Parts of an early article we had 3 years ago... The - TopicsExpress


Parts of an early article we had 3 years ago... The Abyss is one of those bands that you listen to and your just blown away, the music that these men produce is orginal and like nothing that is really out right now. In other words there music is very UNIQUE! Not to get away from the music but another unique thing about this band is the lead singer Sean Ozz is actually a very good artist himself. The artwork that he does is not only in the form of music but also in tattoos, paint, and special FX. Ive seen several pictures of his tattoo work and they are phenomenal so I would expect nothing less when it comes down to the music he creates. So check out the band at - theabyssband/ or facebook/?ref=home#!/TheAbyssBand also while your on facebook check out Sean Ozzs page - facebook/?ref=home#!/SeanOzzTheAbyss Now to the Interview!! Ashley the Intern 1. Whats the name of the band? Sean Ozz: The Abyss - noun 1. A deep, immeasurable space, gulf, or cavity; vast chasm. 2. Anything profound, unfathomable, or infinite: the abyss of time. B. The primeval chaos out of which it was believed that the earth and sky were created. Ashley the Intern 2. When did the band begin? Sean Ozz: A few years ago after i moved back from California i met up with an old friend (Ronnie) and he remembered a band i was in long ago. He thought i was onto something unique then and he twisted my arm until i caved and started The Abyss. I am thankful he saw whatever he did because i had forgotten how much i love making music. I enjoy it as much as i enjoy making Visual art. Ashley the Intern Ashley the Intern 4. Whats the main themes or topics for the song lyrics? Sean Ozz: The lyrics are all very personal from my life experiences. Most deal with the emotional roller coaster of the heart. The joys and pain that come with finding the one that your dreams are made of as well as when that same one becomes the bringer of nothing but Nightmares. Ashley the Intern 5. Have you ever played any covers? Sean Ozz: This is going to be hard to believe but, no. I have never done a cover. As a kid i dabbled copying parts of songs i would hear on the radio. Ashley the Intern 7. Whats been your biggest challenges as a band? How did you overcome them? Sean Ozz: Funding has been a huge set back for us. Many of the ideas and projects i have in mind are very expensive to put together. Our solution is to take things one step at a time. keeping the big picture in focus but breaking things down into a two year plan. then breaking the two year plan down into a one year plan and then a 6 month plan and so forth. focusing on the baby steps so we do not get overwhelmed when we step back and see how much there truly is left to do to come even close to getting out overall end goal into our grasp. Ashley the Intern 9. If someone was to describe you to someone who has never heard your music how would you want to be described? Sean Ozz: Unique! I want people to feel the sounds and then hear the lyrics and think wow! i know exactly how that feels! i want people to relate to the words and be able to transfer it into their own lives. I want people to know that they are not alone. That although bad can happen there is always another day, another chance and that even when you want to throw in the towel you have to keep pushing forward in life and going after what makes you feel good within yourself. I want to be described as a band that you can see the passion within as we preform. That we believe in ever word and every sound we produce with ever last ounce of ourselves. Ashley the Intern 10. How can fans listen to your music and buy merchandise? Sean Ozz: We recently brought TheAbyssBand live. We have songs available there to listen to and for a short time we even have one of our favorites available as a FREE download for our fans. You can also watch youtube videos there and link to our facebook, myspace, and reverberation pages from there. As soon as our merchandise is ready it will be listed there as well. Ashley the Intern 12. What advice could you give to someone who is wanting to form a band? Sean Ozz: Play what you feel, what is from the heart. Dont worry about selling out or playing what you think is radio friendly. you and your sound will evolve as you play and as you play with others. keep an open mind and remember every new members will shape the outcome and that is ok, that is what makes you a band and not a solo artist. Ashley the Intern 13. What made you choose the instruments that you started to play? Sean Ozz: Vocals was something i always wanted to do. a way to express with sounds and words at once. To bring the feeling of pain, joy, confusion and so many other emotions and stories out of myself. I have been doing visual arts for as long as i can remember and to me they are one in the same. The bass came next and more recently the guitar. As a kid i was forced into piano lessons which i never realized at the time i would be using so many years later. Ashley the Intern 15. How did the first show that you ever played go? Sean Ozz: Our 1st show as the Abyss was a battle of the bands at Fitzgeralds in Houston, TX. We almost had to pull out at the last minute due to me coming down with an illness that gave me a sick stomach, cold sweats, and vertigo. Luckily everyone stepped up and took care of everything so all i had to do was walk in do my part and then get the Hell off stage. All i could imagine the whole time was throwing up or passing out right in the middle of a song. Luckily i was able to keep both of those things from Happening.
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 15:29:53 +0000

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