Peace Thursday , March 6, 2014 . Year VII - National - TopicsExpress


Peace Thursday , March 6, 2014 . Year VII - National Edition THE KEYS OF WISDOM : What Is It Good Hated It For All That Is Evil. Mike Murdock Word of the Day : Dawn departed into the wilderness of Tekoa . As they were leaving , Jehoshaphat stood and said : Listen to me , Judah and people of Jerusalem Have faith in the Lord , your God, and you will be sustained , have faith in the Lords prophets , and shall have the victory . After consulting the people , Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing praise to the Lord and the splendor of his holiness , going ahead of the army, singing : Give thanks to the Lord , because your love endures forever. ( 2 Chronicles 20.20-21 ;) . 1 ) - And these words which I command you today shall be on your heart shall teach them diligently to your children Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road , when you lie down and when you rise up . . . (Deuteronomy 6:6-7 ) . REFLECTION : We start each day with God . Each breath should be a powerful reminder that our Father has given us another day of life to serve Him , reminding us that we are blessed with over a minute to offer Him our best . Forget this blessing with ease . We must remember these truths as we teach them , and show live before our children . But do not let these truths just to our example . Lets look for special opportunities to explain our faith , praise our Heavenly Father and teach Gods truth . 2 ) - Be not deceived : God is not mocked : for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap . ( Galatians 6:7 ) . REFLECTION : What we have done with the resources that God has given us ? ? Where we are investing our time , our thinking , and our money ? ? The principle of sowing established by God , is a wonder , because when we dedicate our time to people who need us , and we invest our money into a good land , surely God will make harvest time is prosperous. Its like in nature - each seed has its fruit - love harvests plant who love, who reaps plant forgiveness forgiveness , honesty reaps who plant honesty, money plant who collects money, and so on ... As we know , our God is amazing , so there is a mystery set called principle of multiplication, this is the best part of the story ! You see, in nature planted a seed that generates a tree , and this tree bears much fruit , and each with many seeds . In the spiritual world it happens the same way . So , find a good ground , start seeding and have faith , for thy harvest is more than abundant . ********************************************************************************************************************* ingratitude : [ ... ] They knew God , they glorified him not as God, neither earned him thanks , but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened . ( Romans 1:21) . A man who was repairing a loose tile on the roof lost his footing and began to slip. Standing at a height of three stories , panicked at the thought of dying in the fall . Started screaming , God , help me Im falling God , do something ! . When he was coming to the edge of the roof , one of the smugglers belt curled up on a nail and halted the slide in time enough to recover the man s support . Then he shouted : God is already alright A nail held me ! . Sometimes we are so. We cry out to God, He answers our prayers, then we say : Its okay , God ... I gave it all right. But ever stop to think that God may have acted through certain circumstances to come to our rescue ? The question is : we need to ensure both the gratitude to God for what He has done , as ordered by Him to do when we are in need. I heard of a hospital chaplain who kept a list of about 2,000 patients who had visited and that seemed to be dying , but showed signs of repentance . Among those who regained health, he found only two that showed a noticeable change in their spiritual lives after recovery . In other words, while they thought they would die , those people repented , but after they recovered , forgot God . What do you think of a person who lived her things or asking favors , but never do you any thanks? Sometimes we are like God , is not it ? Let us therefore remember to thank him more . ENTREPRENEUR : Mike Krieger 27 years Co-founder of Instagram Do not be fooled by the English sounding name : Michel ( Mike ) Krieger is a Brazilian strain of good , born in São Paulo in 1986 . There he lived until age 18 , when he moved to Palo Alto , California, and joined the Stanford University . Began to be interested in programming codes to 6 years old ( ! ) , But it was not why she immigrated to Silicon Valley . Indeed , Krieger at the time simply had no idea what to do with your life , and how the U.S. (unlike Brazil ) to exchange travel between graduation is not seen as weird , thought it best to study there . His real talent would be clear only when in October 2010 - after only two months between conception and creation - the young (along with American Kevin Systron ) launched the App Store an application named Instagram ( junction terms of instant camera, or camera flash and telegram , or telegram ) . Already in its first week in the virtual Apple store , service publishing photos was adopted by 100 thousand people . From there it has only grown - so much so that in April 2012 Facebook disbursed $ 1 Billion to acquire it in a negotiation captained by Krieger in person . Today he lives in San Francisco and from there , still managing Instagram . It is treated by the American media with the deference reserved for great innovators , in late January , the Wall Street Journal , for example , has opened up that listed his favorite gadgets , I really like Wunderlist , he said , referring to an application that generates a list of online tasks . With him , I usually assign some tasks to my girlfriend , and she gives me other . Dai , whenever I open the app , I find myself doing a four-day delay something that had promised him . Well .... Welcome to the club . Mike AR ( Forbes Brazil ) . QUOTE OF THE DAY : Youth is drunkenness without wine . Johann Goethe ( German Poet ) . FREE SPACE : Bible Reading Romans 8:28-39 FEAR NOT : Who will bring any charge against Gods elect ? ( Rom 8:33 ) . As Christians we should fear nothing , because the Lord is with us . Fear not, is what he says to those who accept a mission in his name ( Gen. 15.1 ; Gen. 26.24 ; Deut 1:21; Js 1.9 , Acts 18.9 ) . Besides promises of fidelity to those who accept the challenge of performing his work , he always positions himself well , giving us courage and confidence to go ahead without fear . He warns of the dangers and difficulties , but it gives us courage and strength to go through the desert, the challenges , the struggles , the victories and even the defeats . In Bible reading today , Paul practically defies the world against those who submit to God and assures them of victory in any circumstance , ending so as not to leave us in no doubt : Nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God . There are no demerit in terms afraid to accept its challenges , but we can trust the company of God , your presence right beside us , is more than enough reason to have faith, courage and boldness to do our part in this great mission to bring the gospel to every creature ( teach, preach and witness ) and to the ends of the world ( Matt. 28:19 , Mark 16:15 and Acts 1:8 ) . Gods Word shows that time will come when people will not endure the sound teaching ( 2 Tim 4.3-4 ) . It is almost certain that we are already at that time that the Bible is rejected , abandoned , mocked and relativized . In addition to not be afraid of what can make us evil , we need prayer and Bible study , so that the Lord will give us the necessary insight not to fall in the wiles of the devil . God keeps telling us, Do not be afraid ... Be strong and courageous ... your God will be with you (Joshua 1:9) , I will never leave , never forsake you ( Hebrews 13:5 ), Commit your way to the Lord, trust in him and he will act (Ps. 37.5 ) . God is not a guarantee against the storms of life , but perfect security within them . SPECIAL MESSAGE : MAKE YOUR LIFE SPECIAL : Complete a project that was pending for a long time . Surprise someone giving a little more than expected . Take the time to learn something new . Give your company or comfort to someone in need . Teach what you know to someone . Try to understand a point of view opposite to his . Praise someone with sincerity. Come out for a good walk . Organize the papers on his desk . Take a chance , despite his fears . Tell someone thank you. Pay attention when others are speaking . Do something fun , just for the pleasure of doing it . Be more patient with yourself and the people around you . Life is as special as you make it . If gratify today and see how bright you can make your tomorrow . LET U.S. PRAY : Dear father , when the farmer sows the seeds for the land , he has no doubts that it will sprout. Teach me to understand the principle of sowing of His Kingdom , so that I may sow as surely this farmer . Show me the good earth and show me what are the good seeds that I have to offer. I pray in Jesus name . Amen SOURCE : BIBLE SOCIETY OF BRAZIL good day Be Happy THE FAMILY IS THE BASIS OF ALL Perci Leonardo 011 7868-0456 ID.55 * 86 * 235292
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 07:32:35 +0000

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