PROPHETIC VOICE FEBRUARY 2014 FAVORED TO REIGN JUDGES 11 You are favored to be a part of the train of February, the month designated to retake the original prophetic mandate of rulership. The foundational declaration of the exercise of dominion and demonstration of divinely orchestrated blessings is coming to pass in the lives of those who will key into the words of prophecy that February is anchored on. “And God bless them, and God said unto them …” Gen 1:28. You are created to exhibit divine blessings, exercise authority and dominion in every sphere of life and be in total control of all that God has made regardless of your social and family background. To navigate this month prophetically, the story of General Jephthah will be our guide. The story of Jephthah is a great example of wonderful turn-around that you should expect this month. The birth and family setting of this man was shrouded in controversy and thick cloud of rejection. General Jephthah Gilead was born by an harlot to Gilead. His destiny coding revealed he is designed to be a great man of valor, but the environment he was born into was inimical and unfriendly to his destiny package. What are the key issues here? 1. Son of an harlot (vs 1). The resume of Jephthah began with a disqualifying note capable of destroying his destiny. That he was born by an harlot make him a societal outcast, a complete nonentity in the scheme of societal strata of those that matters and those who can make it in life. By human standard and formula you may not fit into human categorization of success and excellence but by divine arrangement you may be destined for the top. 2. When his step-brothers grew up (vs 2). Never put your destiny and hope in the hands of human being because when time matures their heart’s intents you may be surprised the color and character they will show. Jephthah possibly grew up with his step brothers without any sign of rejection until they matured and their father died. Stop over relying on human favor and promises but rather fix your heart on God because His arrangements are also the best for you. 3. Sacked from the family inheritance (vs 2). Many potentially great destinies have been destroyed as a result of family inheritance dispute. I wonder why family wants to destroy themselves because of inheritance left by the dead father. You should think of what you can leave for others to share and not what parents leave for you to inherit. Worst are those fighting over what others apart from their immediate parents left for them. Family members fighting widows and her children over what husband and father left for wife and children. This is one big shameful thing particularly in Africa. What you don’t know is that your destiny is far bigger than that family inheritance you are dying for. Learn to provoke into manifestation your own destiny package. 4. To “Tob” to avoid silence of the tomb (vs 3). Jephthah had to flee to Tob because of the threat of his step brothers. My friend, that you are displaced does not mean you can be replaced – your divine placement can never be taken. Where God said you will reach you will surely reach regardless of that seeming delay and distractions. Sometimes to preserve you from the tomb you may be forced into your Tob. Exile is needed sometimes to prepare you for supernatural excellence. 5. Process of time (vs 4). Every purpose of God is married with the timing of God. Time processes destiny and gets us ready for our higher assignment. Divine hibernation usually precedes great glory manifestation. Remember Jesus, John and Moses how time and hibernation were used in getting them ready for full manifestation of glory and destinies. God will create opportunity for you to manifest what you carry by destiny coding. God allowed tension between Ammon and Israel so that attention can be on Jephthah. God will cause tension to draw attention to you this month in Jesus name. 6. Your adversaries will become your admirers (vs 5-10). Divine favor will cause you to experience a great miraculous turn around that will force those who hate you to admire and love you. Where you were rejected you will now be celebrated. Where you were considered a zero you will now become their hero. Where you were denied some benefits you will now become their benefactor, for God’s favor will turn things around for you. You are going to be given an offer where you will be the principal determinant of how things will be shaped. All rebels will submit in totality to you in every aspect of your life. Grace to turn things around in your favor is hovering over this month of February and you are permanently connected into that great anointing in Jesus name. NAVIGATING PRAYERS 1. Thank you Lord for the love and grace you have lavished on me to see February 2014. 2. Thank you for the great provisions you have for me and my family for this great month. 3. I stay above every negative, limiting influence and force from my family. 4. I stay above every negative, limiting influence and force from my environment. 5. I refused to be censored and controlled by any ancestral power or arrangement. 6. I withdraw my destiny from evil hands, eyes and covens. 7. Every threat and attack against my person, possessions and destiny is rendered incapacitated and useless 8. I decree that I am the head and never the tail in my family and environment in Jesus name. 9. I decree opportunities to be divinely created for my glory manifestation. 10. Everywhere I go, I am celebrated in Jesus name.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 11:19:06 +0000

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