Peace, Politicians & TM ========================== A politician - TopicsExpress


Peace, Politicians & TM ========================== A politician used to come to me, and he would always say: Somehow, Osho, help me to have some peace of mind. I said: Being a politician you should not ask for it -- it never comes in the way of a politician. Peace of mind? If it can happen to a politician, then are the saints fools? What are they doing? Then why should they leave ambition? It can never come. Ambition creates tension, worry. You get out of your politics! And he would say: You may be right, but right now I cannot get out of it. Then I told him: Then you be at ease with your tensions, accept them. You are trying to do something which is not possible. You want to eat the cake and have it too. Then he started going to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. For many days he didnt turn up. One day, suddenly we met in a train. I asked him: You have not been coming to me for many days. He said: What is the point of coming to you? You say get out of politics. Mahesh Yogi is better. He says: Wherever you are, I will make you more efficient. You are a politician? You will become a better politician -- just do TM. Now that fits, that completely fits. You are not to change anything; just repeating some foolish thing -- blah, blah, blah -- and thats all. Twenty minutes you repeat it and wherever you are, all success is guaranteed to you, all efficiency is guaranteed to you. Even thieves are doing TM, smugglers are doing TM, politicians are doing TM. The smuggler thinks that if he does TM he will never be caught, he will become more efficient. Meditation is not so cheap. Meditation is a total transformation of your being. And a great understanding is needed and a great intelligence. Buddhas sutras are only for those who are really intelligent people and who really want to get out of the misery that they have created around themselves. It is only for those who are really fed up with misery and are ready to get out of the trap. It is up to you, it depends on you. You have created it! Once you understand how you have created it, it will disappear -- because then you will not be able to create it any more. OSHO : The Discipline of Transcendence, Volume 3, Chapter 9
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 18:03:56 +0000

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