PUBLIC Service announcement: Find it pretty amusing that me and - TopicsExpress


PUBLIC Service announcement: Find it pretty amusing that me and Pandora Moore are getting messages because I made a corset gown that isnt long and Victorian aka I made a Lolita cosplay - let me assuage your fears folks no one copied anyone . Ive been making Lolita designs for years (been in business since 1996 folks) and had a request to make some cosplay corset gowns that were not Renaissance , rococo, or Victorian like my long cosplay gowns because some folks like short skirts and cosplay fans like Lolita. Neither of us hold the copywrite on cosplay Lolita etc . And we find the drama rather useless thanks . Been in this business too long to deal with that mess . I now make steel boned Lolita corset dresses she makes aprons , one of these things is not like the other ! In case yall missed it for the last year and a half I have ran another line called Tracy Michelle Fantasy Costume Designer which I make cosplay and not as goth stuff outside of Azraels Accomplice Designs. In fact so does Pandora , two seperate lines one goth , one cosplay! We might both have spooky and cosplay lines, but its not very surprising that SHOCK.. goth folks are also into fandom/nerdy stuff. ..and we both you know, like to eat and pay our bills and make things that SELL, you cant make a living off goth gowns alone these least not the kind of living I want to make. In fact I rather think one of her cosplay aprons would be adorable with a one of my cosplay Lolita corset dresses . Mix and match folks lol dont hate .
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 21:55:20 +0000

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