Pastors of Our Time I dont know the kind of pastors we have - TopicsExpress


Pastors of Our Time I dont know the kind of pastors we have nowadays o. Pastors who long for the days and powers of Elijah than the ministry of washing of feet. Pastors who desire the display of anointing and of physical brawn than of humility and service. Pastors whod rather maximize every pastoral authority than forgo an opportunity for relevance. Pastors that dont care what people say or how they perceive them except to have their way and vaunt their biceps. Pastors who prefer to shout in a display of authority than talk in controlled rage. Pastors whod fight tool and nail to consolidate their hold and position over a congregation than regard the church as an heritage of Christ. Pastors whod rant that gifts are more important in ministry and in the life of a pastor than the Holy Spirit; and that the church mustnt care about the value of the Holy Spirit in the life of their pastor, but should only seek his gifts. Pastors that claim the church has no other prophet, except he that is ranting and foaming at the mouth before them. Pastors who see ordination as being handed the hilt of a sword; and to whom members confessions are pulpit messages. Misplaced and psychotic accidents that befell a church. Pathological aberrants in holy cassocks. Opportunistic deviants occupying a pulpit. Inglorious maso-sadist brutes whod regard fellow labourers as challengers. Idiotic maladjustments whose relevance is only gospel-induced. Incestuous errors of birth upon whom the forbearance of God would do no eventual good. Attention-seeking traducers who are blights upon any pastorate. Maniacal Satanists whose portion shall be the nether regions of Hades and Sheol. Of whom Jude 1:8-13 foresaw their condemnation; and whose judgment dogs their heels, and shall not slack. Mscheeeew!!! Well. If a man would fall by the plains of Jericho, how will he fare in the swellings of Jordan?
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 11:49:53 +0000

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