Paul C. Bragg THE MIRACLE OF FASTING SEBUAH BUKU TENTANG PUASA Ternyata puasa mampu mengembalikan kesehatan kita, mengembalikan kemudaan kita ... saya cuplikkan ya Miraculous Testimonials for The Miracle of Fasting Paul Bragg saved my life at age 15 when I attended the Bragg Health Crusade in Oakland. I thank Bragg Healthy Lifestyle for my long, happy life sharing health with everyone! – Jack LaLanne, Bragg Follower for 74 years When I was a young gymnastics coach at Stanford University, Paul Braggs words and example inspired me to live a healthy lifestyle. I was twenty-three then; now Im nearly sixty, and my own health and fitness serves as a living testimonial to Braggs wisdom, carried on by Patricia, his dedicated health crusading daughter. – Dan Millman, Author “Way of the Peaceful Warrior”, danmillman I am truely thrilled by what Ive read, and am excited, enthused and confident of my now newer ways to health. – Ken Cooper, D.C., Narrabi, NSW, Austrailia I found your Vinegar book in a health food store. I bought it, read it, gave copies to several friends including my doctor and I have also followed The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle since. I can honestly say that out of all the books I have read, the Bragg Books have benefited me the most! – Reiner Rothe, Vancouver, Canada I am eternally grateful for your book. Its made a great difference in my life. Im sharing it with my friends. – Carolyn Orfel, Washinton, D.C. I love the Bragg Books and The Miracle of Fasting. They are so popular and loved in Russia and the Ukraine. I give thanks for my health and energy. I just won the Honolulu Marathon with the all-time women’s record! – Lyubov Morgunova, Moscow, Russia Paul and Patricia Bragg were my early inspiration to my health education. – Jeffery Bland, Ph.D., Famous Food Scientist I am a champion weight lifter at Muscle Beach for over 50 years and we are all Bragg health and fitness fans. Praises for The Miracle of Fasting Paul Bragg saved my life at age 15 when I attended the Bragg Health Crusade in Oakland. I thank Bragg Healthy Lifestyle for my long, happy life sharing health with everyone! – Jack LaLanne, Bragg Follower for 74 years When I was a young gymnastics coach at Stanford University, Paul Braggs words and example inspired me to live a healthy lifestyle. I was twenty-three then; now Im nearly sixty, and my own health and fitness serves as a living testimonial to Braggs wisdom, carried on by Patricia, his dedicated health crusading daughter. – Dan Millman, Author “Way of the Peaceful Warrior”, danmillman I am truely thrilled by what Ive read, and am excited, enthused and confident of my now newer ways to health. – Ken Cooper, D.C., Narrabi, NSW, Austrailia I found your Vinegar book in a health food store. I bought it, read it, gave copies to several friends including my doctor and I have also followed The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle since. I can honestly say that out of all the books I have read, the Bragg Books have benefited me the most! – Reiner Rothe, Vancouver, Canada I am eternally grateful for your book. Its made a great difference in my life. Im sharing it with my friends. – Carolyn Orfel, Washinton, D.C. I love the Bragg Books and The Miracle of Fasting. They are so popular and loved in Russia and the Ukraine. I give thanks for my health and energy. I just won the Honolulu Marathon with the all-time women’s record! – Lyubov Morgunova, Moscow, Russia Paul and Patricia Bragg were my early inspiration to my health education. – Jeffery Bland, Ph.D., Famous Food Scientist I am a champion weight lifter at Muscle Beach for over 50 years and we are all Bragg health and fitness fans. – Chris Baioa, Santa Monica, California The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle with Fasting has changed my life! I lost weight and my energy levels went through the roof. I look forward to “Fasting” days. I think better and am a better husband and father. Thank you Patricia, this has been a great blessing in my life. Also, we enjoyed your sharing The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle at our “AOL” Conference. – Byron H. Elton, VP Entertainment, Time Warner AOL I am grateful to you and your father’s work in writing The Miracle of Fasting. I give a copy to each of my patients. – John M. Leigl, D.C., Racine, Wisconsin I could hardly put it down. The Miracle of Fasting has thoroughly stirred me physically, mentally and spiritually. – Evangelist Richard Sego, Macon, GA I give thanks to Health Crusaders Paul Bragg and daughter Patricia for their dedicated years of service spreading health. It’s made a difference in my life and millions of others worldwide. – Pat Robertson, Host CBN “700 Club” read more testimonials pages 247 – 249 We get letters daily at our Santa Barbara headquarters. We would love to receive testimonials from you on any blessings and healings you experienced after following The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle with Fasting. It’s all within your grasp to be in top health. By following this book, you can reap Super Health and a happy, long, vital life! It’s never too late to begin – see (page 185) the study they did with people in their 80s and 90s and the amazing results that were obtained! You can receive miracles with nutrition, exercise and fasting! Start now! Praises for The Miracle of Fasting Daily our prayers & love go out to you, your heart, mind & soul. 3 John 2 Genesis 6:3 Miracles can happen every day through guidance and prayer! – Patricia Bragg Do You Show Signs of PREMATURE AGEING? Is everything you do a big effort? • Have you started to lose your skin tone? Your muscle tone? Your energy? Your hair? • Do small things irritate you? Are you forgetful? Confused? • Is your elimination sluggish? • Do you have allergies? Joint pains • Do you have aches and pains? • Do you get out of breath when you run or climb stairs? • How limber is your back and body? • How well do you adjust to cold and heat? • Ask yourself these important questions: Am I healthy and happy? Do I seem to be slipping and not quite like myself anymore? If the answer to these questions are “Yes,” START TODAY Living The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle! DEDICATION We dedicate this Book to 8 Great Pioneers of Health and Longevity and to You – Our Readers and Friends Dr. August Rollier, M.D. – Father of Heliotherapy (Sunshine Therapy) Bernarr Macfadden – Father and Founder of the Physical Culture Movement Prof. Arnold Ehret – Originator of the Mucusless Diet Healing System Dr. St. Louis Estes, D.D.S. – One of the greatest, dynamic Nutrition Speakers Dr. Benedict Lust, M.D., N.D. – Father and Founder of Naturopathy in America Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, M.D. – Director for 60 years of the Battle Creek Health Sanitarium in Battle Creek, Michigan Dr. Henry Lindlahr, M.D. – Famous Drugless Physician, who pioneered the return to Natural Methods of Treatment Dr. John T. Tilden, M.D. – Great Natural Healer and Health Pioneer Fasting Helps Keep You Healthy & Youthful Fasting is an effective and safe method of detoxifying the body – a technique that wise men have used for centuries to heal the sick. Fast regularly and help the body heal itself and stay well. Give all of your organs a rest. Fasting can help reverse the ageing process, and if we use it correctly, we will live longer, happier lives. Just three days a month will do it. Each time you complete a fast, you will feel better. Your body will have a chance to heal and rebuild its immune system by regular fasting. You can fight off illness and the degenerative diseases so common in this chemically polluted environment we live in. When you feel a cold or any illness coming on, or are just depressed – it’s best to fast! “Bragg books were my conversion to the healthy way.” – James Balch, M.D., Prescription for Nutritional Healing
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 06:25:25 +0000

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