Pastor Paul Choo calls out CHC and its prosperity gospel “So - TopicsExpress


Pastor Paul Choo calls out CHC and its prosperity gospel “So many people are brainwashed. Many of them. “I go to support him [Kong Hee]! Don’t get confused! Don’t get discouraged and baffled-” because that’s how they think! Why don’t they leave the church? Why more go? You mean everybody’s brainwashed? Everybody’s like that? Well let me tell you, many will not leave because this is the best scheme they’ve ever seen in their life. You know you put money in a bank now, how many percentage do you get? Less then one percent right? Quarter percent I heard. Someone told me. … You put money in this scheme- prosperity gospel scheme, (backed by God you know). Not backed by bank. Not banked by US government. Not banked by Swiss government or Singapore. It’s backed by God you know. You know how powerful God is? If you can’t trust God, who can you trust? Sometimes you buy scheme. Now you got to [inaudible] money. Just underline the highlighter the nice things to see. Then you say, “In this contract, how do I know if it’s real or not?” Let me tell you, this scheme, according to them, is backed not by God but also by the bible. “I show you. Like Malachi three verse ten. You don’t believe me? I show you!” WOAH! Alright. So here we say, “How can they leave a scheme like this? It’s sooo attractive!” Quarter percent? This one gives you minimum three thousand percent. Thirty four. … Hundredfold? Ten thousand percent. Why do you want to take money out and put it in the bank? “Are you stupid or what? This is backed by God! Endorsed BY MEN OF GOD!” You know something? One reason why this whole scheme has continued is because not of one man, but because this one man has been endorsed by may other people. Good men. Pastors who say, “Who are we to judge”. Pastors who keep quiet- Let me to tell you, when you keep quiet, when people ask you on a scheme like that, silence is consent. Do you know that? “You as a Christian! What do you think of this?” [Inaudible] “Don’t want to think to much about these things.” You know what you’re saying? “It’s not bad.” Let’s say you’re a financial guide and you know there is a scam that everybody’s using and scamming people. As a banker what must you do? You must tell people, “Hey please! Run from that! Have nothing to do with that”. But you and I as Christians most times, we keep quiet. And there are pastors of big churches that endorse this! It’s not about one man! It’s about a whole system that stinks! It’s about a whole system of men who keep quiet so that bad men can do scams. And I will not be apart of that. We must not be apart of it. We know the truth. We must speak the truth now! I don’t like to do this. I’d rather preach the gospel. Good news is better than telling about scandals and bad things. Why should I go run down people? You think it’s a nice thing? As a Christian, we don’t like to do those things. I’d rather say, “God loves you! Jesus died for your sins! Jesus paid the price”. These are wonderful, wonderful things to talk about. Why do we talk about these things? Because somebody has to say something. And I hope we will.” “… But there will come a time when God will say, “You’ve taken my name in vain and I will not hold you guiltless. You will pay”. Til that day, our job is to warn people, “This is NOT Christianity. This is NOT the gospel. This is a SCAM. PERIOD! Using the name of God is a financial scam.” Don’t mince your words when you have to explain that. Don’t try to win popularity like all those pastors th-, “Oh! He’s not that bad! Who are we to judge others?” We’re not here to win popularity. We’re here to tell the truth. If you go to church to be popular, you’re in the wrong place. We came here because there’s truth. Truth will set us free. So I hope today that you have the truth and you will speak the truth but speak it in love.”
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 14:04:01 +0000

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