Pastor Eduardo Alves was in service full of Gods anointing in - TopicsExpress


Pastor Eduardo Alves was in service full of Gods anointing in Ministerios Fe Oración y Adoración that was a strong preaching: Is Heaven a real place? Revelation 21: 1-5 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth and had ceased to exist, just as the sea. 2 And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven, where God lives. The city looked like a bride dressed for her wedding, ready to meet her boyfriend. 3 And I heard from the throne came a loud voice: This is where God lives with his people. God will dwell with them, and they will be yours forever. Indeed, God himself will be their only God. 4 He will wipe your tears, and never die. . Nor again mourn, or grieve, or feel any pain, because what existed before no longer exists 5 God said from his seat: I make all things new! Sadly, the truth is that most Christians do not show any enthusiasm for the sky, but the Bible assures us that it is a real place. We are more interested in the land which is in heaven. The reality is that the sky does not excite us because our image is faulty. I can remember from my childhood in many sermons used to be called the geography of heaven and hell temperature. Now, the only time we hear from heaven is when someone dies. Thats sad, but the truth is that heaven is an excellent, exciting, amazing, exponentially better than it is place on earth. There is no doubt that the earth is a beautiful place. For I am going to lie, I really love this planet. His sunrises, sunset on the beach, canyons, valleys, waterfalls, forests, rivers, oceans, climate, vegetation, snow clad mountains, to the desert is beautiful. We love this land where I live even a spot fallen into sin. We live in a world where nothing works as it should: no relationship is perfect, no job is perfect, no person is perfect, the weather is not perfect. Nothing is perfect in this world! and because this world is all we know, that is why we can not imagine that heaven will be infinitely better. You do not know how you imagine heaven. But many believe that the sky is completely white place where they will come out a pair of wings, a place where you become a chubby angel who walks around naked throwing darts, If this is what people think, rightly are discouraged with the idea of going to heaven, BUT if so, the Bible does not exhort us to put our eyes on the sky. Colossians 3: 2 says, Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. Think of the sky has at least five practical effects on our life here on earth. 1) When we put our eyes on heaven, our hope is restored in times of suffering and trials. Romans 8: 18 says, For I have reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory which shall be revealed in us. 2) When we put our eyes on the sky, we gain the assurance that God is in control of everything. Revelation 4: 1-3 says, After this I looked, and behold a door was opened in heaven here ... 2And immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne was set in heaven, and upon the throne one sitting. 3And the aspect that was sitting was like a jasper and a sardine and had about a rainbow throne, in sight like unto an emerald. 3) When we put our eyes on the sky, we are reminded that this world is not our home. Philippians 3: 20 says, Our citizenship is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. 4) When we put our eyes on the sky, we focus on the nature of the real treasures we will have in heaven. Matthew 6: 19-21 says, Do not try to store up treasures here on earth. Those things are spoiled or destroyed by moths. Also, thieves can get in and steal. 20 It is better to pile up riches in heaven. Theres nothing spoils moth destroys. Nor thieves can break through and steal. 21 Remember that true wealth is to obey wholeheartedly. 5) When we fix our eyes on the sky, we felt a renewed zeal to serve God. Isaiah 6: 1-8 (Gods vision and commitment that was given to Isaiah) .If you stop to think well, to have a mind set on the sky is all that will propel us to serve God here on earth. Is Heaven a real place?
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 22:00:13 +0000

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