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Pan African Radio 105.1 FM Lusaka Zambia 3 minutes ago CATHEDRAL CONFIRMATION SERVICE SERMON 30TH JUNE 2013 Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross By Right Reverend David Njovu is Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Lusaka 2 Kings 2:1-11 Galatians 5:1, 13-25 Luke 9:51-62 . Today is Confirmation day and what comes to mind of many people is the question.......WHAT IS CONFIRMATION? The answer is CONFIRMATION IS A RITE IN WHICH WE EXPRESS THE MATURE COMMITMENT TO CHRIST AND RECEIVE STRENGTH FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT THROUGH PRAYER AND THE LAYING ON OF HANDS BY THE BISHOP. The key word is MATURE COMMITMENT TO CHRIST. It is unwavering clinging to Christ. The biblical example that comes to mind is the relationship of Ruth to her mother in law Naomi. The second example is in our first reading this morning of Elisha and Elijah. In both cases the commitment resulted in blessings from God. Ruth became the mother of Obed who was the father of Jesse, the father of David. Elisha the student of Elijah, was determined to get God’s best for his life. He was willing to stay on the course until God would grant him a double portion of the spirit that was upon Elijah. Elisha had already received so much from Elijah. He had been under Elijah’s training for some time. He had seen God move upon the old prophet to perform mighty miracles of deliverance. He had seen God answer Elijah’s prayer with fire from Heaven to consume the altar and the offerings. Surely God was with Elijah. Elisha wasn’t satisfied just being one of the prophets. He understood that there was something very different about Elijah and that is what Elisha wanted to have. He didn’t settle for the life of the mediocre but charged ahead, against all odds, to become a great prophet like Elijah. As Elijah began the journey toward the time when God would take him away, his journey ahead was to be a long and difficult task. The road was long, hard and filled with pitfalls. There would be those who would oppose his going and there would be those who would choose to follow at a distance. The old prophet looked at his student, Elisha, and knew that it would be hard on him. In his heart, Elijah hoped that Elisha would be willing to follow him to the end, but he also knew that it had to be by choice. He could not and would not force Elisha to walk the path with him. Similarly with you who are being confirmed today. You are making your own choice of commitment to Christ. If someone else made this choice for you it won’t last because following Christ is not easy. AN OLD HYMN SAYS: ITS NOT AN EASY ROAD, THERE ARE TRIALS AND TROUBLES AND MANY DANGERS WE MEET; BUT JESUS GUARDS AND KEEPS US SO THAT NOTHING CAN HARM US. And Elijah said to Elisha, Stay here; the Lord has sent me to Bethel” But Elisha said “As surely as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave you” So they went down to Bethel. In times of trouble the people went to Bethel (The house of God) to ask counsel of God. Elisha, will you seek the face of God with me? Are you willing to pay the price of listening and obeying the voice of God? Will you learn of His Word and His ways? Are you willing to pay the price of being a true prophet, walking in God’s perfect will, or will you choose to take the easy road that the other prophets are taking? This is the same question being posed to you all! Will you follow close to God or will you choose the easy road! If we are going to experience God’s Double Portion in our lives, there is a price to pay. We must be willing to study, listen, learn, meditate, pray and seek God’s will constantly. It’s a life of self-discipline, self-denial and complete obedience to the leading of the Spirit. It’s a life of dedication to a higher cause, living for a higher purpose and absolute commitment to be all that you can be in Christ! Will you take the easy road or do you really want the inheritance of the Double Portion? What was Elisha’s attitude? My God is alive, what is more important than going to counsel with Him and to learn of Him? I am determined to go all the way Elijah. Let’s both go to Bethel. 2:3 The company of the prophets at Bethel came out to Elisha and asked, “Do you know that the Lord is going to take your master from you today” Yes I know, Elisha replied “but do not speak of it” Just as we see so often in our day and time, if a man or woman of God makes a total commitment to Christ, there will always be those who dwell in God’s own house who don’t think that you made the right decision. The sons of the prophets had an attitude toward Elisha because it made them feel inferior. They attempted to bring Elisha down to their level of commitment. “Why are you following Elijah? Don’t you know that God is finished with him and will soon take him away? Why commit your whole life to an old man? I am encouraged by Elisha’s answer, Yes I know all of that, but my God is still alive and I still have work to do. I want the Double Portion of His Spirit in my life. I will not settle for anything less than absolutely the best that God has in store for me. If you want to be mediocre and settle for less, go right ahead, but be quiet and leave me alone to follow as close to God as I can. Those who will raise their vision and step out from among the crowd of the mediocre will have a greater vision, a deeper walk with the Lord, a more sanctified life on this earth and they will see and experience things that no others will ever see or do. Elisha’s decision to follow Elijah was not a one-time decision. After every part of the journey Elisha was challenged by Elijah whether he would continue on the journey or find a place of comfort and stay there. Elijah knew that it would not only take, commitment and dedication but it would also take perseverance in the face of discouragement and opposition to get the Double Portion that Elisha would seek for. They had come to Jericho a good place, a place of comfort and a place where many of the sons of the prophets had chosen to spend their days in learning and teaching but never reaching very far past the walls of the city. After all, they reasoned, there are people in Jericho that must learn of the one true God just as much as anywhere else. Brother and Sister in Christ, there will come a time when we must decide whether to take the road less travelled and step out of our comfort zone, go beyond the walls of the church and step out into the unknown and dangerous road ahead. Too many Christians have found their place of rest in the Lord. They are satisfied with the Good Life that God has blessed them with. They are happy with their church, happy with their job, happy with their lifestyle, happy right where they are. There is nothing wrong with being content in the blessings of God but there is a lot wrong with not desiring to walk on into a deeper knowledge of God and there is very much wrong with not having a desire to reach out to a lost and dying world. We can’t afford to get complacent. We can’t afford to get too comfortable. We must continue on the journey and leave the comfort, safety and familiarity of our environment and step out by faith lest we are lulled to sleep and don’t keep our eyes on Jesus. Elisha once again committed his life to following his Master to very end. He would not be deterred by any who would try to stop him. Once again, he steps out from among the crowd as he travels to his destiny and the Double Portion of the Spirit of God. You will never experience the power of the Double Portion if you never step out of your comfort zone! This last leg of the journey of Elisha with Elijah is the one that brings to mind the fact that so many people give up on their walk with the Lord just a few years, a few days, a few hours, a few minutes or a few seconds away from experiencing their breakthrough. Elisha had come too far to quit now. He would not stay at Jericho and so they travelled on until they reached the River Jordan. The implications of this part of the story are so obvious, at least on the surface. The River Jordan, has always been associated with death. I believe that this was what God was trying to show Elisha through Elijah. Elisha must die to his old desires, his old dreams and his own chosen path. He must lay down his life for the Lord and then God would “water him”. God would raise up Elisha and give to him the thing he desired most, the Double Portion of God’s Spirit and Power. My dear brothers and sisters, we are going to have to go that same road if we want the Double Portion also. We must come out from among the world and come out from among those of the church who refuse to be moved like a tree planted by the water. We must die to self and allow God to raise us up by His power and in His will. There aren’t many who will make this journey to obtain the Double Portion of God’s best for their lives. Most will only go so far as to watch what happens, to praise those who continue on, to marvel at what God is doing – but they won’t commit themselves to be a part of what God is doing for fear that something may be required of them that they aren’t willing to do. Only two men would be standing in the very place where Elijah would be taken away in God’s Heavenly Chariot of Fire. Only two men, out of the multitude of the sons of the prophets, would ever experience God’s best, and only one would ever experience the Double Portion of God’s Power. Only Elisha experienced walking across the Jordan with Elijah. Only Elisha was willing to go all the way. Now, only Elisha would be granted his deepest desire – for the Double Portion. This was a wish that only God could grant. Even the great prophet Elijah had no power to “call Elisha into God’s service”. The call must come from God. May God help each one of us to strive for the best in our lives. Sermon delivered at the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross by Right Reverend David Njovu is Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Lusaka 30 June 2013 pix by Derrick Sinjela rainbownewszambia
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 15:49:44 +0000

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