Pain. It is the loneliest place I know. I have a whole new respect - TopicsExpress


Pain. It is the loneliest place I know. I have a whole new respect for people who deal with it on a daily basis. I was at my wits end. Surgery too risky, cant live like this. Dr decided to let me try Lidocaine patches. Basically novacaine like they use when they pull a tooth, except on a patch made to soak into your skin and hopefully deep enough to get into the pain. I am amazed to report that twice in the last 48 hours I have been ZERO on a pain scale for many many hours. Got to stand and hold Grandbaby today for extended period of time, pain free. I really didnt have much hope that they were going to work. But I havent been pain free not once I can remember in at least a year. So this is either the biggest, cruelest coincidence of my life, or these things are WORKING! Now, I will probably use a cane the rest of my life, I have nerve damage in my leg and foot that cannot be reversed. And my problem will likely never go away, and Ill always have to take it easy to not hurt myself further or worse, paralyze myself. But there is a chance I may be able to live relatively pain free, and also get away from these narcotic pain killers that keep me drowsy and Im sure not doing my liver any good. So, I just wanted to share with me friends and family or anyone that cares about me what is going on in my life right now. Marg, you are a Godsend and I am indebted to you for life for the time and patience you have afforded me. I love you so much and thank you for standing right by me while we have been going through this. Thank you family and friends that have checked in on me, prayed for me etc. I am truly blessed!
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 01:21:59 +0000

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