PUNCH’S MALICIOUS EDITORIAL ON AREGBESOLA’S OSUN OPEN HEAVENS – BIOREPORTS EDITORIAL One would have thought that newspaper editorials, which should sum a paper’s policy thoughts on any issue, should be made of sterner stuff devoid of malice, mischief and prejudices. One would think that in writing an editorial, a paper should not be seen to be openly displaying vested interests and subjective analysis of issues under review. With the way and manner The Punch had elected to attack and disparage the government of Ogbeni on sundry issues, it is obvious one might be wrong in assigning a higher pedestal to newspaper editorials, especially when it concerns the Aregbesola government in the State of Osun. One is definitely pained when the apparent misnomer is from a cherished organ that one holds in the highest esteem. For the avoidance of doubts, Punch had done some couple of editorials on the State of Osun since after Aregbesola became the Governor of the State. I may not be committing the sin of hasty conclusion if I say that all the editorials Punch had done on the Aregbesola’s Administration had been in bad taste. I pray to be proved wrong. I need to ask if The Punch had not seen anything good in Osun since Aregbesola became governor to warrant a positive editorial. Our concern presently is Punch’s latest editorial, “Aregbesola’s Misguided Church Project”, in the The Punch of Tuesday January 21, 2014. It was vintage Punch on Aregbesola. Speculative, outlandish and rash! It follows what is becoming a standard Punch tradition on the Aregbesola’s administration which I am not about to change through this reaction. However, I will not fail in my to correct the ridiculous insinuations and accusations which Punch conveyed in its recent editorial. Punch’s latest grouse was the Ecumenical Center of Worship, which Ogbeni is building for Christians in Osun. Punch sees everything wrong with this idea which itself, was in fulfillment to a campaign promise Ogbeni made to Osun people when he was campaigning to be Governor in the 2007 elections! Perhaps, the faux pas Punch leveraged in disparaging this worthy project was that it is just being conceived. It pretends not to know that it was a campaign promise Ogbeni made as a run-up to the 2007 gubernatorial election. What if Osun people voted for Ogbeni based on that promise? Will Punch not be condemning him for failure to fulfill the promise? Would Punch have been happy if Ogbeni fails Osun people and provoke another charge of anti-Christianity, which I am sure some unknown elements within Punch would have latched onto to indulge in their pet project of disparaging Ogbeni? Details: bioreports.net/news/headlines/punchs-malicious-editorial-on-aregbesolas-osun-open-heavens-bioreports-editorial/
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 03:38:49 +0000

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