Parsley The Wonder Herb Have you ever wondered how valuable a - TopicsExpress


Parsley The Wonder Herb Have you ever wondered how valuable a commonly growing plant in the backyard called, “Parsley” could be? The importance of vibrantly colored, deliciously tasting and highly nutritious parsley is often left ignored and so are its countless benefits. This relative of celery derived its name from Greek word, “Petroselinon” meaning “Rock Celery”. In ancient times the Greeks used its wreaths to adorn the tombs and crowned the victors at the Isthmian games with garlands made up of parsley. Parsley is the most commonly used herb and is available year round, where the most common is curly- leaf, the most pungent is Italian parsley (flat leaf) and the uncommon one is “Parsnip rooted” also known as Hamburg parsley; however, the pungent one is preferred more for cooking. There are almost 30 varieties of parsley. Mediterranean and European cooking is popular for the use of this herb. The benefits of parsley can be analyzed by Turner’s statement, ‘If parsley is thrown into fishponds it will heal the sick fishes therein.’ The herb cum spice cum vegetable is rich in essential nutrients like Vitamin A, B, C, E and K also it is rich in Calcium, Iron, Manganese, Phosphorous, Folic Acid and Potassium. The benefits of parsley can be analyzed by Turner’s statement, ‘If parsley is thrown into fishponds it will heal the sick fishes therein.’ Let’s see what it can do for you! FIGHTS CANCER Contained in this magical herb are some essential oils such as limoene, myristicin, eugeno and alpha thujene; all of these work as antioxidants. These oils help counterbalance the effects of various carcinogens (like benzopyrenes found in the smoke of cigarettes) and thus reduce the chances of developing cancer. TREATMENT FOR PARTIAL DEAFNESS Today many herbal medicines are being made out of parsley, that are beneficial for treating ear related problems such as ringing in the ear, ear infections and partial deafness. VITAMIN C ENRICHED Loads of Vitamin C and Iron are found in Parsley that helps in curing anemia and reduces fatigue. It improves the elasticity of blood vessels and also helps repair blood cells, as a result blood quality is improved and immune system is strengthened. Vitamin C also reduces the risk of developing arthritis and osteoarthritis. PARSLEY AS AN ANTI-INFLAMMATORY Parsley tea maintains the body’s acid and alkaline balance and reduces inflammation along with other types of pain occurring from bruises, cuts and insect bites. It also helps in healing broken skin and also stops bleeding. What can you do with the parsley? There are a variety of dishes you can make as it goes well with chicken, mushrooms, mussels, lentils, peas, fish, potatoes, rice, tomatoes, lemons and countless other foods. You can use it as a garnish for almost every dish and even the stalks are useful for adding flavor to soups, stew and stocks.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 21:15:37 +0000

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