PROPHET MUHAMMADﷺ S PREDICTION ABOUT OTTOMANS: Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Allahumam Salli Ala Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa Alaa Aali Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa Sallim: In a conversation of Hudayfa Ibn Al Yaman (Radiallauanh) and Prophet Muhammadﷺ , Prophetﷺ Advising Hudayfa (Radiallahuanh) to follow the Way of Ottomans. Sahih Muslim Book 020, Hadith Number 4553. Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman said, “People used to ask the Prophetﷺ about good things, but I used to ask him about bad things because I was afraid that they might overtake me. I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, we were lost in ignorance (jahiliyyah) and evil, then Allah brought this good (i.e. Islam). Will some evil come after this good thing?’ He said, ‘Yes’ I asked, ‘And will some good come after that evil?’ He said, ‘Yes, but it will be tainted with some evil’ I asked, ‘How will it be tainted?’ He said, ‘There will be some people who will lead others on a path different from mine. You will see good and bad in them.’ I asked, ‘Will some evil come after that good?’ He said, ‘Some people will be standing and calling at the gates of Hell; whoever responds to their call, they will throw him into the Fire.’ I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, describe them for us.’ He said, ‘They will be from our own people, and will speak our language.’ I asked, ‘What do you advise me to do if I should live to see that?’ He said, ‘Stick to the main body (jama’ah) of the Muslims and their leader (imam).’ I asked, What if there is no main body and no leader?’ He said, ‘Isolate yourself from all of these sects, even if you have to eat the roots of trees until death overcomes you while you are in that state.’ “ From the Above Hadith, without doubt, we understand that Prophet ﷺ referring to the last Khalifa before it was abolished in 1925. Last Khilafat was of Ottomans, Prophetﷺ advising, if you cannot find Ottoman then isolate yourself from all these sects until death reach to you. Ottomans were upon Hanafi Madhab and Sufi Tariqah, following ahlus sunnah wal Jamah-the main creed of Islam.We are Ottoman Naqshbandi, we follow Ottoman Tariqah, Ottoman Shaykhs, Ottoman Way and Ottoman Madhab (Hanafi) It is clear that who is on the most authentic path and who is on the tainted paths! Whoever disconnected from Ottomans have tainted paths! Otherwise,have courage to say sahih Muslim Hadith is fabricated! So if you are against Ottomans, against Khalifas, against their way and methods, then you are from somewhere else! And the Hadith explains from where you are and your destiny! Claiming to be just a sunni or ahlu sunna or any other group does not make anyone on right path or on saved sect! The signs and rules of the saved sect is mentioned in various ahadith! You cannot take individual hadith, but the Hadith that speak about end of Times, and lay down the points you will get a clear picture. The Main body of Muslims and their Imam means Muslims and their Khalifa. The last in the line were Ottomans, and even if there is no Kbaifa, still you have to keep the ways of the main body of Muslims and their Imams, the last one in authority on Muslims were Ottomans (as Quran says 4:59), so the last one/closest one for Muslims to follow is the way of Ottomans. If Prophet ﷺ ordered his Sahabi (Companion/Salaf) to follow the Imams of the times, then what about you and me, the low level Muslims? You claim directly follow salaf (sahaba), but Sahaba were ordered to follow the Imams of the times, this is another proof to prove that Wahhabiya/Salafiya is impostors and liars, whom Prophetﷺ referring in the above Hadith, to stay away from! they are from our own people and speak our language Prophetﷺ was not Iraqi or Irani!, so the message is clear, whoever respond to the call of Wahabiya, will be thrown into hell fire! Since throwing into hell fire is an act of Dajjal in the End of Times (after Khalifa has gone), Wahhabiya is a trap established by Dajjal and his party! But people think and believe that entering in Wahhabiya/salafiya is entering in the way of Salaf! The hadith in bukhari says: people think Dajjal thrown a man into hell, infact he fell into heaven, and those who think Dajjal thrown into heaven actually fell in hell fire! As the above Hadith says: ‘Some people will be standing and calling at the gates of Hell; whoever responds to their call, they will throw him into the Fire.’ I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, describe them for us.’ He said, ‘They will be from our own people, and will speak our language.’ This is very clear for anyone to understand, today Wahhabis are those who accuse shirk and kufr on Muslims!, so people think Muslims are in hell but the wahhabi, Prophetﷺ mentioned in the above Hadith in Sahih Muslim, are the real people who throw others into hell! Dajjal will kill a person once and then bring him back to life, then he will ask him, “Do you believe that I am God?” That person will reply, “No! I am convinced that you are the Dajjaal of which the Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) informed us”. Dajjaal will throw him in his fire, which in reality will be Paradise.The narrator of this Hadith is Abu Is-haaq who says: It is commonly known that this person would be Khidr. (Sahih Muslim) Sahih al Bukhari says: Volume 9, Book 88, Number 239: Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophetﷺ said Ad-Dajjal will come and encamp at a place close to Medina and then Medina will shake thrice whereupon every Kafir (disbeliever) and hypocrite will go out (of Medina) towards him. According to Saudi laws, a non-Muslim cannot enter in Madinah or Makkah! Then how come Munafiq and disbelievers in Madinah, who follow Dajjal? It is clear from the Wahhabi belief, they believe in a God, who has hand feet and sit on the chair (throne) , also Christian believe in a god with human nature (of having hand, flesh, feet body etc) Refer Daniel 7:25 owards, and 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 on wards! So it will be Wahhabis who will be tricked by Dajjal! Ahlus Sunnah Believe: There is nothing like Allah refer Sura Ikhlas! But Dajjal have made a Kitab Tawheed to counterfeit Original Kitab Tawheed (Al Quran) to deceive people, whom ALLAH has pre-destined to be deceived!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 11:23:06 +0000

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