVE IN A RELATIONSHIP AND MARRIAGE True love is what is needed in a relationship. Relationship or marriage has some challenges that test our true love. Love is more than verbal expression, love or romantic test messages, frequent phone calls or buying of things for your spouse. There are situation that spring up and there we will know the extent your love for your spouse. When there is frequent miscarriages, what we see and hear, is that that man will start accusing the wife of carelessness, when the man looses his job, there will be cold war, when there is delay in child bearing, or when an in-law is creating trouble for the wife, then you will see some men taking side with their parents. Do you really love your spouse? Wrong Basis for Love 1. Material possession: The presence of material possession in the home that makes every one comfortable is the reason for some so- called love. 2. Money: When ever there good amount of money in the bank account, the home will experience sugar factory attitude. 3. Modern Technology: The moment someone buys a new modern technological device in the home, there is going to be happiness and merry making. But if it goes bad, there is going to be war. 4. Manner: The manner of a person will either attract or distract love in the home. A person with good manners can change due to some external uncontrollable factors affecting him negatively and that may determine if the love in the spouse is genuine. 5. Managerial Skill: There are some women that have this special managerial skill to handle and manage the things in the home judiciously, but if your love is tied to her skill why don’t you learn from her? 6. Means of lively hood: The essence of your love will be bad if is connected to the kind of Job is doing, what if tomorrow, he or she looses that job, will you still love him or her? 7. Make-ups: There is need for every one to appear neat, beautiful and presentable but that should not be the basis of your love, if in the time of accident, her face was affected, and she was advised by the doctor to stop some of her make-ups, will you still love her? Love should Sacrifice, Sufficient , Secured, Serve and be Steady no matter what happens in the home, if any challenge comes up, both parties should face it and address it, casting blame, keeping malice, segregating and molesting your selves will not solve any problem but rather it will compound the existing problems. True love will make you stand by your wife or wife or wife to be no matter the challenges. Leaving that lady or man because of his or her frequent strange experiences, ill-health, level of comprehension and assimilation, financial challenges and family background or his or her terrible past is an indication you never loved her or your love was shallow not deep rooted. Young lady jumping out frequently from a relationship in the name of looking for the man who is perfect and wealthy, will make you to eventually end up with the one who will treat you like an animal.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 13:29:59 +0000

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