Pastor Mikes Daily Devotion Wednesday December 17, - TopicsExpress


Pastor Mikes Daily Devotion Wednesday December 17, 2014 Revelation 8:1 & 6, When He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. (Verse 6), So the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound. Up to this point we have seen the opening of six of the seven seals that are on the title deed of the earth. The first five seals encompass the first three-and-a-half year period of the tribulation. Within the sixth and seventh seals are contained the last three-and-a-half year period of the tribulation, which is referred to as The Great Tribulation. If the tribulation is a squeezing to save souls, then The Great Tribulation is a harder squeezing. Within the seventh seal are contained seven trumpets. Two reasons that a trumpet was sounded in the Old Testament was to sound a warning or to announce news. In the first four soundings of the trumpets, we are warned of the destruction of the earths ecology. At the sounding of the fifth and sixth trumpets, we will see a demonic destruction of humanity, and then the sounding of the seventh will bring the bowl judgments. At the sounding of the first trumpet there is the destruction of a third of the trees and all green grass. Things God gave us for food, fuel, and the production of oxygen. Then sounds a second trumpet, when a third of the living creatures in the sea die, as well as a third of the ships are destroyed. Again a source of mans food is affected, and with the death of a third of the plankton and algae, the worlds oxygen levels are affected as well. The third trumpet sounds, and a third of all drinking water is fouled. The ramifications from this catastrophe would be obvious. The forth trumpet sounds, and a third of all light is gone. Notice in all these trumpets that God is bringing calamity at mans point of idolatry. God made the ocean for mans benefit, but man made the ocean the womb of mother nature - the source life for his theory of evolution. Most of the times that the depths of the sea are mentioned in the bible, it has to do with judgment. Our drinking water is a gift from God. Man can still not cause it to rain, we are at Gods mercy for our drinking water. Man has worshiped the stars of heaven and even given them the ability to dictate the course of our lives (Zodiac), but now God has dimmed their effect. For those who recognize God as Lord over creation and received Him as the Lord of their salvation, we will be kept by Him from the days of the trumpets. Romans 1:20–21, For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 15:18:52 +0000

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