Part 2 I heard Vanessa screaming Jay’s name, but it was like - TopicsExpress


Part 2 I heard Vanessa screaming Jay’s name, but it was like Jay didn’t hear her, because he kept moving forward. Even for a minute I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming or if it happened for real. Well to honest. It felt unreal, I was walking with a boy, I dreamed about, a lot, and he was holding my arm. It looked like every student that saw us, looked surprised. They were probably just as surprised as I was. “So, what happened before Bio between you and Vanessa?” Jay asked without hesitation. His question shocked me. I stumbled, “Do you really want to know Jay?” Jay looked at me with his beautiful eyes, his puppy dog eyes. “Yeah, I really want to know Lucy, that’s way I’m asking you what happened.” I was a little bit nervous to talk to him but before I wanted to start explaining him what happened, Ashley did all talking. And to be honest, I was grateful “This morning we bumped,” Ashley said with a mean smile, “into Vanessa, she asked what we were doing at school and then called us the two biggest losers in school” Ashley now had mean smile on her face. Jay still didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. Ashley wanted to say more. But I stopped her before she could say more. “Jay, I said to Vanessa that she had no brain, I said to her that I was glad that she was the one that told Ashley and me that we were the two biggest losers in school.” The whole time I talked to Jay I kept looking down. I was afraid for his reaction. Afraid of what he might say. “You really said that to Vanessa, Lucy?” Jay said with a big smile on his face that I could hear it in his voice. “Oh yeah, you got that right, she said that to Vanessa.” Ashley said that so quickly that I didn’t had time to stop her. Jay stopped walking and put his hand under my chin and lifted my head. Meanwhile my heart was racing; it was pounding out of my chest. He looked me right in the eyes. “Lucy, I didn’t know you had in you. You’ve got some nerves. You’re probably the first who goes against the will of Vanessa.” I heard in his voice that he was truly proud of me. “What do you mean the will of Vanessa?” I didn’t quite understand what he meant. “Well, Vanessa is used to get everything she wants and everything goes her way, the way she wants.” While he said that, he looked at me with his puppy dog eyes. I didn’t know what to say anymore. But I managed to whisper “She’s your girlfriend.” I was glad he didn’t hear me. Or did he? But he refused to give me an answer. I knew, it was stupid thing to say that. I already regretted it. So I was hoping he just didn’t hear me. When we were almost at calculus Ashley said her goodbyes. “Okay, I have to go the other way; I have Spanish now so I have to go this way. But you little love birds are going to be okay right?” Ashley had her mean smile again. “Ashley, don’t.” I managed to shout her way. Jay looked at me in disbelieve. I felt the tears burning in my eyes. “Sorry Jay, Ashley doesn’t know what she’s saying. Don’t pay any attention to her.” I blinked my eyes a couple of times hoping it would help against the burning tears. I grabbed Jay’s arm and pulled him toward our classroom. We arrived at calculus, and we took our seats. As usual he was sitting in front of me. Mr. Smith walked in as soon the school bell rang. He informed us that Bridget was sick. As soon Mr. Smith had said that Jay turned towards me. “So, it looks like the seat next to me is free.” It felt like he was inviting me. Or did I get it wrong? What was I suppose to do? With a nervous tremor in my voice, “What do you mean Jay? Was that an invite?” The longer I talked to him the more natural it began to feel. “Well, I mean if you want to sit next to me, it talks so much easier.” I had to pinch myself if it really happened. But as soon as I found out that this wasn’t a dream I picked up my books; got up and took the seat next to him. Suddenly the door swung open. I could hear the door was opened with force. The whole class looked up. It was Vanessa. I felt the anger rise in my body again. Just like she did earlier this morning. Mr. Smith looked up from his desk. “Yes, Ms. Stein, can I help you?” With a fierce look on her face she met my gaze. I felt the tears coming. “Yes, Mr. Smith, you certainly can. I need to talk to Jay.” As soon as Vanessa said Jay’s name, she gave me a mean smile. But Mr. Smith was annoyed now. “Ms. Stein, class has begun, so you can’t talk to Mr. Cope.” That was the second time today that somebody refused Vanessa something. In my mind it still felt like a dream. For me everything just fell into place. Everything I wanted to do or wanted to happen happened. Vanessa orders were refused by me and by Jay and by Mr. Smithy. Ashley was right, the school year really begun very well. Excellent I might add. “But Mr. Smith, it’s very important,” Vanessa begged. Nobody ever saw Vanessa beg. Usually everybody begged her to or leave them alone or be part of her clan of popular kids. In class, everybody started to whisper to each other. Somewhere deep inside of me I laughed so hard, but when I saw Jay’s face I knew that it was probably better to take my own seat. “It’s okay Vanessa, I’ll talk to you after class” Jay said to Vanessa. “But, honey I really need you right now.” Vanessa begged again. Mr. Smithy slapped his hand on his desk. “Ms. Stein, I want you out off my classroom. Now.” I could see the disappointment on Vanessa face. She wasn’t kind anymore. She was furious now. She slammed the door behind her. Meanwhile I took back my own seat, behind Jay. Jay started to talk to me; as soon as he did, he looked left. He thought I was still sitting there. He was surprised when he didn’t see me and looked backwards. “Hey, why aren’t you sitting next me?” With a little hesitation I finally stumbled out “Well, call me crazy but I’m afraid of Vanessa. I mean, now she isn’t the only one who can call you Jay. She saw I was sitting next to you. And for the third time today her demands are refused.” I looked down. After an uncomfortable silence I started to talk again. “Vanessa will probably kill me at lunch. Jay looked at me with a smile “Is that what you are afraid of?” I looked at him wary “Yeah I am!” Jay shoved the chair next to him backwards “Lucy, let me handle Vanessa. She’s not going to hurt you. I’ll make sure of that. Come sit next to me.” He demanded. And again I stood up and took the seat next to him. The hour of calculus flew by and before we knew it, the school bell rang again. Mr. Smithy shouted. “For next week study chapter 3 and 4. Test next week” The whole class moaned after Mr. Smith said that. Jay insisted he walked me to my next class. I had drama next and that was on the other side of the building. ‘Jay, you’ll be late for your next class. Drama is on the other side of the building.” Jay looked at me and smiled. “Well, I wanted to talk to you some more. The rumour is going that you have a crush on me.” He blurted out. I was shocked. How did he know that? Who told him that? All kinds of questions rolled through my head. I blushed. “Yeah, I do.” I finally mumbled, “But you’re with Vanessa so it doesn’t even matter.” Jay looked at the floor. “Well, not for long,” he finally said. “I hate what she does to everybody, especially to you and to Ashley. I mean, you girls are amazing. No matter what people do to you, you girls keep smiling. I know that is just from the outside but still.” I was shocked about what he just said. I just couldn’t believe it. I stared at the floor. When I looked up to talk to Jay, my cell-phone rang. I dropped my back pack on the floor to grab my cell-phone. I whispered “Saved by the bell.” I looked on the screen to see who called, because I was afraid that Vanessa might got a hold of my number I started harassing I saw it was my sister Rebecca. I answered the phone without any hesitation because it kept me from answering Jay a little while longer. “Becky, what’s wrong why do you call me?” Becky was 3 years younger than me and was a freshman. She always knew what I needed and when I needed it. Becky had long golden blonde hair and was tall. There was no sister rivalry between us. Our mom always said “you girls are like best friends instead of sisters. Where did the time go where brothers and sisters could tear each other’s head off?” Becky and I never had a fight. Maybe our mom was right. Maybe we are like best friends instead of sisters. “Well sis, I saw you walking by with Jay, and I thought you need some help.” I laughed at Becky’s answer. “Well you got that right. Sorry, I didn’t see you but we’ll talk home because I can’t right now. I’ll tell you everything at home, okay?” Before I could hang up I heard my sister begging to tell her right now. “Becky, at home okay?” With a laugh I hung up on her. Knowing that she absolutely didn’t like it. While I put my phone away I saw that Jay was still looking at me, waiting for an answer. “Look Jay, I don’t know what you want me to say? It’s your choice if you want to break up with Vanessa. Only you can end it. But I think you need to think very carefully about it. Because you know just as well as I do that if you break up with Vanessa, she’ll probably make your life miserable.” I suddenly sounded very mature. Jay looked at me “You’re probably right. But I don’t love her anymore. And I don’t care if she makes my life miserable.” “Just as miserable as mine.” I added with a smile. From the corner of my eyes I saw a side of Jay that broke my heart. I never saw him like this. Broken, miserable. Before I knew it I stopped walking and looked at him. “Jay, you’re always welcome to talk to me or to Ashley. We both have no problems with you. Only with Vanessa, but that’s how probably 90 percent of the school feels about it, her possy are the other 10 percent.” I said with a big smile on my face. Finally Jay met my gaze and before I knew it I put my arms around his neck and hugged him. I felt he was shocked by my reaction and as soon as I wanted to let him go he curled his arms around me. I felt great. My heart was pounding so fast that I was afraid that he might notice. “I probably should get going to Drama. I don’t want Mrs. Hall to be cross with me for being late.” I whispered in his ear. At the same time we let each other go and I went to Drama. I didn’t know what kind of class he had, but I didn’t bother to ask. “Okay Lucy see you at lunch” He winked at me. The rest of the hour at Drama I just couldn’t concentrate. I was thinking in myself. Could it be possible? Could it be that Jay was going to be my boyfriend later? Didn’t I react childish when I hugged him? I started to doubt myself. Was I good enough for him? There was one thing I know for sure. I was better for him then Vanessa probably ever was. I started to make plans in my head. We could double date with Ashley and Ben. Go on a holiday, just the four of us. Maybe I was crazy? I started to make plans without I even knew if Jay liked me the same way I liked him. I needed a little time to get back on earth. I wasn’t in school for four hours and already so much had happened. Usually all the things that happened were bad, but I think this time my bad luck have turned around and I only had luck. I started to sum up what already happened in this short period of time. And wrote it down. So I was sure I wouldn’t forget anything. First: I went against the will of Vanessa. Second: I talked to Jay without blushing all the time. Third: I sat next to Jay in class. Fourth: Jay was going to break up with Vanessa. Was it really possible that I finally have a school year were people and most of all Vanessa wouldn’t bully me? That people wouldn’t laugh at me? It was hard to believe but I guess it is real. It was hard to concentrate with everything Mrs. Hall said. “Okay class, next week field trip to the theatre. I’d like you all give these permission slips to your parents so they can sign them. I’d like to have them back before Friday.” Mrs. Hall handed out the permission slips. I put mine in my agenda. Finally the school bell rang. I rushed out. “Lucy, where are you going?” I heard Mrs. Hall calling after me. I turned around hesitantly. “The cafeteria” I answered confused. “Why are you going to the cafeteria?” Mrs. Hall demanded. I turned around with distaste. I couldn’t believe it. What did I do wrong? Why did Mrs. Hall want to talk to me? “Lucy, why were you so distracted in class?” Mrs. Hall wondered. I could see in her eyes that she didn’t understand it. Usually I wasn’t this distracted. Mrs. Hall always said to my parents at the PT meeting, that I was her best student yet. She always said something like “Mr. and Mrs. Pine, your daughter Lucy, she’s such an amazing student.” Mrs. Hall was known for the fact she could overreact a lot. But in all fairness, that is what makes her a great teatcher. But I have to be fair, I loved drama class. I could be somebody I wasn’t. In real life I was a kid that was to myself. But in drama class I could bloom. Be someone I dreamed to be, someone with a life, someone with friends, someone who might have a boyfriend. Mrs. Hall snapped her fingers to get my attention back to the real world. I gasped, it shocked me. Finally my eyes met her eyes. I gazed at her. “Lucy, I’m still waiting for an answer.” Mrs. Hall sounded a little angry. “Well, Mrs. Hall” I paused to come up with a logical explanation, “Well, you see Mrs. Hall, a lot has happened this morning” It wasn’t the whole truth but I didn’t lie to her. “Are they bullying you again?” Mrs. Hall asked with a sad tone. I started to giggle. Mrs. Hall frowned at me. She didn’t get it. “No, Mrs. Hall, I think my luck has turned around. Well okay, knock on wood.” With those words, I knocked on wood. I didn’t want to jinx it. “But I really need to leave now, there’s somebody waiting for me at the cafeteria. At least I hope so. But Mrs. Hall, next time I’ll do better again.” I raised my thumps and turned around and walk down the hallway. “Lucy, you will tell me the truth if they bully you again, right?” Mrs. Hall called after me.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 18:34:52 +0000

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