“Paid in full” 7/27/2013 ~by Rebecca Sanders SBGalone - TopicsExpress


“Paid in full” 7/27/2013 ~by Rebecca Sanders SBGalone Admin Several years ago I attended a conference where a couple of educators were presenting a workshop. I went in, sat down, and as they began the workshop I looked at the handout and was amazed to find it was actually a workshop I had previously presented myself. The booklet that was given to attendees was verbatim, the very same I had written and presented myself. I looked at the presenters and waited for them to acknowledge it wasn’t their own…to give me credit…something, anything…but they never did. They had taken my work put their names on it, made absolutely no revisions whatsoever and had no problem claiming it as their own… even with me sitting there. Don’t we do the same thing? When things are going well, we have no trouble patting our self on the back about how well we are doing. We can do nothing without God. A dear elderly lady said today “Isn’t it good that God is in control…if we were in charge what a mess we would make of things” She was absolutely right. We often forget the many blessings we have and none of them because we earned it or deserve it. In a devotion by the late Adrian Rogers he put it like this: Jesus Paid It All “But God, Who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us, even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ (by grace ye are saved). - Ephesians 2:5 Suppose your best friend offered to buy you a new car. You tell him that you can’t accept it outright and offer to help pay for the car. Then you say, “Here’s a quarter. Thank you!” Now you’re driving around, and somebody compliments you on your new car. You say, “Thanks! My friend and I bought this car.” Wouldn’t that be ridiculous? Well, that’s what we’re doing with God when we add our two bits-worth of self-effort to His grace. If you do that, you take the glory from Almighty God. When you get to heaven, all you’re going to be able to say is, “Jesus paid it all.” Yes Jesus paid it all, gladly and in full. One day we will stand before Him and all we can claim is that we accepted a free gift…paid in full. Praise God for the fact that we are Save by Grace…alone…”not of works lest any man should boast” Thank you Lord for this glorious gift for which we can claim nothing but the blood by which we are saved and forgiven. In Jesus name, Amen! PAID IN FULL! What more can we say but; "Thank you Jesus!" ~Rebecca
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 09:00:00 +0000

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