Part 2 of the interview: 8. Whats Yui-sans obsession when - TopicsExpress


Part 2 of the interview: 8. Whats Yui-sans obsession when performing? And, as for the other members, their obsessions in terms of instruments? Yui: When on stage, I want to transmit as much to the audience as possible. Singing is not just words on a melody. If your technique is OK and the melody is OK but you are able to make the audience feel something, thats what I look forward to. Without it, theres no meaning to singing at all. If it were just singing, I could as well leave Hatsune Miku to do the work. Good singing is not just hitting the notes right; my task is to make gestures, feel the emotions the song consists of, thats my obsession. Of course, there are people which point out afterwards I made a mistake in the lyrics or something, but I try as much as possible for that not to happen. Even if I make a mistake, as long as I transmitted emotions in one song at least, its a success. Takaha: Digital Performer, and as for the mixage, Pro Tools. Also, I really like ESPs guitars. No, really. Although I use a Forest guitar. Nanami: Lately, guitars have been made with up to 7 strings, so, following their trace, certain bass guitars have 5 strings and can even match the regular guitar in sound. I really have to be careful when performing, because those strings are really thick. Also, Im sorry if this might sound like free publicity, but lately Ive bought a Lakeland bass guitar and used it. I found it to be excellent. Shiren: Ive always liked strange guitars. and used 7-stringed ones even before their spread. Im not knowledgeable in making instruments, but I like my guitars to have as much strings as possible. As you can see and hear in our new single, Kyuusei Argyros, I am currently using one with 8 strings. This might sound a bit contradictory, but with more strings, its easier to perform. As much as a guitar has a good sound, if its hard to play on, the performance doesnt turn out as good. Gight: I dont really have an obsession over which maker my drum set is made by. Any one is alright. As long as it can compete with the sound of twin guitars + the bass in our band and not lose to its sheer sound power. Again, I find it easier to do that if I look up to the, previously mentioned, Tomy Lee and Lars Ulrich in terms of strength, and Yamaki Hideo, Aoyama Jun in terms of artistry and virtuousness. 9. You create both anime/game songs and original ones, but is the creative process different between these two? Whats it like with lyrics? Yui: First, my environment must be pretty dark. If its light, I can get distracted by other things. I work under the light of a candle, or aroma lamps, and write using my notebook computer. If its a tie-up, we often receive source material, and in the case there is a related manga, I read all of it. I not only trace the manga, but try to understand the emotions and mindset of the main character in a certain situation. When its original, I create a single story, and later modify the words to fit the melody. 10. So, basically, would you say that the song is more important, or the lyrics? Yui: Its definitely the song. Id try putting the lyrics in the first place, but it seems really hard, and everyone frowns upon it. Id like to try it eventually, though. 11. And, about the songwriting process? Do you all get together and create the demo, or does everybody have their area of expertise? Takaha: Recently, we have all been getting together and creating songs. 12. Do you often create something at your own home as well? Takaha: Well, only the roughly complete things. After, we add vocals and record. 13. And, how do you go about recording itself? Do you do it separately and sparcely, or together? Takaha: Mostly, we all get together. The bass, the guitars, everyone records and checks for mistakes in one place. While recording, of course we cant finish in one try, but everything is caught on tape at the same time. Its really good for the metal sound. It is mainstream nowadays to record everything separately until perfection, it adds the human element if we do everything together. 14. As a band, what do you consider to be a landmark up until now for Yousei Teikoku? As an individual, what do you want it to become? Yui: In the role of a band member, I want us to get invited to an overseas metal fest. Well, we havent been exatly invited to a Japanese one either, but I feel it could be a big stepping stone if we had more performances overseas. I hope these words will become reality one day. As an individual, I want to renew and reconstruct Yousei Teikoku. Takaha: Aside from a metal fest, Id really like for us to be able to perform at a big venue such as Nippon Budoukan. As an individual, I want to act without oppression, cool, loud and reach far until I die, and create songs with those kind of emotions. Its really sad that there are a lot of people who stop writing, leave the band and become alone as they become older. Hearing that, I want to act in a different way. I hope the whole band also feels that way. Well, me as an individual and as a band member is the same person anyways. Nanami: A large part of me as an individual is largely involved with the band, but aside from that, Id like to try recording everything individually. And, if recording together, Id like for us to bring out ideas and record in a foreseeable amount of time. Shiren: I think that in my personality as a band member, my individual personality can also be found, but I want to achieve as much unity in performing as possible in the band. Not only the performances, but in our songwriting as well, if we have a sense of band identification at the most, well be able to create songs that nobody else but Yousei Teikoku can bring out into the world. I really want to try my best at that. As an individual, like my favourite guitarists, among them, Yngwei... Id like to become a guitarist just like that, and have a recognized name even with the people who are starting out with the guitar. Gight: As a band, I think a mentionworthy landmark is the fact Ive been able to become like Nanami in terms of songwriting, but Id like to, together with everybody, contribute with a unique style, and from the different unique things from all members create songs in that way. As an individual, its agan related to songwriting; since songs composed by me arent yet being used in Yousei Teikoku, I want to be able to use Yousei Teikokus outlook and attitude about the world, and create songs that have a specific Gight style. 15. Finally, for the subjects and all people considering becoming one, whats your message to TEENA readers? Yui: *The first thing is that you try and give a listen to our songs. That is a reliable entryway to becoming a Subject, but I think the best way to experience the real value of the songs is to attend a live performance. However, according to a huge amount of information on the Internet, there is gossip whether or not Yousei Teikoku ceremonial rites are just lives after all. Now and then, there are voices who say they are scary and hard to attend. I gave a thought to what might be a bit scary, and there are two varieties. Its scary because it looks like you could get injured, or its scary because on the surface it looks like a religious movement. When you dispel such bewilderment from your hearts. its pretty safe. If you stand right in front of the stage, it might be a little scary, however, there are a lot of girls as well. We have such a thing as a special woman-only zone, and its always pretty populated. Cute or short girls wont have to worry here, because its very spacious, and there are no disturbances. It may be scary in the beginning, but, after all, until you experience it, anything can be scary. Even if youre a grown-up, there are still things you fear, but the image of life-long absolutist dictatorship isnt actually scary at all. So it doesnt happen you be overly surprised, its best that you come to like our music in the first place. If you liked our music, Id like you to drag your legs down to one of our ceremonies. At a rite, we will be able to assure you of the existence of the Fairy Realm. *Note: The whole passage has kind of an erroneous tone in Japanese.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 20:54:53 +0000

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