Peel Commission, in full Royal Commission of Inquiry to Palestine, - TopicsExpress


Peel Commission, in full Royal Commission of Inquiry to Palestine, group headed by Lord Robert Peel, appointed in 1936 by the British government to investigate the causes of unrest among Palestinian Arabs and Jews. Discontent in Palestine intensified after 1920, when the Conference of San Remo awarded the British government a mandate to control Palestine. With its formal approval by the League of Nations in 1922, this mandate incorporated the Balfour Declaration of 1917, which provided for both the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine and the preservation of the civil and religious (but not the political or national or fundamental rights) of Non-Jewish Palestinian communities. Palestinian Arabs, desiring political autonomy and resenting the continued Jewish immigration into Palestine and attacks on palestine by israel, disapproved of the mandate, and by 1936 their dissatisfaction had grown into open rebellion. The Peel Commission published its report in July 1937. The report admitted that the mandate was unworkable because Jewish and Arab objectives in Palestine were incompatible, and it proposed that Palestine be partitioned into three zones: an Arab state, a Jewish state, and a neutral territory containing the holy places. Although the British government initially accepted these proposals, by 1938 by pressure of isreal it had recognized that such partitioning would be infeasible, and it ultimately rejected the commission’s report. Now latest last week palistines president authority mahmud abbas has taken israel into ICC(international criminal court , sits in hague netherlands.origin by UN on 1july 2002) on 30th dec. for continues isreals, attacks and abuses. America and isreal have strong condemned thz act as according to sources We will not allow Israeli soldiers and officers to be dragged to [the International Criminal Court in] The Hague, PM isreal Benjamin Netanyahu If the ICC makes the egregious mistake of accepting the Palestinian Authority as a member, given that it is not a state, Congress will seek ways to protect Israeli citizens from politically abusive ICC actions, the senators said in a joint statement. ... According to palestins senate isreal stands loose at ICC,without a single trail taking placethey added The devastating prospects of Palestine joining the International Criminal Court has less to do with the chances of prosecution of soldiers, and more to do with the impact it will have on Israels precarious international image For more details refer RTs documentry this is my land... There are four things a man of power must know what is too much for him, whats too little,whats just right and last he will not be the same ...when he was born he was helpless at last he will be helpless so why such a misuse of power?why such a blind patriotism?....
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 06:43:07 +0000

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