#Pastors PASTORS WHO ARE POOR WERE NOT CALLED BY GOD Uma Ukpai December 21, 2014 Dr Uma Ukpai, the president and founder of Uma Ukpai Evangelistic Association, has said poor men of God did not receive divine calling. He also told Daily Independent that it was untrue that people resorted to Church establishment out of joblessness. According to Ukpai, “Jesus calls church business. He said, ‘I am about my father’s business’. He called church work business and what is business? Business is investment plus gain, minus loss. In church planting, no pastor can collect offering without giving account and survive. Every church has elders and the job of the elders is to make sure that account is given; it is not even publicly but given internally but the account must be given. “Church is all about investment and the gain they make is not in money but in people; that is the gain they make. People also can be called money because for instance, if a pastor’s ministry can cause 20 women to get pregnant; those women will not forget the pastor. If a pastor’s ministry can produce one of the richest 10 men in the country, those men will not forget the man who made them what they are. “When you are into ministry and you have what we call anointing, you have become profitable; you begin to touch lives; you begin to bless people; you begin to change the stories of families and your own story will change also because the man that waters others shall be watered by God. There is so much misinformation about the church. It is not all about money. If your pastor has anointing that can make the blind see, cripples walk, leprosy to disappear, that pastor is in money. “The only man you can worry about is a man who has no anointing; a man who God has rejected; a pastor who God has not approved what he is doing. God does not bless what he does not approve. If God approves what a pastor is doing, he will have more money than he can spend. I am an example.” brainnewsng/pastors-who-are-poor-were-not-called-by-god-uma-ukpai/ + Wow! If Uma Ukpai really said these, he is dead wrong. Jesus and the early apostles, like Peter who said silver and gold have I not, must lacked the so called anointing. So riches is the prove of a pastor God approved? Wow, Paul must have been rejected by God which made him said, Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need...Not that I seek the gift[material things], but I seek the fruit [of righteousness] that abounds to your account. (Philippians 4:11-12, 17 NKJV) • You see why many have turned the church/ministry into world business, acquiring strange powers to make money through those they performed miracles for. If Jesus had been like Uma Ukpai said He wouldve been the richest man and the Jews couldnt have succeeded in arresting Him. • Do you know that no man is and cannot be as rich as king Solomon in this world? (Read 2Chr 1:11-12) > Solomon was and is the richest because God made Him, not because he was investing in business as Uma Ukpai said is the evidence of running church business. If Uma Ukpai is right then pastors should be richer than the richest men in the world. Does the anointing now making pastors, like him, lesser than the rich sinners? • Gods business is not like the business of the world [1Cor 3:11,18-20], and Jesus said, My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.” (John 18:36 NKJV) > Jesus was so rich that He could not buy nor have His own boat to travel to places across the rivers - Lk 5:3, built or have His own mansion as a rich Son of God - Matt 8:20, and move with the finest bodyguards so that the Jews wouldnt chase Him to be walking in secret nor arrest Him - Jn 7:1. • The religion of Christianity has indeed corrupted the word of God to the extend many ministers of Christ has turned into business moguls. + Jesus might have lost His anointing which made His day to the young rich man who ran to Him asking what to do to inherit eternal life; that should have been a wonderful opportunity to add him with his riches to the rank of the aspires but Jesus disappointed people like Judas who love money by saying to him, If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven[not in this world]; and come, follow Me” (Matt 19:21); Or Jesus would have called him back when he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions to negotiate for half of what he have (Matt 19:22). + Remember the parable of the rich man and Lazarus in Lk 16? + Remind me again how rich was Paul despite all his education, skill and connections - Acts 20:32-35. + How rich was Elisha after he healed Naaman the leper in 2Kings 5? + Those rich believers who sold their lands and houses and brought the money for the poor must be ignorant of making the apostles rich - Acts 4:32f. • As Paul said, ...let God be true but every man a liar...” (Rom 3:4). + Note: Jesus did not call the church His business, but His Fathers business where His Fathers will, not any mans will, is done - Matt 6:9-10; 7:21-23. > What is His Fathers will in His business? (Read Lk 12:32-34) What do you think?
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 20:59:40 +0000

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