Paulyanna Rain-shine… Bringing sunshine and showers... - TopicsExpress


Paulyanna Rain-shine… Bringing sunshine and showers... Paulyanna’s story produces lyrical rainbows that brighten a dull boring day. Turbulent storms, chilly winter nights as well as peaceful spring-like mornings fill up a life that is both inclement and serene. A tale where harsh grey clouds eventually give way to soft blue skies. As forecasts are never certain and life is rarely a breeze, I will push these promotions and just wait and see. Paulyanna International Rent-boy… Come read my atmospheric adventure; and bring an umbrella. HERE ARE BOOKSTORE LINKS... https://smashwords/books/view/364165 amazon/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Paulyanna HERE ARE MY REVIEWS… powerpuffgeezer.webs/book-reviews Kindest regards, PDL
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 19:24:10 +0000

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