Pearls of Wisdom from The Rush Limbaugh Show Two former giants - TopicsExpress


Pearls of Wisdom from The Rush Limbaugh Show Two former giants in the broadcast news business, Katie Couric and David Gregory, were doing Election Night coverage in a bar, streamed over the Internet. How do they tell themselves that their jobs are big and important? The answer is: Where are they? Theyre in a bar. They do it by drinking. It looks like my shaming of the Drive-By Media yesterday has had an immediate impact. Wouldnt you agree, Mr. Snerdley? Because now everywhere in the Drive-By Media they are dissecting the Gruber videos. Everywhere! Obamas actually saying things like, if the Congress wont do what he wants to do, hes gonna have to do it himself. Thats not how our system works. The president doesnt get to do whatever he wants. Jonathan Gruber is an economic illiterate. Hes a theoretician. He has never had to put his theories into real practice except this one. His theories are in practice, and they are a disaster. He wrote this Obamacare law. This is the best work hes ever done, he says. This is the best hes got to offer. The news is all over the place about Obamas intended amnesty, $4.5 million to start, DREAMers or what have you. And I think, in truth, that story is bigger than Obamacare. Because thats irreversible. The primary architect of Obamacare, Jonathan Gruber, will never be subject to it. Hes always gonna have a health care plan that has nothing to do with the bill that he wrote, and all of his buddies will likewise not have to play ball by their own rules. Those are for us. Folks, in strategizing against Obama and the Democrats, youve got to throw out every old rule that you believe in. Youve gotta throw out every behavioral pattern you think exists and all the old rules about politics. Were in a new era. We have not faced what were facing now, and thats what I dont think the Republican Party gets. Snerdley just asked me if Im gonna comment on the pictures of Kim Kardashians derriere, butt. He wants to know if I think its been Photoshopped. I dont know. When I saw those pictures, the only question I had was, When she backs up, does she make those beep-beep-beep sounds that you hear? I had nothing to do with radio when I got out of it. I was in marketing and sales at the baseball team, and I had nothing to do with radio. I began to notice how people used it and what about radio they commented on and what they didnt. I began to see how it was part of everybodys day in an habitual way rather than an appointment, except in certain circumstances. Were lived leftist policies for six years, and what happened last Tuesday? The American people showed up and said, Stop this! They dont want any part of it, and the liberals know it. They know they have to camouflage who they are and what they believe. They know they are always governing against the will of the people. Theres something to be said for getting away from what you do for awhile to regain or change your perspective on it. It can be helpful. It was for me. For people like Gruber and all of these think tank eggheads who have never had any real-world experience, and there are so many of them now that are in daily control of so much of our lives, they have no ability to relate to us at all. And it matters. It matters greatly that they are imposing regulations on businesses here and there for whatever reason and theyve never, ever run a business. Grubers out there saying that we had to lie because the American people are too stupid to understand what were doing. You know, it sounds to me like what Grubers actually saying is, they had to lie in order to keep from blowing up the relationship they had with the media. Nobody is raised to go out and be hated, right? Okay, so Im the same way. But psychologically, I had to learn to take as a sign of success the fact that 20, 25% of the people who hear me every day gonna hate my guts. Nobody is raised to take that as a measure of good. The Democrats are falling apart right before our eyes. Mary Landrieu on the Senate floor pledging her allegiance to Mitch McConnell. They hate the Keystone pipeline because they hate oil, and oil is what would be in the Keystone pipeline, from Canada down to Louisiana to refineries. How often have you heard liberal Democrats talk about raising taxes on the rich, and the next thing you know, youre paying higher taxes? Its a common ploy. It goes way, way back in their playbook. How do you get up and go to work at CNN every day, when you know nobodys watching, when you dont have any audience? What must you tell yourself? Weve never had a president, with the stroke of his pen, just eliminate the enforcement of all immigration law. That is what Obama is going to do.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 10:27:29 +0000

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