Pastor’s Moment: One of the articles I read almost religiously - TopicsExpress


Pastor’s Moment: One of the articles I read almost religiously over Easter is one put out under the by-line Philip Ochieng. Every year, Philip Pens why he does not believe in Jesus and God and always has a credible argument, I do not agree with him, but I have kept all his articles over the years they make sense. One of the best training that I got in the practice of journalism was the words of Peter Leftie, who was my foremost Editor at The People, he now works for The Nation, I still respect him a lot, he once told me before he booked me for a major assignment, “ Look at everything, listen to everything, write it all down, even how the wind is blowing –THEN DOUBT EVERYTHING” I know the Sunday School line says that we should not doubt anything especially if it is in the Bible – but Sunday School was wrong in many things, for instance where was Adam when Eve ate the forbidden fruit? For a long time I believed Adam was in the forest shopping for fruits for supper, until the day I read Genesis 3:6 for myself. Adam was right there with Eve. My point today is as recorded by Paul in his letter as published at, I Thessalonians 5:21, “but test them all; hold on to what is good” In the Easter story I have no problem with Thomas, he did the right thing, he walked into a room and the other disciples told him that Jesus had resurrected, he must have laughed them off before saying to them, Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe. Jesus also had no problem with man we call doubting Thomas, in fact he called him and asked him to touch his side and feel the hole left by the spear and his hands too – Thomas had a personal experience with the risen Christ. That is why I love what the Institute for Creation Research does, yes we have a whole scientific institute whose day to day job is to research proof of Christ existence, some of the stuff they write makes for breath taking reading. There is of course the new Papyrus note that claims Jesus had a wife and yes Harvard has proved it dates back to bible times. Very interesting development and one that makes for good reading, if you are interested you can check out news.nationalgeographic/news/2014/04/140410-papyrus-jesus-wife-evidence-archaeology-science/ Hosea 4:6 records, “My people Perish for lack of knowledge, it is crucial to read even that which challenges what you believe, for instance look at this list that compares Scientific discoveries and biblical verses As you go out to celebrate Easter, do not shy from discussing what you believe, you may just get more knowledge. My faith is stronger because I know those who doubt it, just confirm it. Jesus read too and to prove it he quoted books of the prophets 78 times and those were snippets from 24 books, in other words he was well read and also read what the Pharisees used to challenge him, that way they could not fix him. Enjoy your Easter Holiday and let me ask for your prayers during the season as I pray for each of you. God Bless You and Keep You
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 22:25:19 +0000

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