PROPHETIC UTTERANCE A WORD OF COMFORT, EDIFICATION, ENCOURAGEMENT, EXHORTATION, AND LEARNING (1 Cor. 14:3, 31) “True Faith Is Rooted in the Principles of Omnipresence and Omniscience” By Moses Hightower These words came to me, As the individuality of fingerprints, so have I created believers in my body. I have gifted you according to my own will and purpose. I have saved you by my grace and granted you the opportunity to minister according to the ability that I give. Do not lean to your own understanding, neither seek your own way. I have awaited your total submission to me that I might lead you gently through the complicated areas ahead of you. You could not operate on the brain of a man because you are not learned in brain surgery. For one walking in the flesh, it is impossible to accomplish the task before you. If you attempt this in your own self, you will fail and destroy others while you attempt to succeed. I have a design and a plan for the ministry within you. Allow me to lead you, and you will walk through the door and through the adversaries in the door. The challenge before you is small for me. It is great in your eyesight. Remember that you are more than a conqueror through me and only through me. Do not be high-minded, neither be full of unbelief. Simply be full of trust in my ever-abiding presence and power that is working with you and through you. My grace is laboring exceedingly, abundantly, above all that you are able to imagine or think. Continue in thanksgiving and in gratitude, then will grace abound exceedingly great for you and my purpose. Do not despise the counsel that I send you, but listen and learn from the wisdom of others. Do not have a self-righteous spirit, but inquire and learn from those who have gone before you. Pride will attempt to dictate to you its own ways, but I have sent forth grace to produce more humility in you that you might redeem the time and go on to the good works ahead. You would be a high-risk for men, but unto me, you are chosen because of my purpose. I have prepared you and ordained you. Do not glory in what happens, but include others in what you are doing. Do not let the presumptuousness of others gain a place in this. Be inclusive of others rather than exclusive, and then will you gain favor of men. I have not sent you to be exalted above anyone, but I have sent you to be an example in humility and honor and integrity. The operation in soul winning is a spiritual operation by my hand. I send you to plant and water. Do not concern yourself with the increase. I give the increase. I am endowing you with wisdom that you might win souls; therefore, do not glory in what you do, but glory in the cross and my sufferings. I have seen all the things that have transpired, and I know of your disappointments. I will not allow the things that are working together to end in a bad way. All the things that have happened to you will end in a good way and in good results. Rejoice in all your pains and disappointments. All the things that appear to be bad for you may give the appearance of a ghetto and a rundown community, but remember I am the restorer. I will take these bad things and restore to you the good things of the Spirit. To the eyes of humanity, you may perceive impossibility, but by the eyes of the Spirit you will behold possibility and miracles. I will take this run down situation and glorify my name and my cross. Your labor for my name has not been in vain. Your labor of love for my name is not forgotten. Now will I show you of the faithfulness of my Spirit on behalf of the labor of love and confidence in my word. I will take every failure and create a valuable learning experience unto a profitable end. That which seemed to be a ghetto of lost purpose shall become a mansion of renewed purpose and fulfillment. The designs that were trashed by the unlearned and the uncaring shall be restored and instituted with a successful effort. Failure shall not surround your mind and prevent success from covering the area that I send you into. This is not an effort by you as an individual, but I send you to join a team of believers who have labored long and hard in this territory. Look to me, the only Lord God, and I will show you of my divine way. You have encouragement for them, and they have encouragement and wisdom for you. Do not be high-minded, but rather be humbled that I have chosen you to join in the harvest for souls. My love is upon you and in you. I am no respecter of persons. I have made no difference between the Jew and the Greek, but I have filled both with the Spirit. I will show you the way to have revival in this area. Come and follow me. I am the one that makes you fishers of men, not yourself. You do not make yourself a fisher of men. I am your maker. Rest in the security of my promises, you have sat at the feet of learned men. Now sit at my feet and be made a fisher of men. I am breathing the breath of enthusiasm in you. There is creativity in you that will bring you to a spiritual innovation of fishing effectively. I have created you in righteousness and true holiness. My ways are higher than your ways; therefore, yield to the higher ways of my Spirit. To you, this is a difficult operation. But remember, I have already accomplished the task before you arrived. I am already in the future with you. I am already in eternity to come with you. I am already in heaven with you right now. Allow the principles of my omnipresence and omniscience to work in you, then will true faith spring up and speak through you. The task before you is already finished. Now go forth with this as a foundation for your feet. Though defeat knocks you down, know of a truth that you will rise and overcome. Though death brings you to the grave, know of a truth that you will sit down in the kingdom of God with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You will survive this operation of faith. You will not die in your efforts to succeed, but I will use the actions demonstrated to encourage others and bring a more complete knowledge of me to many. I cannot fail; therefore, rejoice in my success through you which is already accomplished in the fourth dimension. Come from your smallness of human mentality and live in the greatness of the mind of Christ. You have the mind of Christ. Now live after the inspiration of this divine mind. View success according to the mind of Christ, and not according to your human mind. Make full use of your talents. They shall help you overcome. Do not rely on the flesh, but rely on me. You can do nothing of yourself, but through me you can do all things. Do not have any confidence in the flesh. If you place your confidence in the flesh, you will damage the lives of those that I have sent you to win. All that I have planned for you is coming together now. Submit to humility, and then will grace work for you unto success in all things. * PROPHETIC INSIGHT by Don Grigsby RE: RHEMA – True Faith Is Rooted in the Principles of Omnipresence and Omniscience Spatial concepts are the spectrum of vibrant faith. Light that is invisible projects into the outer bands of visible rays of brilliant hues. Infrared and x-ray reach into the unseen and make it visible. Among the dust of the formless universe, there exist galaxies that are hidden by time and distance. When eternity steps into time, it creates a suspension of existence that is not governed by any limits or definitions. Every scale of mind and measure is paralyzed by the paradigms of power that pulverize reason. Our reasoning and logic are the small dust in the door way of the entrance of eternal greatness. We sit in a world that is like a small keyhole and look through it at a universe that defies every capability that man has seen and only whispers of his power. We then must cover our ears when the entire creation shouts the deafening details of God’s declarations. If God turns the black holes of space into even greater galaxies than what we have seen, then on the other side of our trials and problems are the places of perfect promises that we can only dream about. If all the hurricane zephyrs of the heavens would take every promise and powerful presence of God, and all at once converge on our small keyhole into the heavens, we would be decimated into very small particles of immeasurable size. Our problems and trials are only to enlarge our capacity to receive even greater things from the hand of the ever-present one. We look at the harvest of souls that he has called us into, and we feel overwhelmed by its immensity. Yet, he only needs to speak the right words, and everyone in the world would lose its reservations and hesitations and get on today’s ark. On the other side of the trial is the flood of deliverance. In Noah’s day it was a flood of destruction, but in our day the deluge is the deliverance of the Holy Ghost. When we humble ourselves to the hands of the almost ridiculous, the reality of the enormous is made simple. Quantum mechanics takes the laws of entropy and reduces the earth to a parcel that is about the size of a city block. This is because at the atomic level the electrons of atoms are separated by a very large space. When fusion hurls it all together, there is tremendous energy released and everything that seems so immense gets extremely small. He who reduces a thousand years to a day has the ability to reduce natural processes that would seem to take a thousand years to immediately! As far as God is concerned, the work is already done. We just need to say, “Thy will be done” and get on for a fast ride. Events can happen too quickly for us to analyze them. It is like God’s unsearchable grace. Unsearchable in Ephesians means untraceable. In other words, we know he went in and came out with the delivered soul. Yet, we cannot see any tracks or a road anywhere. We need not go in or try to understand how. We need to rejoice in the reality that we are part of something that does not translate down into words, but he translates us upward into all that he is!
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 13:09:31 +0000

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