Pastor Eduardo Alves was used today with Lords anointing in - TopicsExpress


Pastor Eduardo Alves was used today with Lords anointing in Victory service, blessed full of Lords joy with brothers and sisters of Ministerios Fe Oración y Adoración: CHRIST TODAY OFFERS YOU VICTORY. JESUS OFFERS TWO THINGS to each person. He offers eternal life, and gives you victory over all. The two offers exactly on the same basis ago: That allow Him to do everything. As there is a right way and a wrong to seek salvation, so there is a right way and a wrong way to go for the win. The wrong way is to try to do it yourself. The correct way is to let the Lord do it for you. The Lord Jesus said: Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28). If you were working in a job, and the Lord Jesus came to you and said, I will give you rest what you expect Him to do? Expect Him to take your job and do it while you were resting. This is exactly what He will do for you. HOW WE ENTER THE LIFE OF VICTORY? The conditions for entering the life of victory are only two: 1 entrust to Christ. 2 Take Christ as your Victory. Consider these two conditions. FIRST, you MUST entrust all that you are and all that you have, the Lord Jesus. If you keep the domain of your life, then you are responsible for taking care of yourself. If you charges to the Lord Jesus Christ, then He assumes responsibility beware. The apostle Paul said: . . . I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to guard my deposit that day (2 Timothy 1:12). The Lord Jesus Christ could save Paul and give victory, but the apostle Paul had done something that allowed the Lord to do this. What was it? Paul had entrusted IS THERE ANYTHING IN YOUR LIFE until now, that you retain the Lord? If so, would you want to give at this time? Deliver the past with all its sins and failures. Commit to the Lord the future yet unknown. Commit your loved ones. When you do that, you have taken the first step towards victory. What will you do now? THEN, YOU MUST TAKE CHRIST AS YOUR VICTORY. Take Christ as your Victoria is like take him as your Savior. WHAT DID when you received Christ as your Savior? You came to him as a helpless sinner and trust in Him to save you. And youre save! WHAT DO when you take Christ as your Victoria? You approach him as a powerless Christian and overcame, and trust Him to give you the victory. Would you shall take now YOUR Victoria? Just tell Sir Jesus, I have tried to live the Christian life and again, but I failed. Right now I receive You as my Victoria. I trust you to give me the victory. TRUSTING IN WHAT GOD SAYS When you accepted Christ as your Savior, how did you know that God had saved? By His Word! Trust in what God said, and gave him thanks for saving you. When you receive Christ as your Victoria, how do you know that God has given you the victory? By His Word! What does God say? He says, My grace, my Christ, will suffice. HOW continuous IN VICTORY? You walk in the victory surrendering to Christ and trust Him as your Victoria. Continue in the victory to continue surrendering to Christ and continue to trust Him as your Victoria. NOT ACCEPT DEFEAT. When ever you fail you must remain defeated You can become a victorious Christian! Do not say that this life is for others but not for you. Gods intention is that you live victorious. You must believe that the life of victory is for you, right now, in your circumstances. CHOOSE LIFE OF VICTORIA. The life of a defeated Christian is difficult. The only happy life, the only life that honors the Lord Jesus is the victorious life .: I know my Lord Jesus Christ is meeting all my needs, right now” https://youtube/watch?v=UOCsEMBISjg
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 21:30:33 +0000

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