Pattan (Baramulla), Aug 31: Terming opposition Peoples - TopicsExpress


Pattan (Baramulla), Aug 31: Terming opposition Peoples Democratic Party’s politics as pandora’s box containing nothing but false promises, slogans, hoax, emotional blackmailing and bias to grab power, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah Saturday said he was ready to step down if opposition PDP comes up with categorical Kashmir solution. “PDP’s tall claims have always fallen flat and people have understood its dubious characteristic. What a lie PDP is telling to people? People have understood PDP’s only agenda of grabbing power by hook or crook. The public is wiser enough to be led astray by PDP time and again,” Omar said while addressing a public gathering here today. Pooh-poohing the remarks of PDP leadership asking for 40 Assembly seats to solve the Kashmir issue, he challenged the opposition party by announcing that he would provide support of his 28 MLA to the party if it comes forward with a categorical solution to the Kashmir issue. “You have 21 MLAs and I will provide you the support of my 28 MLAs. You will have 50 seats with you and let you come forward with a certain and categorical solution to Kashmir issue”, Omar told PDP leadership. He said he was ready to relinquish the office in this regard. Stating that PDP leadership should read the writing on the wall, Omar said, “The party has lost ground so it tries to raise new slogans and makes false promises to attract public attention. The ground below PDP leadership’s feet is sinking and they believe to fool the people again and again. This cannot happen at all”. Referring to Kashmir issue, he said the 60 year old issue could not be solved by the long struggle spearheaded by Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah. “It could not be solved by four wars fought by India and Pakistan. It could not be solved by 25 years of militancy and disturbance. It could not be solved through summits and dialogues”, he said and ridiculed PDP patron Mufti Mohammad Sayed’s statement demanding 40 Assembly seats in next election to resolve Kashmir issue in a twinkle of eye. Criticizing Patron for stating that Pakistan has no role in Kashmir issue, Omar said, “The role of Pakistan has been established in Kashmir issue in Shimla Agreement, Lahore and Agra Summits.” Continuing his tirade against Mufti, he said, “He has forgotten the history and political geneses of Kashmir issue. You were once taking of double currency. What is this new tone? Are you doing it to appease New Delhi?” While emphasizing the need for sustained dialogue between India and Pakistan to address the Kashmir issue, Omar said, “The leaders of two countries should talk and talk in right direction and perspective to resolve this issue once for all. We want to tell our children that Kashmir issue no longer exists and peace and development has taken the permanent place in the State”. Maintaining that Kashmir issue was born at the time of partition of India, he said, “India considers its accession to it necessary for the secular characteristics of India and Pakistan wants the area to be with it for having Muslim majority representative character. Both the countries are nurturing their individual ideas in this regard and people of Jammu and Kashmir are suffering constantly”. The chief minister called for summit level talks between Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan on Kashmir. “State Government or any political leadership here is not in a position to resolve the issues between India and Pakistan”. “Some elements do not want India and Pakistan to talk. They want the burning issues to remain burning for their vested interests”, he said adding friendly ties between the two neighbours could have direct bearing on the peace and development in Jammu and Kashmir. He said people of the State are eager to see the two countries talking amicably and in a conducive atmosphere to resolve all issues including Siachin, Sir Creek, Kashmir, etc. “Despite not including Kashmir issue in its 2008 election manifesto, NC highlighted the need for recognizing the political genesis of Kashmir issue and resolving it politically through the process of internal and external dialogues. We will continue to bat for it and facilitate the dialogue”, Omar said and asked people to strengthen the party at all ranks to see the State moving forward in the direction of political stability and holistic development. He said his government delivered on the development front meritoriously and provided good-governance to the people and made administration transparent. TOP VIEWED
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 09:27:09 +0000

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