[Part 1] Joseon Gunman Episode 14 Recap Yoon-kang is condemned - TopicsExpress


[Part 1] Joseon Gunman Episode 14 Recap Yoon-kang is condemned to the death penalty. Minister Kim and Choi Won-shin exchange satisfied looks, pleased to have outmaneuvered Yoon-kang, while Yoon-kang reels. Gojong does look rather devastated at caving to his enemies, but feeling bad about doing the wrong thing is cold comfort to the guy who’s about to lose his head. He stands alone in his inner chamber, lost. In his cell, Yoon-kang leaps up as Choi Won-shin is brought in, his fury made impotent by the bars holding him in. Choi offers up a bit of advice: A gunman cannot hesitate. In that split second, your target can disappear. At home, Soo-in struggles to hold it together when Yeon-ha asks excitedly if her brother will be let go soon and their father’s name cleared. But it’s too much to hide, and she breaks down into sobs, apologizing to Yeon-ha. Choi Won-shin bows in gratitude to Lord Kim for saving him. Lord Kim warns that the next time he won’t be so generous—Choi will be expected to kill himself if he fails again. Choi assures him that won’t happen. He pose is meek, but he and Minister Kim exchange a surreptitious look, since they’re now allied behind the boss’s back. Afterward, Choi makes the same request to Minister Kim that he’d once made of Lord Kim, to consolidate the merchant groups. He promises to use that boost to put all his support behind Minister Kim, with the goal of making him more powerful than Lord Kim. Minister Kim doesn’t have enough clout to do all that himself, but Choi has a plan in place and assures him that he’ll arrange it. That night, Soo-in visits Yoon-kang in prison. She’s here to reassure him of Yeon-ha’s situation, telling him that she is now staying with her family. She adds that she’ll bring Yeon-ha tomorrow, to allow them to say their last goodbyes. But Yoon-kang shakes his head and tells her not to bring his sister, and not to come herself either. Soo-in answers that she’ll come: “I won’t cry as I did before—I’ll come smiling. I will come looking my best to send you off.” He asks for one promise: “Even without me, don’t cry. Smile, as in the past, and live that way. Be as you were when you said you wanted to travel to the end of the sea. Don’t hurt at the thought of me. Promise me you’ll live that way.” She promises, and they do their best to smile through their tears. Morning arrives, and as Yoon-kang is transported for his execution, he spots Soo-in and Yeon-ha in the street. He gives Soo-in an entreating look and she nods in return, as though promising to take care of Yeon-ah. Once out of the city, the prison entourage travels on a mountain road, when suddenly a barrage of arrows flies at them, striking down guards. A team of masked bandits charges the guards and engages in a swordfight—their faces are covered but as far as I can see, they’re unfamiliar figures. Yoon-kang is just as shocked as his captors, but while they’re busy fighting off the ambushers he gets to work on the wooden bars, kicking at the door until the lock gives way. Even with his torso bound, Yoon-kang puts up an impressive fight, knocking down the guards who try to stop him. The lead ambusher knocks him out, and he comes to later in a strange building. HA, the leader is Officer Moon? Way to go, Mr. Stick-in-the-Mud! Who knew he had it in him to break a rule? Officer Moon escorts him outside to meet someone—a someone dressed in nobleman’s garb with a group of scholars in tow. It’s… Gojong? Omo omo. I was thinking it might be Ho-kyung, but this is even better—I officially take back all the curses I’ve been flinging at him (in my head) since yesterday. This is also very promising, since our good guys have had their hands tied by the rules while the bad guys have been breaking them willy-nilly. Time to play at the same game. The king explains that he has never once forgotten Park Jin-han and decided countless times to clear his name, but found it too difficult. “But I will not stop,” Gojong says. “One day, I will make sure to punish them by the laws of this country. And I will overturn the false charges put on your deceased father.” I find it moving that Gojong cannot look Yoon-kang in the eye as he admits all this, but now lifts his gaze as he requests, “Join me on my path.” But to his shock, Yoon-kang declares, “I cannot do as you wish. The instant my father’s killer walked free and you sentenced me to death, I abandoned all false hope. I rid myself completely of my last hopes in you and this country’s law.” Officer Moon is horrified as his disrespect, but Yoon-kang continues, “Kill me here. If you do not, I will go running straight for them—and with my own hands, I will punish them.” Officer Moon says that if it were such a simple matter to fix this by turning into an assassin, he would have done it long ago, before Yoon-kang. But he held back, for the sake of Park Jin-han’s name. Yoon-kang asks accusingly what Officer Moon accomplished all this while, while holding back for his father’s sake. Yoon-kang’s departure is blocked by guards, whom the king calls off. He gives Yoon-kang leave to go, but asks him to remember one thing: “To save you, I risked everything. I will keep my promise to you. I will clear them out and keep fighting to recover Park Jin-han’s name. If you change your mind, come to me. I will wait for you.” Yoon-kang at least bows his head to the king this time, but continues on anyway. Not knowing of this twist in plans, Soo-in’s parents worry over Soo-in’s behavior—it’s far more unnerving to see her quiet and calm, rather than crying in distress. But she explains to Ho-kyung that she’d promised Yoon-kang to keep smiling, and she intends to stay strong. Choi Won-shin pays another visit to Kaehwa official Min Yeong-ik, who attempts to distance himself from Choi. He doesn’t want to be under Choi’s thumb but is growing increasingly stuck. He tries to refuse another bribe, calling it dirty—but the trouble is, he really doesn’t have a leg to stand on anymore. Choi replies that money isn’t dirty—it’s people’s hearts that are—and makes his request/threat: Minister Kim will be working to consolidate merchant groups. He wants Min Yeong-ik to agree with him. source: dramabeans
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 05:41:25 +0000

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