Part 36 of The House On Willow Lane Debbie Riley comes to - TopicsExpress


Part 36 of The House On Willow Lane Debbie Riley comes to little by little. The first thing that Debbie becomes aware of, before she opens her eyes, is that she is getting wet. She feels drops of water hitting her face. The second thing that Debbie becomes aware of, is that she has slept in an uncomfortable position, and on something very hard. She is stiff and she believes that she has a crick in her neck. The third thing that Debbie becomes aware of, is that she has a very bad headache, which is brought to her attention by pain shooting through her head. Debbie becomes aware of these three things, in the space of a few seconds, all before she opens her eyes. When Debbie opens her eyes, and her eyes have had a moment to adjust, she sees that she is in the tub. The water hitting her in the face is from the shower head, and she realizes that she hasnt been asleep, she has been unconscious. The memories begin to rush back to her, Debbie remembers the shadow on the shower curtain and eye peeking in at her, the not human eye that was peeking through the crack. Debbie quickly sits up, pain shoots through her head, but she ignores it for the time being. Debbie moves back to the corner of the tub, turns her head, her neck pops, and pain shoots through her neck and down into her shoulder. She ignores this, looks at the shower curtain, then at the crack between the curtain and the wall. The shadow and eye arent there. Debbie sits where she is for a moment, then she begins to rub her neck. She doesnt have a crick in her neck, as she first thought, its just pain and stiffness. After Debbie rubs her neck for a few moments, the pain and stiffness ease up, and she is able to move her neck almost normal. The headache is still present and accounted for though, her head sends out fresh pain, each time she moves it. Debbie feels the back of her head, finds a nice goose egg, its about the size of a golf ball, and a bolt of pain shoots through her head when she touches it. Debbie looks at the shower curtain again, its just a curtain, there is no shadow on it. Debbie begins to get to her feet, its a slow process, because her body is not very corporative, it is very stiff. Also her head sends out new pain, each time she moves it, but she finally gets to her feet after about a minute of trying. When Debbie does stand up, she stands where she is from moment, then bends over, and turns the shower and water off. A new pain shoots through her head and dizziness washes over her, she has to grab the hot water knob to avoid falling face first to the tub floor. After a moment, the pain subsides and the dizziness passes. Debbie stands up, and takes a few deep breath. Debbie doesnt notice that the shadow is back, it is on the shower curtain, and the not human eye is peeking in at her. When Debbie feels a little better, she turns, and opens the shower curtain. Debbie looks around the bathroom, she is alone as she knew she would be. Debbie fails to notice that the closet door is open a crack, and she fails to notice the eye that is peeking out at her, the not human eye. Debbie grabs a towel off of the towel rack and begins to dry off. As Debbie hangs the towel up and begins to walk to the sink counter to get her clothes, she hears a door creak. Debbie turns around slowly, terrified of what she might see. The closet door swings open, Debbie looks into the closet, and sees nothing out of the ordinary. Debbie puts her hand to her chest, takes a deep breath, and walks over to the closet. Debbie grabs the door, closes it, then turns around. Debbie begins to walk away, the door creaks, and Debbie looks back. The closet door is open again, it is swinging open. Debbie frowns, walks to the closet, looks in, theres nothing out of the ordinary in the closet. Debbie grabs the door, closes it, then makes sure that it is securely latched. It is. Debbie turns, begins to walk away, and the door creaks. Debbie looks over her shoulder, the door is swinging open. Debbie stops walking, frowns, and stands where she is. This is nuts, the door must be messed up. Ill tell John when he calls. Im not going to worry about it, I need to get dressed, I have things to do. I also need some Tylenol, Debbie thinks. Debbie turns her head, walks over to the sink counter, and grabs her panties. She bends down, puts her feet through the openings, and begins to pull the panties up. She fails to see the movement from the closet, it is easily seen in the mirror, but Debbie isnt looking. Debbie pulls her panties up, straightens the elastic band out, then looks at herself in the mirror for a moment. Youve still mostly got it Debbie, Debbie thinks and smiles. Debbie reaches down, picks up her bra, and begins to put it on. Shes no longer looking at the mirror, so she fails to see the movement in the closet, and she fails to see the not human eye looking out at her. Debbie grabs the rest of her clothes, walks to the bathroom door, opens it, and walks into her bedroom. Debbie did not look into the closet, as she walked past, but she would have seen nothing out of the ordinary, if she had of. Debbie walks over to her bed, put your shirt on the bed, then sits down the put her pants on. Debbie begins to put her pants on, begins to pull them up, then stands up. As Debbie stands up, she glances at the dresser mirror, and screams. There is a thing dressed in black standing behind her, it almost looks human, except for the eyes. The eyes are solid red, they look demonic. Debbie spins around, almost falls, because her feet tangle together, but she is able to catch ahold of the dresser, and keep her feet. There is no one there, the room is empty, except for her. Debbie spins around, looks at the mirror, there is just her reflection in the mirror, there is no one else in the room. Debbie laughs, then stops, because her laugh scares her. It is very loud in the silent house, and the laugh doesnt sound quite right. Debbie bends down, grabs her pants, which have fallen down to her ankles. She pulls them up. As Debbie stands up and begins to button her pants, she glances at the mirror, and screams. The figure in black, with a demonic eyes, is standing right behind her. Debbie spins around, looks all around, there is no one there. Debbie spins back around, looks at the mirror, the room behind her is deserted, there is no one there. Debbie puts her hand to her chest, take several deep breaths, and tries to calm down. Debbie hears an intake of breath, it is right behind her, she looks at the mirror, and screams. The figure in black is behind her, it smiles at Debbie, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth. Debbie spins around, looks, there is no one in the room with her. Thats it, Debbie thinks. Debbie buttons her pants, zips them up, and walks over to the bed. Im not looking in the mirror again, its just my imagination, Im alone in the house, Debbie thinks. Debbie begins to pull her shirt on, when she has the shirt over her head, she hears an exhalation of breath, and feels the breath on her back. Debbie screams, jerks the shirt down, it rips, but she doesnt notice. Debbie spins around, looks, there is no one there. Debbie sees movement, from the corner of her eye, she looks at the mirror, and screams. The figure in black is behind her, it reaches for her neck, and she feels fingers brush the back of her neck. Debbie screams out in horror and revulsion, because the fingers that are brushing her neck are rotting, decaying fingers. Debbie jumps forward, away from the figure and those fingers, and she spins around. There is no one there. Debbie puts her left hand to her chest, leans against the dresser, and begins to take deep breaths. As Debbie is beginning to calm down, she sees movement from the corner of her eye. She looks at the mirror and screams in terror. The figure is in the mirror, it reaches out of the mirror, with those rotting, decaying fingers, and grabs Debbie. Debbie screams out, tries to pull away, but the figure begins to drag Debbie toward the mirror. Debbie goes on screaming and struggling, she keeps trying to pull away, but the figure drags Debbie through the mirror. Debbies mind, never very stable in the first place, slips a cog, and goes away.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 22:55:44 +0000

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