Part 16 About 15 minutes after I left the courthouse, I got a - TopicsExpress


Part 16 About 15 minutes after I left the courthouse, I got a phone call from an unknown number. Hello? I said. Ebony, this is Judge King, I was thinking we could meet up at your place tonight, I mean to discuss your court matters of course. He asked. Thats perfect. I responded. I gave him my address and immediately went home to make dinner, take a shower, and try to get cute. Before I could get in my driveway good, Tae was calling. Guess what? The judge that is handling Aarons case is coming over for dinner tonight. Ill get Aaron out, well get him some help, and everythings going to be back to normal. I screeched with excitement. Ebony when are you going to learn these little conniving acts you do will never work. Have you ever thought Aaron deserves to be in jail. Tae responded. How could you say that? I told you what happened, I told you everything Tae, you know youre brother better than anybody, why the change of heart? I asked. Look, let it go, stop trying to fix shit. And Im coming to get more clothes for Quéona later... He responded. Dont bother, Ill come pick her up when Judge King leaves. I hung up the phone. I couldnt believe Tae didnt support me in this. I figured he would better than anyone else. I was wrong. I cooked a delicious home made lasagna, salad, corn on the cob, with a big bottle of Pinot Grigio. I figured if he had gotten a DUI once, he wouldnt mind drinking some tonight. My plan was too seduce him and have some dirt to blackmail him into releasing Aaron after his trail that was coming up. I know its trifling, but Im a good wife. He got there a little after 8 and my plan was in action. Oh my Ms. Ebony it smells like heaven in here. He said while dusting his feet off and taking off his coat. Thank you Judge King, let me take that for you. I asked while reaching for his coat. Call me Daniel. He responded. We sat down to eat and I felt like a was truly on a mission. I laughed flirtatiously at all of his jokes, and continued to pour the wine, in hopes that he would get so tipsy he would have to sleep with me. I would record our acts and then be able to use them against him. After all, he was married with 5 children, and 4 grandchildren. Now what exactly is going on? He asked. My husband Aaron is being held under false pretenses. Everyone thinks he tried to kill me, but he didnt. I know Aaron, I know his ways of thinking, it was a big misunderstanding. I said with confidence. Wait, the same husband that escaped from jail and came here and raped you? He asked while wiping marinara off his face. Yes, no, thats not how it happened. Hes just really overwhelmed right now. There has to be something you can do to help. I said while standing up to show off every dimension of my body. Here let me help you. I said while reaching over to wipe the wine off of his lap. Excuse me! He shouted, I think were done here. He got up from the table to leave. But wait, are you going to help me! I asked. Get a damn good lawyer Ms. Johnson. He responded with rage. I felt old and unwanted. I couldnt remember a time when a man could resist me. Something wasnt right. As he walked towards the door I felt defeated. I know things seemed strange but I just wanted everything to be normal again. He opened the door to leave and there was Tae and Quéona here to pick up some extra clothes for my baby. Mommy!!! She screamed while running towards me. Hello love muffin! I miss you! I kissed her forehead softly and we began to walk upstairs. Judge King? Tae asked while holding his hand out. Devontae, how are you, staying out of trouble? He asked Tae. Judging from the newspaper I could ask you the same thing. Tae responded and they both chuckled. He was just leaving, I shouted from the stairs. Goodnight Daniel! I said sarcastically. I got up the stairs and my baby girl had so much to tell me! She was in desperate need of girl time, I could see it all over her face. Mommy, can I come home now? She asked while making herself comfortable in her bed. Of course you can baby, of course, uncle Tae was just worried about you, but were okay now. I responded while grazing her long curly hair. I know, he told me. She responded. Told you what? I asked with curiosity, nervous that Tae may have spoke negatively about Aaron in front of her. Even with everything that has happened, I still didnt want her to think bad about her father. He cries everyday, she said. Who cries baby? Who? I asked with anticipation. Uncle Tae cries, and when I asked him why, he said its because he misses daddy. She said and my heart sunk. Tae always appeared to not give a damn about his brother but the truth is, he was pretty much the most important man in his life. Im confused mommy. She asked as I began to pick out her clothes for school. About what baby? I asked. If daddy and Uncle Tae are brothers, and you and Uncle Tae are brothers, then how did you marry daddy? She asked, while yawning. Ill explain it to you when you get older baby, go to sleep. I responded nervously, thinking about how I would explain that when she gets older. After she drifted off to sleep, I made my way back downstairs to let her uncle know she would be staying with me and that he could take the left over lasagna home for Jackson and Justin. I made it to the kitchen and he was no where to be found. Tae? I called out, but there was no response. I looked at the dining room table and noticed both he and Judge Kings keys were on the table. I figured they must have been talking so I went to peek out of the window to see if they were outside. But there was no one there. I quietly walked through my house in hopes that I would hear Tae attempting to convince Judge King to reconsider his approach on Aarons case. I heard something strange coming from my living room but I wasnt quite sure what is was. Tae? I whispered. I heard him moaning softly. What in the hell.. I thought to myself. My heart dropped when I laid eyes on what was going on my couch. Tae gave me a thumbs up as Judge King went down on him. I took my phone out to take pictures. My plan was back in action. Damn I love my brother. To Be Continued...
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 22:26:32 +0000

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