PUT ISRAEL INTERESTS FIRST! NO MORE PANDERING TO THE BBC. It never ceases to amaze us how the media reports every defensive measure Israel takes as if it were an aggressive offensive attack on innocents. Its as if Israel isnt allowed to defend itself. When Israel slotted a terrorist for the Tel Aviv bus bombing in 2012 yesterday the BBC reported a shoot out between Israeli forces and a militant. Now yes we all know he was a militant and we all know the word terrorist is a banned word at the BBC, but when the BBC and other media outlets then go onto interview, not the terrorists victims family but the family of the terrorists, well this really does rub salt into a deep wound. Recently a 9 year old Israeli girl was murdered; it took the BBC a week to even mention it. The BBC and Guardianists demand a two state solution and are obsessed with Israel giving up more land and abandoning settlements, but they carefully ignore the fact that their shining example of appeasement to Arabs in Gaza led to more bloodshed by making Israelis abandon their own land and then the arabs turning that land into a rocket launch pad to attack Israeli citizens. Every act, every word that comes from the BBC and western media are acts detrimental to Israeli and indeed Jewish interests! The BBC and other western networks are so obviously anti Israel, so we should be so obviously unconcerned what their views are. We call on the Israeli Government to ignore the western media and put Israel first!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 16:13:57 +0000

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