PROPHECY AS IT IS PREACHED TODAY is not true. The Bible is true, - TopicsExpress


PROPHECY AS IT IS PREACHED TODAY is not true. The Bible is true, but the current prophecy was dreamed up by a man named Schofield and promoted as notes in a study Bible he wrote and adopted whole hog by the Southern Baptists and others because of the Schofield Study Bible. When I was a new Christian, everyone in the Southern Baptist church who could afford it had one (they were expensive as all get out!) Thats where it started and it has spread into other denominations. Go research Schofield on your own. He was not an honorable man. So how did his study Bible get picked up by people who WERE honorable? The whole prophecy preached today is leaps of assumption that are not even in the Bible. I am going to give you just one. They teach that the Holy Spirit will be taken out of the world and then no one will be able to be saved-in the end time. Here is their verse. I ask you to tell me where it says the Holy Spirit will be taken out. This is what I call a leap of assumption. 2Th_2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. Somebody please show me the Holy Spirit in that verse. It isnt there. But it is preached as if it is. (courtesy of Mr. Schofield). The prophecy preaching has caused Christians to leave the battle. One told me I am fighting against God because He prophesied it and it has to happen. THIS is what you are up against when a huge group accepts deception. When I asked another young pastor for help with a situation in our community that we needed to stand against he said, No because Jesus cant come until it gets really bad so I WANT it to get bad. This is how mind-controlled people talk. How honorable is that. He WANTS it to get bad. What about being salt? I ask you Christians to break out of the mind control and lets do the work that Yahweh has called us to and quit all this prophecy stuff. We are to be the salt of the earth. Not the salt of the Baptist or Methodist church--If we are the salt of the earth, that means we will flavor our culture--it means we are to influence our culture, our government, our schools--the EARTH. Lets get out there and start being salt, okay? Is anyone with me or am I all alone?
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 05:15:01 +0000

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