PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: I may be judged, ridiculed, - TopicsExpress


PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: I may be judged, ridiculed, misunderstood, determined ungrateful and more. I have to make this statement so my FB family can understand Robin Williams’s death. I have a lot in common with this great actor. We have the EXACT same diagnosis and it’s a struggle each day. I have been struggling with this since the age of 12 years old, if anyone who knows my background would say I was living a lavish lifestyle and should not be sad. They say what glitters is not always gold and I won’t get into details but sometimes tragic events in some people lives takes them to places which are confusing, dark, feeling unwanted, feeling not worthy or feeling like a disappointment to others. In my culture, depression was something that was kept behind closed doors. People feared of so called telling people personal and family business that would ruin reputations. I was once told that I should never see a therapist because it would be on record and I would not be able to get a good job position (IGNORANCE). Have I ever been suicidal? ABSOLUTELY!!!...Have I attempted to kill myself? ABOSLUTELY!!!.Have I felt like I am screaming and no one hears me? ABSOLUTELY, Have I felt like I will never be good enough? ABSOLUTELY!!!. So with all this being said, to all my FB friends NEVER DISMISS a person who is Bipolar and depressed, that is the worst thing you can tell them that their feeling does not matter. Sometimes they just want someone to LISTEN and help them UNCLOG the fog that is in their mind. Help them to STOP the FLASHBACKS that plays in their MINDS. The best thing you could do is HOLD their hand and help them seek help. Call, text, stop by their residence or job, ANYTHING to show that you CARE. You won’t be able to SAVE all but you won’t know If you don’t TRY. So PLEASE STOP all the IGNORANT statements on here it’s OFFENSIVE to me if you have not lived it, seen it, experienced it, or even be around it DO NOT COMMENT!. This I had to share and my heart bleeds for this great actor. I know healing does not come overnight of this disease but EVERYDAY is another day for me to keep PUSHING on. THANK YOU FOR READING…DO NOT TURN A BLIND EYE to someone who is suffering! I have been VERY private about this BUT I had to share MAYBE others will be able to SHARE!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 02:28:00 +0000

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