Partnering With God New: You can now watch a video of this - TopicsExpress


Partnering With God New: You can now watch a video of this message by clicking below or by visiting new.livestream/rickpina/live/videos/39750060. (Romans 5:17 KJV) For if by one mans offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 6:1 KJV) We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain. This morning we continue our series “Grace that is Simply Amazing.” Since the beginning of the new year I have been meditating on the two verses I provided for you today (Rom 5:17 & 2 Cor 6:1). I shared some nuggets based upon these verses yesterday and I will continue to flow in that same vein today. Let’s get to it. So what does this mean to you today? A few things: 1. God does not want you to live focused on limits. Our God is not limit minded at all. There is nothing He cannot do and there is no shortage or lack in Him. This is why the message of grace is so important. Grace helps us take the focus OFF of us and our limits, and place it onto God who is limitless. So when you are facing something that is bigger than you and your ability, you must remember that while you are limited, God is not; and if God wants you to do it, then He has already graced you to do it. With your ability it might be difficult, or even impossible, but with God’s grace you can do all things. Stop looking at your limits and start looking at the God of no limits. 2. God does not want you to live focused on need. As a believer, you are called to make an impact in this world. The Lord wants you to help extend His Kingdom by influencing the systems and people of the world. But to do it we must think like God thinks. God is not moved by need, God is moved by purpose. There are lots of needs in the world and you will see needs just about everywhere you look. But you cannot be moved to do something just because there is a need. You must be led of the Spirit to do those things that God is leading you to do, because you will only have grace for your purpose. Even when it comes to your personal needs, don’t spend more time focused on things you think you need than focusing on your purpose. If you pursue your purpose God will give you everything you need (Mat 6:33). 3. You get to partner with God to accomplish His Kingdom plans and purposes in the earth. How awesome is that? Paul tells us that we are “workers together with him,” the him being God. We get to partner with God and Paul pleads with us NOT to allow His grace to come to us in vain. God can do whatever He wants, but He has chosen to work in and through you by His undeserved grace. Don’t let that grace be in vain. Embrace it, believe it, and seek to use it. Make a conscious decision, every day, to allow yourself to be used of God. Sure, you will get thoughts from the devil and yourself that will tell you that you are not good enough, and that you have made too many mistakes to be used by a holy God, but cast down all of those thoughts with reminders of God’s amazing, unyielding and undeserved grace. God does not use you because you are so good, He uses you because He is so good. That’s grace! 4. See challenges as opportunities to experience the grace and glory of God. Are you going to face challenges? Yes. Will there be obstacles on the path to God’s best for your life? You better believe it! But how will you know that you have power if you never have to use it? See every challenge through the lens of God’s grace. God will not allow you to face something you cannot handle. Therefore, if you are facing it, get excited about it. Know that God will see you through it and you will gain an experience you will never forget. Walking with God, by faith and with His grace, is exciting. Enjoy it! God wants you to go to heaven, but He also wants you to enjoy the ride! Closing Confession: Father, I thank You for teaching me about Your amazing, immeasurable and inexhaustible grace. You don’t want me to live my life focused on limits, because You are not focused on limits. You are a God of no limits. There is nothing You cannot do. There is no resource You don’t have access to. There is nothing too big for You. So when I am facing something that seems big to me, I remind myself there that there is nothing too big for You. I shift the focus from my ability to Your ability; from my limits to Your limitless power! You are also not moved by need. If you were moved every time there was a need, then the devil could direct You by causing needs all over the world. But You are not need-focused, You are purpose-focused. Therefore, I will be the same way. I am not moved by every need I see, because You have not graced me to get involved with everything. I seek to be led of Your Spirit and I only attempt to do what I believe You have called and graced me to do. I am also not moved by my personal needs. I keep my focus on You and on Your purpose for my life. As I pursue You and Your Kingdom plans and purposes, I know that all my needs will be met. Instead of pursuing things, I pursue You and things wind up pursuing me. I am blessed because my focus is on You. I am humbled and thankful that I get to partner with You to accomplish Your will in the earth. And when I face challenges, my heart does not sink and my strength does not falter, because I see every challenge as an opportunity to experience Your grace and Your glory on another level. Come what may, by Your grace I know I WIN! I declare this by faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen. This is Today’s Word! Apply it and Prosper.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 11:28:19 +0000

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