PROPHETIC QUESTIONS PROPHETIC PROBE (QUESTIONS THAT GOD HAS ASKED ME) By Moses Hightower (Continued) + I am for you. 81. If you have never had a host chases you, then how will you know that I am greater than the host and for you? 82. You have read about me being against armies for others, but what do you believe me to be when a host is against you? + I am the same and no respecter of persons. I am for you. 83. Now who can be against you? + The night shall not come before I have fulfilled that which I have already planned. An enemy cannot hinder my fulfillment of these inevitable things. I have offered my only begotten son for you. 84. Now how much more will I give you all things that I have destined to give you? + My love has not authored victory and defeat at the same time. My love has assured you of total victory and perfect peace. Do not allow the pains from the past to cause you to continually cry over the hurts and bruises, but look to my sacrifice, and behold the effect of all these things on my sacrifice. Now are you forgiven and healed. I took away all these things in my own body. Now are you free to come to this throne of grace as a son. My hand is stretched forth to bring you into a right relationship with me and not an unacceptable relationship. My blood has made this possible. 85. Now who will make it impossible? + Many lives have been destroyed on the waters of life because many have placed their trust in the vehicles of man and flesh. If you lean on the arm of flesh instead of the arm of the Lord, you will be sabotaged by your own unbelief. Trust in the name of the Lord. 86. Do you remember the name of the Lord that saved you while you were burning on the stormy sea of your past life? + I am not hiding my will and the right direction from you. It is clearly revealed unto those who are called according to my purpose and those who love me. Those who love me shall cleave to me. When you have left your own reasoning and your own understanding and rooted yourself in love, then will you cease worrying about controlling your destiny. Give me the controls of your life. 87. How can you relinquish the controls without giving me all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength? + When you have sought me with all your heart, that day, you will surely find me, and abide in the perfect will of God. The ship of Zion is not in trouble on the seas of life. I am not troubled, neither is my body. 88. The gates of hell are not going to prevail against my body then how will trouble in this hour prevail against you? + I have loved you and given my life for you. Greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for his friend. I have called you a friend, yet I have also invited you to become my bride. 89. Will you remain a friend, or will you yield to the willing expressions of brideship? + Turn your mind from the intellect of religion, and allow the spirit of wisdom and revelation to show you of the plain path of the royal communion along the path of righteousness. You drew nigh to me. Now believe that I have also drawn nigh to you. The blood of my offering has bridged the gap between you and me. There is no gap between my holiness and you any longer. You have access. You have freedom. You have true liberty. Now disallow the temptation to use your liberty as a cloak of unrighteousness. 90. If your good is evil spoken of, then what profit is your liberty? (To Be Continued)
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 01:59:28 +0000

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